The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

There is a reason that “lol, replying to fyre/zootopia comment” becamea sort of meme in these threads

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(Citation Requested Please)

Prove that Alliance High Elves don’t Exist,

Do you even know what people are asking for? I dont ask for Sin’dorei, I ask For Alliance High Elves that are there not in the number you think they need to be plyable but they are there.

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This is Danthe’s law in full effect.

Yeah, because people are petty, childish, and hate being opposed in what they feel is right.
Not really doing yourself, or those who agree with you, any favors when you admit to trying to single people out you don’t like.


Cause man if there’s anything that says hard living it’s hanging around in Dalaran getting fed magical bon-bons while your people are struggling to survive.

There’s plenty of farstriders and whatnots living rough lives among the blood elves too. It’s not like either side is the spoiled one.


I guess I must explain why it became a meme. It is because fyre isn’t interested in debate. They are antagonistic to feed off the drama because they need their fix like the drama vampire they are.

it doesn’t matter what you say. If you are on the pro side they will oppose you or otherwise be negative. They will purposefully cherry pick lore and ignore when other parts of the lore prove them wrong.

Sure you aren’t talking about Cezol? Seems to fit him much better than Fyre.


Also do you also actually think a High Vale Elf Lives the same way A Sin’dorei Lives. Please Read up on the two they dont.

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The majority of blood elves are the casual nobility of silvermoon. That is who survived. The peasants outside the city? slaughtered by the scourge. 99% of the military? slaughtered by the scourge.

Those in silvermoon had time to evacuate. That is why they encompass most of the survivors. The farstriders are not even the primary military force of the blood elves. It is the spellbreakers, magisters, and blood knights. Farstriders are now frontier police and support units.

I can name a number of individuals who do the same behavior you describe but are pro high elf, but they get ignored because they support high elves. You can’t point at one person, laugh and mock them, while your own do the same thing you scorn.

Name them. I often see ignoring of lore mostly from pro-helfers.

They literally do. The highvale high elves live exactly the same far striders do. Blood elves who don’t use magic because they can’t.
They have the same architecture, dress and train the same way. Like come on.

Where do you draw this information?

yes they are, it is actually attributed solely to the farstriders that the blood elves survived theScourge.

The spellbreakers and magisters were useless until after mana tapping was a thing, and the far striders were always a main part of their military. This applies even now.

They are also a main part of their military. They are very prominent parts of the Blood elf army.

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exactly. tarrok is right. not all blood elves use magic to the level of the magisters, and that there are blood elf farstriders, warriors, rogues, monks etc. who live lives that are as physically demanding as anything that you fanfiction for a few individuals that never left the alliance. seriously where is the basis for differentiation on those grounds

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Do you have actual citations? Or is this more headcanon in support of why these elves are different? Because these statement always seem kinda squishy and equate the whole of the disparate high elf populations with whichever one supports the argument. Yes, some high elves are ranger types, but there are plenty of other types like mages.

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They may resemble a group of the Sin’dorei , they are nowhere living the same like, with Alliance races and Alligence with Alliance races like The High Vale do.

Okay, how do they live differently Valarian?

I didn’t realize that the Blood Elves lives in buildings made by the Night Elves. That lodge in the Hinterlands
 Yeah, that isn’t Blood Elven architecture.

well look at this logically. Not everything needs citations. When your nation is being genocided by an invading army who are typically the first to go? It is your army. The farstriders were that army. They were almost entirely wiped out if we look at this logically. If they weren’t then they failed in their duty.

While yes there were scattered surviving units it was a shadow of the former farstriders. This is why we see the rise and heavy use of spellbreakers and blood knights. A new force to replace what was lost. Something fit to handle the situation the blood elves found themselves in.

It is considered a high elven outpost and there is no history of the night elves, the people who hate(d) them ever being involved in its creation.
In fact, quel’danil lodge was created during Vanilla, and it uses those assets since the game was rushed during that time period.

If you read the warcraft manga, the lodge is depicted with typical thalassian architecture.

So headcanon, gotcha.


and yet the farstriders are still around. like what is this claim even :woman_shrugging:

I wonder who that implied facepalm goes too?

We can’t assume something in the story, particularly since the rise of the blood knights and spell breakers is due to the torturing of a naaru for its light. It was not to replace the loss of fartriders, who have been very prominent.