The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I suggest reading what I’m talking about again. Especially the third to last word.

Definitely agree, Age of Sigmar did the same thing and it’s so bad GW are having to New Coke Warhammer after 8 years.

Keep that Sci fi crap in Starcraft.


I won’t. Blizzard better show something that interests me soon, or I won’t be here for it. BfA was the make-or-break expansion for me, and it broke.

N’zoth looks suspiciously like a zerg hive mind. speaking of
 I am good with the old god stuff for a while as well. Its okay and that its a core part of the Wowverse, but meh. I am ready for some exploration, maybe some expansion of the old zones. Now that the World is going to be Handled by Chromie, they can do that.

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Good, we were gonna have a problem otherwise.

I am actually cool with new worlds if it’s more warlocks creating portals through the twisting nether and less draenai space ships and titan megatech.

Warcraft at it’s foundations is about exploring new worlds and we saw all sorts of pristine and interesting worlds through warlock portals.

Maybe there’s worlds where there’s adventures and capers to be had that aren’t some galaxy devouring terror.

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What they should do is just have post-Shadowlands
do another world revamp at max level with new stories/dungeons/raids in the older zones.


I’d like to force the boys in blue out of my Barrens at last.

No. Thats the price of being an Alliance vassal state now.

Thanks Obainea.

To be honest, I feel like the Horde follows the same story every 3-4 xpacs.

Alliance dominates the Horde, Horde becomes disenfranchised with the world order, the Horde strikes first to change the world order, the Horde is happy, the previously patriotic Horde leader becomes increasingly totalitarian and it becomes clear they’re no longer satisfied with just tipping the scales a bit in their favour, the Horde’s unity disintegrates, the Horde sides with the Alliance over their leader, begin again.

It’s like that song about the USSR to the tune of the Tetris song where at the end of the song basically the cycle starts again.

That one.

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People say the Roman Empire was evil but look what it did for Humanity, does the bad outweigh the good? Thats for History to judge I guess. Kinda Like with the Horde and Alliance, DID the Horde come as equals or Conquerors, Did the Alliance Treat them as Equals or Invaders, Guess we decide based on Lore/Story/History. I guess the point I’m trying make is its all how its interpreted by the readers Of that Lore/Story/ History.

Its rather early I’m going back to reading my games news and coffee.

Oh the Horde definitely came as conquerers and invaders, I don’t think you could argue against that.

However I kind of feel like the end of Warcraft 3 very much earned the Horde and specifically the orcs a place on Azeroth as well as a new start as equals. Although the night elves joined the Alliance later on, at that point the Alliance’s contribution to saving Hyjal was the forces of Theramore, while the full might of the Horde fought. Azeroth would not exist today without the Horde.


So the Conclusion “to me” then is they need each other for Azeroth to survive no matter who is a good or bad. The story continues on. But we kill each other til something comes that threatens us all. That’s the Cycle that never ends In WOW.

Whoever Posted this in the Thread the first time pretty much nailed it.


Oh god, everytime when I see that video, it leaves me in laughter, but it is very accurate


I always thought Garrosh’s reign was a necessary story. The Horde felt it had redeemed itself in Warcraft 3, but it never really had to face its own past, and Garrosh’s prejudices brought back the past of the Horde so the new Horde (and Thrall) could finally see that worshipping figures like Orgrim Doomhammer or Kargath Bladefist was a huge mistake.

But we should have moved on after that. I always thought the next faction war should have been started by the Alliance in retaliation to Sylvanas’ acts (which were never addressed in MoP). It was even promised by Varian in SoO that the Alliance would be proactive and that they needed to contain Sylvanas, so I expected that story to be picked up some time after MoP.

Instead, Blizzard decided to hammer AGAIN how evil the orcs were with Warlords of Draenor, then killed Vol’jin and make Sylvanas warchief in Legion and then make the Horde start BfA (aka “MoP 2.0, but lame, unfocused and without a satisfying end”).

WoD should never have existed. Garrosh should have remain imprisoned to escape some day in the far future and be used again. Vol’jin should be the Warchief leading the Horde away from its past. Sylvanas should still be evil, but the war should be started by the Alliance because of her, not by her.

The Cata/MoP war had its problems, sure, but it was a masterpiece compared to what BfA brought us. To me, that was the true “Fourth War”.


True, I Always thought it was going to be Vol’jin to lead the Horde on a new path felt the Horde were robbed there could been a awesome start to a new story. Shame They been holding the horde back while saying at the same time they Lore and Identity. Lack of Imagination or Intentional?


Besides the fact that Garrosh’s story was absolutely ruined by making him a one note villain and the very legitimate reasons for his initial aggression being swept under the rug, the respect the Horde shows its heroes is undiminished.

Orgrim Doomhammer in particular wasn’t a “huge mistake”, he was the Warchief who took control of the Horde from the warlocks, he returned their warrior spirit and he was ultimately not only responsible for moulding Thrall into a leader, but gave his life freeing his people.

I’m still waiting for the Alliance to face its past.

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Oh dear god
 Now I am hungry
 And that is just funny as.

you wont’ give Shadowlands a pass?
If BFA was the make or break exp for you, and it broke then doesn’t that mean you’re done with the game now? How can Blizz show you something that interests you ‘soon’ when this exp has no where else to go?
Sorry but I just do not understand your comment.

I think BfA was the final straw for some

Id rather see game deal with real issues, Like famine, Territorial Issues , Needing land to expand stuff, Changing Allegiances and political changes, Leaders that dont die every expansion, Retaking lost lands, Not playing in So called realms beyond ours or shadowland stuff, but that just me,

My subscription ends April 2nd.

Alpha/Beta will be open by then. Maybe I find something in Shadowlands that convinces me to give it a chance. But, so far, I didn’t buy Shadowlands and don’t plan to renew the subscription. I even refused to buy the 6-months subscription with the “free” mount, despite I always paying 6 months in advance anyway.

Blizzard won’t see my money anymore unless it shows something worthy of it.