The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Well, if Visions of N’zoth is supposed to be the final patch in BfA, then there should be something there to continue on with the story on how to actually move forward from one expansion to another. But it isn’t doing that.


Anyways, as much as I love talking, I need to find some clothes so I can go to the store to get some milk

Yeah, I mean imagine the chaos if on day 1 of the new xpac you had to learn your spec. It’d be madness.


Something that has bothered me about most features lately, including expeditions, warfronts, visions a\nd now the tower, is that they feel like just attempts to introduce new “game modes” while forgetting that WoW was supposedly a RPG. The features have a role in the story, but the story has no role in them. They are not used to push new ways of storytelling, and that makes them just a repetitive grind.

Blizzard needs to rediscover the “RPG” part of “MMORPG”


After 15 years they need to try to find new gameplay modes. Without them trying stuff like that we wouldn’t have time walking, we wouldn’t have mythic keys, we wouldn’t have pet battles.

Complain about the writing all you like, but don’t take it out on new gameplay types.


 it’s been about 4000 posts since I looked at this thread. Did the high elf males and females get any decent beards? If no, what is taking them so long? 


Sure, they need, but they shouldn’t ever sacrifice the setting for it. What makes the franchise endure is the setting, the lore. That’s what allowed it to jump from RTS to MMORPG. That’s what made people interested in Hearthstone.

Game modes won’t endure forever. The setting, however, may, and that’s why it’s hard to see Blizzard treating it so carelessly.


That’s completely the wrong way around. Besides the fact no new game modes have ever had a negative impact on lore, gameplay is what’s endured. Lore’s changed, classes have changed, aesthetics have changed. The basic nature of gameplay and the framework of the game is the one thing that has remained.

The fact is the lore creates context for gameplay, not the other way around. Just like every game.

People are interested in Hearthstone because it’s fun.

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But the very first draw to it was because it’s Warcraft. If it had no setting, it would completely lack personality.

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Oh, I am pretty sure that they could do that without taking away the actual feel of what made World of Warcraft so unique in its own way.


And they gave nelves mages. There was literally no difference between regular night elves and the Shen’dralar besides magic.

Highborne didnt even have different customization to begin with.

No, it was mostly because they didnt look good.


No. Hearthstone became popular because it was an easier and relatively cheaper option to the TCG genre.

Hearthstone is is a very simple game compared to other card games.

What has been taken away by the new modes introduced this xpac?

Hearthstone is Warcraft-esque. It’s lightly themed to be like Warcraft, but nothing about it’s canon and very little of it even conforms to the Warcraft setting.

It is the single most strident advocate of gameplay over story.


I am not talking about new models. I am talking about in directions of game play, and how poorly implemented things have been.

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It used the Warcraft to draw in people at first. Do you think it would be successful if it was based on a new or generic setting? I doubt it. Half of the charm of the cards come from references to the setting.

It doesn’t need to be canon. It’s just like a Spider-man cartoon does not need to be canon to Spider-man, but uses the character and its setting to draw viewers. It wouldn’t be so successful without the franchise boosting it.

One day, Hearthstone may end, but the Warcraft franchises will keep going on. Unless, of course, Blizzard kills it with its carelessness.


That has been taken away through the addition of optional gameplay modes, has it?

No, I don’t, it’s a neat setting to draw from. However your original point is that gameplay should exist to serve story not the other way around which is absolutely the opposite of Hearthstone.

The subject word in RPG is game, the game is the most important part of any game otherwise we’d be reading books.

I am not talking about game play models.

What made World of Warcraft so unique, isn’t anything to do with models. I am glad for the models getting updated, to come out with moving the game forward in the graphical terms.

But the content, the way things are added, etc., isn’t keeping World of Warcraft unique. Instead, it is pushing more or so to be exactly like every other MMO’s out there, not that they shouldn’t be looking at other ideas, but the way they implement these ideas, it is really pushing the game away from what made it so unique.

I am going to let Shadowlands have a pass, but for future expacs they need to return to their roots, its a fantasy world, they can make new interesting stories in azeroth, without having to go to these “cosmic places”

if we visit the holy lands, then twisting nether, then toa void dimension then Wow loses its soul imo.

Power progression needs to be handled differently.


No, my original point was that “The features have a role in the story, but the story has no role in them. They are not used to push new ways of storytelling, and that makes them just a repetitive grind.”

And I was talking about WoW, not Hearthstone. HS is a fun game but does not push lore further. I just used it as an example of why caring for ones franchise can be profitable. The franchise can have its own spin-offs and mindless fun games, but it needs to be preserved first and foremost.

Just look at the disaster that the new trilogy was to Star Wars. They damaged the franchise to a lot of people with that careless management.


I couldn’t agree anymore!