The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

So, Yes to High Elves for the Alliance then :smile:

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Yes but you had Blood elves, obviously they weren’t going to add a carbon copy, at least until Void Elves.

“I know ARs have only just been released with their obviously planned list up till the end of BFA and possibly the beginning of Shadowlands, but High Elves obviously wouldn’t make them the money that the lore-less Void Elves already have”

Enough dude, your fake industry knowledge charade is got old 4 Megathreads ago.

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Unlike the totally real industry knowledge that it’d be a cash cow at all.

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Tarrok, I got news for you
 My masters called for you. They wanted to invite you to a BBQ

and your the one serving the beef

The Alliance still didn’t have high elves, however, and the best time for them to roll out a copy would be during WotLK. This is also the time where WoW was at its peak in subscribers and had the race change option and faction change option present.
It was never hard to implement high elves, the question was whether or not it was worth doing so.
It wasn’t, both philosophically, and from a money perspective. If it was worth money, they would have done it.

This is simply an ad hominem and can be ignored. If you cannot counter my argument, you should cede the point rather than throw insults.
It isn’t bad to admit you are wrong, I admit it all the time. :man_shrugging:

Don’t touch Tarrok or I will disenchant all your gear.

So, he needs a body guard from a race that loves there steak.

You do know where steak comes from, yes?

Tarrok is an exception maam.

In regards to yours and Broflake idea on it, yes it would be. Let’s do the simple math.

AR system=Cash cow for race changes
Void Elves= 0 story incentive, insanely popular skeleton= Cash cow for Race changes.
High elves= Massive Alliance story incentive, easily done skeleton= Cash cow for race changes.

wOW tHaT’s An ImPoSsIbLe CoNcEpT tO gRaSp, ThEy CoUlD nEvEr Be A cAsH cOw.

It’s sad to see you two become almost as obtuse as Fyre.

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That isn’t math. Math is objective and self proving in concept.
On a serious note, you are wrong.

Businesses don’t wait on a sure bet, because the money they receive that day literally has greater worth than money tomorrow.

“I disagree with you, so you’re wrong” /post

Maam, I added quite a bit. Quote it.
Don’t be mad I won’t let you eat Tarrok.

You’d be right if Blizzard hasn’t been and continues to tank WoW and the Alliance moral, now more than ever would a shake up like High Elves be beneficial for an incentive to bring people back, especially Alliance players.

But again, Broflake is easily ignored as disingenuously biased. :tipping_hand_woman:

Man, that meme is so, 1800’s. Got anything for the 21st century?

Because you say so. Literally that’s your point, I’m saying that we can use the justification of different lifestyle to justify a new model -something that should make both sides happy- and you just say “no I don’t like it”

Which makes it clear that you aren’t open to any ideas of how High Elves could be playable. You just don’t want them to be playable.

The simple explanation of behavioral differences -which are almost a given for a group that is assimilated- would alone explain a different stance. But your answer to anything is just “no”

And that just doesn’t steem for the strength of my argument, it simply comes from your already set view that HE’s should not be playable.

What a BS argument when Zandalari, Kultirans and both high and Blood Elves all used to look different before their playable models.

Seriously? you are saying that “we should be able to visit the Sunwell” is now the same than “reunite”? For someone that got so outraged about misrepresenting points, this one is a DOOZY.

Farstriders haven’t completely shun magic, doesn’t mean they removed it from their identity. Which as elves, is closely linked to magic in every aspect. Now you are making the argument that not caring much about magic and forsaking it -and become much more light focused- is the same.

Sure, blame like of graphic assets again, it’s not like models can be updated, it’s not like there was no Thalassian architecture in game before BC, it’s not like High Elven Lodges use NE models. Also it’s not like the Allerian elven structures are both simple recolors for an NPC group, and also built probably not long after those elves left Quel’thalas.

It’s not like all your arguments against High Elves are made in very bad faith.

So you say something wouldn’t be fair is not the same that something that isn’t fair because it hasn’t happened yet? lol

I was literally quoting you.

Sure, because sometimes immigrants don’t feel like they have to change their behaviors when they move to other countries, or that a change in lifestyle and diet can’t impact their average as a demographic.

Not to mention that High Elves as a whole went through magical withdrawal and it’s very well plausible that different coping mechanisms also affected their physiology to an extent.

It’s just all so unlikely.


This is literally the way money functions in an economy dude. This is not a matter of “you may be right if” situation.
This is a “I am right because this is how money works” situation.
I have a dollar.
That dollar is worth more today, than it is worth tomorrow. It can buy more, do more, go farther, and be invested for more than tomorrow.
This is why businesses don’t wait on “cash cows”, because those cash cows are worth more today than they are tomorrow.
I highly suggest reading on the matter.
I look forward to your apology later.

Kind of cringe.
Sara, are you in need of the helfer’s hugs and kisses?
Leave Tarrok alone, please.

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It also depends if you are making an absolutist judgement without looking at nuance based on your own subjective appreciation, how bout that?

No, actually. Just that the lore development has really thrown factions off course that there is no point in this faction bias with races anymore.

Sadly it is not our call. It’s the call from the guy that says High Elves are too similar to Blood Elves :'D

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