The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

So Sin’dorei have alliances with Alliances races, Also Sin’dorei and Alliance Folk live among one another?

Sometimes you are not told everything and you have to fill in the gaps using logic

We weren’t told how much of the kingdom of lordaeron was wiped out by the scourge. Would it be logical to assume 90% of the kingdom’s citizens survived? no.

It was a really silly thing of you to say Sara, considering the night elves want nothing to do with the high elves.

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Might have something to do with suggesting that housing changes a person.

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If you look at the Original High Elf Model Might bring more into perspectivewhy it looks Kaldorei

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It’s not far fetched to think that high elves share some architecture with the night elves since they are from highbourne. It can also be said that maybe the night elves helped them build the lodge to show their support for the high elves since they both work for the alliance. Both could be true but we all know that the high vale high elves are part of the alliance.

Like I said there were surviving units. How much they were decimated should be easy tell considering a ranger captain is who became regent lord and a ranger lieutenant became ranger general following the scourge invasion.

I’d rather not, that model gives me the jibblies

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You’re right. I am sorry. But guess what, it isn’t the same type of building that the Blood Elves currently live in.

When literally my previous 3-4 points are about addressing your arguments about how you think there’s no cultural difference between High and Blood Elves and how a model differentiation does not require a biological reasoning?

This is the worst case of bad faith argument I have seen in a while.

And here I thought we were looking for a logical answer about the whole issue, not just “wanting to win.” I think that’s the major issue here.

I don’t know how to put it in even simpler terms than “the elves that live within a human culture and city, elves that have been defined as assimilated don’t have the same culture than the elves that live in their own sovereign nation, a sovereign nation that also went through a cultural shift”

Is this not apparent enough? This is why your whole stance feels disingenuous because I seriously don’t understand how you can deny this. I would get if your argument was that there hasn’t been long enough, but you have literally said multiple times that High Elves and Blood Elves have the same culture.

And I’m like, whet?

It is. I play both sides because I like the lore and I just don’t see any actual reason for faction exclusivity when I feel it has negatively impacted player choice and narrative. So I ask you why you think faction exclusivity actually matters.

Yet make note of this, almost all my arguments for HE differentiation actually allow for some exclusivity to be kept because while I don’t understand it, I am not blind and see why it is relevant to others.


The number game is obsolete with the Ren’dorei release, Take the Number Of Sin’dorei estimate how many they exiled, then compare it to the what was left of the Alliance High elves, In my opinion that number is no where close to High elves Population especially at the time the Sin’dorei lost that many peeps,

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If we will start up a debate about architecture I would Like to bring up our old proposition of using the architecture of the ancient highborne we find in the broken isles.

Having that style but restored to how would have originally been. I do believe we have some fan made art of it if someone capable could perhaps post it in the thread?

i dont mind sharing any races with horde, as they can be modified to look different, that isn’t a problem. i have horde chars too

That one Sunreaver let his bitterness lead him to bad choices? I don’t feel it’s fair to blame all Sunreavers for that, nor I think we are supposed to at all.

Like for real, I am quite more critical of the lack of any self reflection from the Belven Leadership towards the burning of Teldrassil than one Sunreaver still being pissed at Jaina. I actually buy that guy, and I’m glad he isn’t dead, and I hope we see more of that.

But then again, it’s harder to criticise his place in the narrative as complicated when the whole Horde’s complicitness in genocide is just bad writing.


Wouldnt have to share the same race, with all the trials, tribulations, experiences hardships, the Sin’dorei have Endured compared to the Alliance High Elves they would look more tough possibly bigger and more of a warrior look, (imho) They proved the technology is there now.

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Have to Admit the Sin’dorei have had a way harder life then the Alliance High Elves.

even more so if we take the information that it was changed from 90% of high elves were wiped out to 90% of the kingdom of quel’thelas.

The antis like to use the former information while we use the newer information. If we use the newer information that means there is no telling how many high elves that lived outside of quel’thelas were not counted in that. We could have tens of thousands of high elves.

Regardless it is still fair to say that high elves are likely in the top 5 population sizes of races in either faction.

Many races are so few in number already. Gnomes, tauren, and darkspear trolls being described on the verge of extinction. less than 300 draenei that came to azeroth aboard the exodar.

Humans are obviously the most populous followed by dwarves. Then it is likely blood elves in third and undead in fourth. High elves likely come in at fifth place.

These are the races that are likely have tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands.

Going off of the numbers we are given and text that can be found in game the high elf population pre third war would have been in the millions.

it is unknown if blizzard intended that but that is what we arrive at when we do the math.

Its mostly due to game design and assets being reused. They depicted the housing according to high elf aethetics in the manga.

The manga shows the building according to high elf architecture.
Warcraft was rushed, so they reused assets. I explained it in my response to you.
The night elves do NOT like the high elves and never have. They would not build anything for them.

In what way am I hiding the core of the argument and not directly speaking towards yours? Do you just toss out terms and hope it applies?
This is literally just arguing about the argument all over again.

Do you know what a discussion is?
I have a view point.
you have a viewpoint.
We discuss them and defend them to determine which is correct or better supported.
Claiming I am biased for defending my stance and attacking yours, means you are biased as well. So, based on this idea, no one can argue anything because they are biased.
That is rather disingenuous of you to argue.

So your argument is that the high elves, who have no culture of their own, should be playable.
That throws the culture argument out the window, because humans whom they have assimilated have that culture. That is what assimilation means from an anthropological stand point.

So if high elves don’t have a culture, how do you justify them being playable?

Deny a point you just brought up? I haven’t done so. Your point of assimilation was not brought up previously, and it just pokes a hole in arguing for high elves. They just become pointy eared humans.

Go for half elves. They provide far better opportunity than high elves ever do, along with far more interesting customization.

That is what the game has been designed around since its inception. It is an integral part of its identity, and the crux of what defines WoW in an MMO market saturated with factions lacking in identity, or lacking factions at all.
RIFT was an MMO which hinged itself on its faction system, and the removal of the faction barrier resulted in its death shortly after. The nail in its proverbial coffin.
Mind you, this was with both sides having elves whose only difference was that one was drow like in appearance and the other was wood elf in appearance.

That is night elf architecture.

I would say that they both have done it as rough as each other. And it is pretty much all the events going from the Scourge Invasion of Quel’Thalas to the Betrayal of Kael’thas Sunstrider.

Anyone miss the isle of thunder lore for the high elves? It was nice to see dalaran and the silver covenant acting as one faction against the blood elves. The differences between their camps is amazing.