The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

What did Horde do in Legion anyway?

You mean Theramor wasn’t just to be bad meanies?

to be fair, alliance had no real reason to go there

Yeah, but they did still save the world. Something to be kept in mind in regards to the Horde’s moral standing coming out of BfA.

Blizzard throughout Wrath, Cata, and MOP:
Blood Elves and High Elves share a common lineage and even look similar in appearance, but they’re ideologically very different. They have different values, motivations, and allegiances that set them apart from one another. Sometimes a race is more than just what they look like on the surface.

Blizzard in BfA:
lol sike


That poll on MMO-C keeps getting votes. 1,130 so far.

70.35% think BfA was bad or worse.
19.29% think it was mediocre.
10.35% think it was good or better.

GG, Blizzard.


I wonder if they are actually skipping an 8.3.5 patch.

so much to button up before we move onto Shadowlands. My enthusiasm for blizzard products is going downhill.

There’s no way they won’t. You need a prepatch so people learn. They haven’t even done a beta yet.

I do find BfA really bad myself, but it isn’t because of the content, but the way things are implemented into the expansion. And mind you, also things being rushed and released with a ton of bugs as well.

obviously the Horde is ALWAYS going to get the better everything because everyone KNOWS the devs hate alliance players.
And it could never be that some alliance players will never be satisfied and will always find something to complain about.
Clearly it’s Horde bias.

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Sounds like we will need a proper send off for the Heart of Azeroth
 and the darn sword sticking out of silithis.

BfA, to me, has two great sins:

First and foremost, an unfocused story that started with a bang and ended with a whimper. So many questionable decisions and bad conclusions, it was utterly unsatisfying.

Second, features that felt unfinished or poorly thought. Warfronts could be great, Island expeditions could be great, allied races could be great, but all felt short due to poor decisions.

In essence, BfA was a half-done expansion. It tried to offer so much, yet everything felt rushed and incomplete.


Not even about horde Bias, if the main plot to BFA all along has been to end it with N’zoth, then why was Saurfang such a focal point? the expansion did not crescendo as it should have, it was the opposite. Started off big and exciting as far as story prospects, and it only got worse from the start, and didnt seem to have a cohesive direction (if we are talking about story direction, some content did get more engaging)


Yeah, I agree.

Island Expeditions could’ve been better though if it was completely different, and not just a new map. They’re completely boring, and the rewards are even worse. It is just something that turns me way.

Warfronts are alright I guess, but they’re actually way to easy, and it is always a garentee win. Hense forth why it is good for AFK’ers.

But the story is just utterly confusing and garbage.

The only thing I can really say that is good within this expansion is the artwork.


It really is hard to Knock on the Art team. Only beef I have is that they seem to have too much invested in the cinematics and not enough on game play and development. Yes cinematics are awesome and help the experience, but when gameplay and other aspects suffer
 well its not worth the effort.

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Well, I am not losing hope with the devs yet. After all, I know that they can make a good expansion. Even though there was a couple of flaws with Legion, it was still a pretty good and enjoyable expansion.

I just hope they learnt from there mistakes and hope to give SL some love.

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BfA has no clear plot, protagonists or antagonists. The ones you think will be important in the beginning end up forgotten by the end. You see the announcement trailer and the end raid, and they feel completely unrelated. You’d think this would be about Sylvanas and Jaina, but in the end is about Wrathion. You’d expect it will be about the war, but it was about N’Zoth all along. The B plot was announced as the main theme, and the A plot only appeared half-way. It’s a complete mess.

Island Expeditions could have worked as MoP’s scenarios (something to do while waiting on a longer queue), but Blizzard made the stupid decision of only allowing us to queue for them in the table. Having to stop doing what you are doing just to do them made them extra lame.

I made a thread about how to improve Warfronts. Essentially, add random events, ways to change the flow of battle and make the players compete for the highest score, in order to turn them more engaging. Blizzard instead chose to just make harder versions. Such a waste.

No discussion there. It was horrible.


To me, Shadowlands is already beginning wrong by sending us away from Azeroth. From a storytelling PoV, this is a extremely risky decision. They should have introduced elements from the afterlife first, built hype over those lands beyond through lore tidbits, and only then send us there. By skipping the seeding, they are making the setting a total hit-or-miss. Some people may love it, but a lot will feel disconnected from it. It won’t help that, by its very nature, we won’t see the mortal races being developed much in Shadowlands (you won’t be finding bases of known races), and most of the elements from the afterlife won’t cross over back to Azeroth in the future either.


Even though i hate the story, i am interested in the Visions. Seems like a precursor to the shadowlands tower.