The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Thank god I don’t have a Netflix subscription. Sounds like a Horrible comedy series.

Let her be angry, we just need that terribly written banshees head to make it better.

“I won’t sign any treaty unless it’s written in the banshees blood.

”Yes, Tyrande. That’s the plan, she’s obviously the mid-expansion raid boss.” - A better written Anduin.

He’s an anti, but would still be happy for us should we get them.

If I remember right he worries about how playable high elves would affect the perception of what blood elves did to survive. (Correct me if I am wrong on this, Murgy).

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Opera came out with a gaming web browser. What is the difference between a gaming Web Browser and an Ordinary Web Browser?

I can see this. Nuance is lost on many.

But it’s not hard to write about the same race, with different experiences, surviving in different ways.

Doesn’t necessarily make Blood elves evil and High Elves good, just makes them different, basic story comprehension should make that obvious.


I understand the worry as well, especially with how the writing is these days. I don’t think either group is good or evil, and both have done things that aren’t moral.


Neither group is evil. Each group has there own reasons to why they chose to go down the path that they went, and it doesn’t mean they are either traitors or bad people.


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I mean we only got funding for one special filmed on a back alley.

Truth be told I like that line, it’s like “Yeah, this only is gonna work if y’all accept Sylvanas has to be taken down and the Horde admits they were fools for following her”

“Sign the treaty with your ousted leader’s blood” it’s kinda metal, so of course Anduin was like “Nuuuuu”


Oh Opera, giant sigh, it used to be such a great browser with awesome tab management out of the box, then someone decided to make it yet another chrome clone

Half Elves would only work, High Elves would merely be a palette swap of Blood Elves, same personality, same culture, and same appearance.

Everyone who played Warcraft III knows this.

There’s more customization potential for Half Elves. Especially using the Human animated skeleton; there are opportunities for a unique looking character model.

Most need to think from the Devs perspective, the recommendation for half elves is the equivalent of killing multiple birds with one stone.

  • You want a thin Human? GOT IT!
  • You want High Elves? GOT IT!
  • You want a allied race without costing someone’s character a Title and Companion/Love Interest? GOT IT!

I highly doubt High Elves could work, but half Elves are a win win for the art team. Much like Draenor Orcs it’s basically multiple races taking one allied race slot.

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The division between them is part of what interests me. I also love quel’danil elves because of their progression.


Because I don’t feel like being your professor on anthropology and biology.
Literally, by your logic, it is impossible for two different cultures to have similarly shaped bodies. Strong men shouldn’t be present in any culture except one.

Ii like it when people speak for me or think for me. Particularly after I day the opposite of their assumptions.
If all wenare going to do is make assumptions of character and motovation, then there is no discussion. Just yelling.

I think it depends on you responding to what someone states, and not being hyper focused on previous arguments just because you are upset someone did the horrific sin of disagreeing with you.

Going to post futurama memes now. I suggest joining in.

I have seen a lot of anti people with that sentiment, and while in one part how each group is perceived really depends on how it’s written and I really doubt that Blizz is gonna make the BE’s unpopular on purpose, I do think the playerbase could get very annoying about it. “we are the good elves blah blah”

I dont believe it would impact what they needed to do to survive story wise. I do think, however, ot wpuldnt be beneficial for WoW

Stuff like linking one of the few legitimate complaints a horde race has against the alliance and the one time it gets brought up recently it got shackled to “Sylvanas Loyalists” Since making it seem like the only people upset by unjust collective punishment in Dalaran must be supportive of the nonsense she was up to?

I can see that worry too about the players. Also blizzard had no qualms about writing the horde following Sylvanas after Teldrassil, which to me makes their races look much worse than there being a difference in how blood elves and high elves handled withdrawl.

Blizzard on anything players suggest.

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Blizzard when they give players anything

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“Literally by your logic” : proceeds to make a wild misrepresentation.

All I’m saying is that different culture and lifestyles can alter the average, and regardless, I am saying that behavior -the stance- are far more meaningful differentiations.

And this is the part when you are being willfully dense when we are talking about average, or what is more likely in wow, the “heroic ideal” for a race. Or do you think all humans are just AS buff?

The WHOLE POINT is that the playable model is representative of either an average or an ideal for an specific group, not that there’s no POSSIBLE variation within a group! Come on.

It’s just that your argumentation is blatantly biased. I’m not gonna pretend you are making a rational point when your whole motivated reasoning is simply “High elves shouldn’t be playable” You are just looking for justifications for that decision, not looking at the arguments to reach a conclusion.

Which is apparent when your arguments just keep getting worse.

How bout we chuck the hyperbole out of the window? Don’t expect that your opinion about BE and HE not being different enough.

is taken seriously when it’s entirely subjective and doesn’t even have an argument. Why is faction exclusivity important for the game?