The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

The past 15 years of the developers refusing?

No. Just stop suggesting it. This is a stupid statement from anyone with any sort of knowledge on how businesses work.
You don’t sit on money tomorrow that you could make today. The value drops.

Your statement was an opinion.
My statement was a fact.
High elves are not a cash cow. Fact
High elves are a cash cow. Opinion.

Which is why they haven’t done it beside it being a cash cow that would have had the greatest impact in WotLK with the Silver covenants appearance right?.

I am shocked you haven’t quit the game since high elves haven’t been implemented in retail.

like a blood elf.

Alliance does not tolerate drug use.

Who says you got to use drugs to be high? Ever thought that flying is quite high?

Flight masters need to be replaced with cannon masters.
Implement that and I’ll change my mind on high elves.

you said that not me. Some i mentioned don’t look like Sin’dorei not that looks matter anyhow.


Different lifestyle simple leads to a different average. And the lifestyle between High Elves and Blood Elves are just different.

Dalaran: It’s a human culture with elven influence.

Allerian: Literally a group of soldiers of mixed cultures creating a settlement.

Highvale: A group of high Elves that completely cut off magic.

How the heck can you claim any of those cultures and contexts are the same than the blood elves?

A very hypocritical statement when your argument was “well it wouldn’t be fair that the alliance had to bites of the horde apple”

Life isn’t fair.

Already given you the reasons, you just dismissed them because apparently being expats living on a human city and culture, or in a melting pot of several alliance races, or in a community that has eradicated a fundamental part of Thalassian culture is "the same thing"


What is the difference in appearance between a Sunreaver captain (blood elf) and a Silver covenant member (high elf).

Whats the difference between a Sin’dorei and High Elf Wayfarer Looks wise.

Cant wait to friggin roll a high elf demon hunter!!!

For real though, what classes would be available for HElfs?

Fact: There is no actual real reason to why the High Elves can’t be made playable for the Alliance. It is just people saying no.

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Yes you are, but according to Ion, people want high elves because they want to be blonde and “majestic”.

Oh there is a reason. The devs think they are too similar to Blood Elves.

That’s it. That’s all the reason there is. They just look too much alike.

We can discuss how “valid” a reason that is, but still is like the only reason there is.


Refusing? Adorable. You actually think it was even plausible before they introduced a system like AR? And especially after the first waves of them have been released? Try 1 and a half years Broflake, BFA isn’t even over yet.

You’ve been told this countless times Broflake, High Elves have never been more of an option than now.

Yes because the past 5 or 6 High Elf Megathreads haven’t been at fever pitch since they added Void Elves, and with the popularity of the Void Elves skeleton, you’d have to be blatantly bias to think High Elves wouldn’t net Blizzard an easy fortune, which we know you are, don’t be obtuse, ARs are already a cash cow, a requested and popular one for the disgruntled Alliance is easy money.

Lol my god dude. You’re the worst type of Gamer, one who craps on his fellow players requests for no other reason other than spite.

You’re worth no ones attention on this topic, your bias is laughably obvious.


Sounds like an excuse to saying no

“they look too similar to another playable race”.

Cezol, can you forgive me for used to being against High Elves?

Uh sure?

I’m under the impression you’re playing double agent, but if you do support High Elves now, that’s great.

The more the merrier.

Nah, I am not this guy

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Shhh dont give my cover away, Ill let you guess who this is :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean I said there was a reason.

Not that it was a good reason ;D

Prove it.

It can, yes. The life style differences, however, are not so significantly different as to result in an entirely different model. THis is not a comparison of Kul Tiran life style to a Storm wind life style.

This is a high elf who originally lived and breathed in quel’thalas for centuries, suddenly changing over the course of 30 years, despite being infamously stubborn in the way they live.

And what have they looked like when portrayed by Blizzard? Just like their blood elf/high elf kin.

With high elves who for some reason, are completely forgotten as stating “we should reunite with our blood elf kin.”

Far striders don’t use magic bud.

Where did the Allerian and HIghvale high elves come from?
Did you
not notice their architecture which is the same as blood elves?

You mean contradiction, hypocrisy is not practicing what one preaches. There is no contradiction either.
Pointing out that it would not be fair to do something that has not occurred does not contradict my life’s not fair.
You know
cause that’s an after the fact response. Which is in response to your request.

Okay Fyorsing.

They don’t work.

Let’s go tell immigrants that their physiology should change after they left their home 30 years ago.

Oh wait

What do you call Chris metzen and Ion’s statement?

Yes. It literally does not take much coding to implement. The AR system isn’t a system of new coding.


A million dollars today is worth less than a million dollars tomorrow. Thats a fact. High elves are not a cash cow or they would have been done already.

I would disagree with you. The worst kind of person is the person who agrees without question just because they feel obliged to because they like someone, or because they like that person’s other idea. Blind agreement or disagreement, is unhealthy.

I have stated, I am open to changing my mind.

On the other hand you insulting people doesn’t help change their mind..
Give me good reason, and I’ll change my mind.

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its dependent on a few factors.
For WoW? Terrible idea.
For ESO? Not a bad one