The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

See, that’s what I mean about being it more about player reaction than actual text. That Hathorel threw his lot with Sylvanas for revenge doesn’t mean that the narrative is endorsing the PoV that every Sunreaver that still is bitter about Dalaran is in the wrong. We just saw a Sunreaver who cared more about revenge than fairness, but that doesn’t mean the issue is resolved, it just makes that guy a bad Sunreaver, like the guy that helped steal the Divine Bell.

but to be frank, the whole nonsense of every race being complicit in genocide makes even the Tauren as bad, and that is just an issue of lazy writing.

My point is that I don’t think Blizz is gonna contrast the BE’s to the HE’s specifically and make the BE’s the bad guys, but that stands aside of any issues with the Horde writing as a whole.

Also let’s not forget that at the end of the day, it’s the High Elves the ones that have done more against the Blood Elves, and I’m sure that the SC feels justified and all, but that’s what I mean it becomes an issue of partisan optics, not actually of the narrative pushing us to root for either.

And I don’t think it ever will.


But what reaction are we supposed to have? We come out of Legion where the only real act of aggression was Genn attacking the Horde (and with cutscenes showing the Horde being concerned about the Legion and whether the Alliance was going to attack and the Alliance split on who the bigger threat was Horde or Legion) and when we just had the BFA cinematic it looked like it might be a workable conflict, where both sides had their reasons and problems. Then BLAM, Genn gets redeemed by Anduin to no longer hate the Forsaken, we get the villain beating of the intro and Quillboars, and look, to me it seems like the Alliance story was as underwhelming as it ended up being because part of the story team forgot that Horde was a playable race and they couldn’t just let the night elves wipe them out in the climax. There are times I swear they are trying to discourage people from playing horde with the way they write the story. So I’m not exactly open to giving Blizzard the benefit of the doubt in a situation where they could completely screw up a horde race’s story.

I have not mis-represented you in anyway. You are forgetting that the context of the argument is justifying a model for the high elves. A model for a people who are the same as those of the blood elves. So if blood elves don’t look anything like the high elves suddenly have a completely different build,because of a cultural difference, then you are indeed suggesting a cultural difference would exempt another from certain appearances.

I am not mis-representing you, I am explaining to you the flaw in your argument. I understand your intent, but I am pointing out that it is simply not well supported.

The playable model is the model that is present because of the limited architecture of WoW. It is not a representative of any average, or ideal, in anyway. Let us not be silly and suggest it.

I mean, if I have a certain view on the matter, I am going to seek to support it. This is the same as getting upset that the prosecution in court is claiming guilt of the defendant. I have my view, I am defending that view.
Claiming bias because I defend my position is not logical.

Arguments so bad, that instead of trying to refute them, you instead argue about them.
Save your pseudo-intellectualism for someone who is fooled by it.

That wasn’t hyperbole, that was a fact. You do this in discussions all the time. Someone disagrees with you. You fail to convince them with a faulty argument, you attack them, you then get passive aggressive and make snide remarks while thinking yourself incredibly witty. Someone does it back, you then try to act as if they were responsible all along.

They are different only politically.
You haven’t demonstrated they are culturally different.
You claim they are different, but ignore everything that suggests they are not. That isn’t an argument to take seriously if it ignores its flaws constantly.

Is this an honest question?

That’s an understandable concern to have given the writing lately. As a high elf fan though, I’d just hate missing out on them as a race because of something I have no control over.


hyperspace alt here. nah, i’m not focused on that. i can have blondes with blue eyes. this is what i’m after: intelligent, cultured elves be they half or high elves, though i prefer the idea of half elves with the proviso we can access caucasian, african and asian skins from humans. that’d be wonderful.

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I would’ve never guessed :joy:

I want options for purple eyes and red hair.

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As long as that red hair can look flaming hot too :slight_smile:

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i want a white haired, blue eyed, african and a green eyed black haired asian with a long braid down her back, and a pink haired blue eyed caucasian, half elf. hehe not picky or anything.

then ask for half elves. still, the whole point of ARs was to be able to create new groups cheap and effectively. so dont expect them to go through the bother of crafting a unique model for a half elf when modifying the base human model would be enough. or flat out baking it into shadowlands human customization. but no one is campaigning for that

no, you will only be satisfied when you can play a pale, blonde haired elf in your preferred aesthetic. i have no respect for that. if you dont want to play the horde then too bad


shoo shoo, you’re messing up the half elf convo. hehe

People do have every right to ask for High Elves as well. Just because it doesn’t go by your satisfactory, doesn’t mean it is going to hurt you.


hey hyper! good evening


what kinda half elf would you make?

i would make a kul tiran burly type half elf

hmm. interesting choice. /backs away slowly

Don’t really care what you do or don’t respect, I want to play an Alliance High Elf, no one has ever wanted or asked to play your Blood Elves on the Alliance. If that absolutely cannot happen by any means, Half Elves would be a wonderful alternative, that being said, i’m not done asking for High Elves until their Official statement says “No, never.”

Welcome to the topic, you’re very behind. Or not, Fyre.


except that isn’t true at all unless you are one of those people that think everyone of the same race must be a clone of each other and can’t in any way have different lifestyles.

Is there anything stopping a blood elf from having the lifestyle of a typical high elf? no. However the average blood elf is that of casual nobility that lazes about and uses magic to fulfill everything. The high elves of the alliance however are mostly commoners and soldiers. People that don’t have the luxury of such things and thus live more rugged lives.

thats what the blood elves are, the high elves. the story has moved on and the vast majority of high elves have now joined the horde, simply renamed blood elves

high elves are not one of the most symbolic races of the alliance. they simply cant be. it speaks more of your investment in the concept of ‘high’ elves and the fact you place a low value on other alliance races, such as the humans you and others have stated would have no problem sharing with the horde in exchange, than anything else :woman_shrugging:

I have no interest in explaining why you’re always wrong in every lore-nuance you constantly ignore Fyre, go bother someone else.

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