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To be honest the first thing I thought when Shadowlands was announced, was well here go again 2 years of doing a expac that will mean nothing. Like Legion Artifacts.

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I can’t really say much for SL, until it is released. And honestly, I am not one for Beta’s, as I just hate spoilers
 But my real question for SL is that are they going to make sure to squash all the bugs and keep fixing what will need fixing or are they going to do the same thing as BfA, and just leave it in the game.

It hasn’t ‘taken away’ and I’ve really enjoyed some of them, but the implementation was terrible. I think Warfronts are great, but when they designed it so you had to play them twenty times in a row to gear up. Each iteration was identical, and after those twenty time, you had little or no reason to do them again
 other than the weeklies. Those were never gratifying because you never got the gear you needed and there were other better ways to go about it. Island expeditions were fun, but at launch were terrible.


Oh no doubt about it. But I would rather they try and fail than not try.

But they need to improve on what they’ve done. Look at bodyguards in Legion. They fixed many of the issues with the second round but never implemented those fixes in the first.

I don’t think the writers are brave enough
 though golden boy is seeming a little bit looney, you never know.

For me everything was pretty much tolerable and ok until WOD (Got me to lift a eyebrow & think WTF} and BFA (WTF guess they didn’t learn from WOD), these two brought the doubt in but I’ve stayed with them hoping they learn, but its hard when they come and say straight to our faces we here you and still do the same stuff over and over. The last 3 cut scenes (End Of BFA) was like just WOW can it get any worse.

If I could put my software designer hat on, if I had to take a punt I’d guess that firstly it’s similar to pokemon where they like mono-xpac mechanics since it potentially gives a sense of change in a 15 year old games that at its core is still about shooting boars with fireballs.

Secondly with this kind of game, it’s impossible to know what the community’s reaction will be, I’d guess they throw everything at the wall and see what people get really into.

M+ for example was incredibly barebones and buggy at first introduction.

Someone at Blizzard was probably really excited about their work on Warfronts and the community utterly rejected them.

I know, right? Literally every time it looks like they’re finally going to explore some of the Alliance’s dark side they just wipe it out and retcon it so the Alliance was always in the right.

Did you know that hack Golden retconned Vendetta Point so that the orcs and tauren were the bad guys?

I am just hoping WoW doesn’t get any worse.

As I said, I know the devs still have potential to release a good and enjoyable expansion. Take Legion for example, although there was some flaws with Legion, such as the Artifact grinds and the RNG on Legendaries, but Legion was pretty much enjoyable.

At this point it is hard to tell the incompetence of the dev team from the meddling of activision-blizzard.

Both things are hurting the game. I understand that the dev team is doing the best they can but they really need to lose their attitude that they know whats best because clearly they are wrong.

When I point out all the things people like to say they do it because it is the the most profitable thing for them to do but I say it isn’t. IF they would bite the bullet and spend money on the necessary resources and take feedback seriously and learn from it WoW could easily sit at around 20 million active subs especially if/when classic BC and classic Wrath are released.

There are over 100 million lifetime WoW accounts. Blizzard can win a lot of them back by just listening to the players.


I kinda look at it this way also, Look What it took to get to the Lich King, Now That was a Story, Has there been another story to date we have done that gives you that sense of accomplishment when he dropped.

I think that is where the problem lies they keep coming out with expansions but there no story we played through to get there like it was with the Lich King.

Oh, WotLK had the best story in game to date.

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They have. But once I would count on it being the standard. I trusted Blizzard’s commitment to quality. A bad expansion was supposed to be the exception.

This trust is lost. I expect bad expansions as the rule now.

It was. But instead of building on its strengths and fixing its flaws, Blizzard decided to remove what was good about it and multiply the flaws.

I’m waiting to see SL alpha/beta, but I’m not optimistic about it. I feel it’s going to be another lore mess and another two years hoping the next expansion is better.

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Well, gotta remember, Blizzard is against fun. If fun is detected, Blizzard will be there to remove it.

I think certain cloud of smugness among decision makers hurts the game also. But we all have bosses we have to answer to I guess.

It’s hard to argue against: WoW continually cycles through Alliance vs Horde (the origin theme of Warcraft; Orc vs Human Expanded) until Generic Big Badℱ arrives to force an uneasy truce to defeat said Big Bad, then the truce falls apart and we’re at each others throats again because the value systems of the Alliance and the Horde are simply too far apart to integrate the two. That last bit, by the way, isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

I mean, that’s the game in a nutshell. Ok, so beyond that what’s left to story tell beyond internecine squabbles, politics, and story at a personal (revolving around one character or a small set of characters) level?

Well, if Golden’s writing is anything to go by

Implied romance between her pet characters and dragons?

Pfft, no different than a dranei and an orc coming together to make medaan.
Thenissue is the quality of the writing, not who or what kind if creature is the focus.

Honestly nlizzard needs to focus on gameplay more. Classes are not fun.

No. We don’t talk about him.

Ok Medaan.