The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°


They could of easily made Mechagnomes a decently popular Alliance AR if they just made them into what people wanted all along: Robot Gnomes.


With the expanded customization options it really is like most Allied Races could have been

Nightborne, Vulpera, Kul Tirans and Zandalari -and actually Void Elves- are the only ones that actually make sense being AR because they are either an extensive rework of a current model to create a new race, or offer some cross faction possibilities, or are a mostly new model.

Maybe I would throw in Dark Iron Dwarves too since while they do look as dissimilar as other quick AR, they do have a unique racial flavor.

That’s a game mechanic, canonically all we know is “an incursion by the Horde” displaced them – that leaves a whole bunch up to interpretation.

It’s interesting how, when it suits you, in-game NPC count is somehow indicative of overall population – but when it doesn’t (i.e. more High Elf NPC’s than Gnomes, Draenei, Worgen, or Alliance-aligned Pandaren), that’s somehow a silly notion. :laughing::man_shrugging::laughing:

The Priestesses of Elune, and the Druids, represent only a fraction of Night Elven society; the remainder of the population aren’t adherents to their dogma, evidenced by their willingness (nay, eagerness) to tolerate things their leadership determines to be “dangerous”.

Their most recent expansion corroborates this, by not only mentioning that Darnassian Mages and Shen’drelar Mages are pivotal in the retreat from Darnassus, but that the citizenry are greatful to be in their presence; furthermore, the BfA Cinematic specifically foregoes the traditional Darnassians in favor of Darnassian Mages.


This is called “being shoe-horned”.

The reasoning provided was even flimsier than those given by the Blood Elves to explain their decision to join the Horde. :man_shrugging:

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Yes I also remember the days when the Mechagnomes were really popular (in wotlk) I also really believe those were the mechagnomes people were asking for.

And it has been explained you have

None of these are present in the high elves.
If we did make just for justification of a new model, you cause issues within the community with the Alliance getting two bites out of the Horde’s apple. Not sure its wise.

This is incorrect, they do have history and lore with the ALliance. They were literally called high elves in WC2 and WC3. Lorthemar literally fought alongside the alliance in WC2 per lore.

blue eyed.

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But they aren’t so, we might as well keep asking for High Elves since they haven’t even cared enough to do that.


Hold up

instead of asking for the easier thing which is literally a paragraph of words, you want a racial slot taken up, design reused, significantly more coding done, and a copy of what the Horde has aesthetically.

The latter is much more intensive and unlikely than the former. The devs even said so. So why demand something in such a futile fashion?

Cezol is right actually. Making them into Robot Gnomes would’ve actually been heaps better.

Yeah, that’s actually true. I would love to play a Robot Gnome.

But I still support the idea of High Elves for the Alliance players too.

I am talking about World Of Warcraft Lore, really do you think the Majority of the Alliance Community even Knew what a Ren’dorei was before they were announced. But they diffidently Knew what A Alliance High Elf Was

you said that not me

Sure, because the High Elves of Dalaran, Highvale, Allerian Strionghold and other human cities live EXACTLY THE SAME than Blood Elves in Quel’thalas.

This is just such an evidently untrue statement to make it’s just wild to keep seeing it thrown around with so much confidence.

Well it wasn’t fair that we got our first bite with something we didn’t ask. That’s just blaming the people that wanted High Elves for the existence of VE’s which is dumb.

And again, the whole point of a different model is to further differentiate HE’s from BE’s, to make that bite even smaller.


Demanding? All I have seen is asking.


I demand high elves.

And cake.

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I’ve had that theory since they introduced ARs, I have a feeling that after the first list of ARs is filled, it should all be condensed into a “drop down” like tab for their corresponding “core races” or “core race skeleton”. Thereby creating more room for additional ARs.

They don’t even have to be the Mimiron mechagnomes, they could of even made them connected with the Mechagon storyline by making them Robot AI decendants of settler gnomes, recognizing our own gnomes, they decide to join the Alliance, easy. In one sentence I made the Diaper Gnomes infinitely better.

Different colors, different gears/antennas/robo-parts. It’s such an easy concept yet somehow so inconceivably creative for Blizzard to have come up with.

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To be blunt

I don’t feel the need to be exact in every word I utter.

[quote=“Sarallesta-shattered-hand, post:13811, topic:283595”]
Making them into Robot Gnomes would’ve actually been heaps better. [/quote]

It was what I thought they were getting originally.

No one knew what a Nightborne was until it was, everytihng has to start somewhere.

Describe a high elf.

You seem to be under the presumption that we get to ask for anything.

Let’s make one thing clear. Blizzard isn’t weighting our requests in terms of plausibility, they are not waiting for that “oh just so good” idea to implement. Whether they want to make HE’s playable on ANY fashion is up to them, and at best all we are doing is making vocal our desire for High Elves so it’s just clear we just haven’t forgotten.

People on both sides seem to be under the mistake that if you ask for something “easy” it will be more likely to happen. If that were true Void Elves already would have been High Elves because we did ask for that. Because at the end of the day, we have no say on how HE would be implemented, all we are doing is make clear that their lack of presence is still, and will be, an issue.

One that until resolved, however they please, will continue.


Yes, because living in a human suddenly means I get huge muscles, grow to a height of 7 feet!

Hint: It doesn’t
Other hint: Dalaran, Highvale, and Allerian stronghold high elves all indicate holding the same cultural life styles as blood elves due to architecture alone.

I find it wild you believe this could be used to justify an entirely new model. If all you want is a title, wait for 9.0 where everyone gets a new starting zone and you can RP whatever you want.

Life’s not fair. You still have the model, so you need to acknowledge it exists at all.

It isn’t blaming them at all. It is pointing out facts. You have the model the blood elves possess. Asking for a new model is two bites out of what belonged originally to the Horde. THat is just the way it is.

Because for some reason, for no reason, high elves suddenly look different from their blood elven kin, who they are biologically the same as.

And for some insane reason, because of a different name, blood elves don’t have any variation like the high elves do.
You’re not thinking out the ideas before you put them out. You’re just suggesting them without consideration of whether or not it makes sense to implement it or if it is feasible.

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Lol what’s futile about it? The most popular requested Alliance AR, an easy cash cow, almost no-effort in creating a narrative to connect them to the Alliance as they’ve already had that.

You should really start to emphasize when things are your “opinion”, Broflake.

The puzzle pieces line up perfectly for Alliance High Elves and Blizzards Income and the only actual risk they would take is a few disgruntled Horde players who just cared that much about the topic that they will forever(sure) quit WoW.

With how much you’ve fought for the anti-side, I’d be shocked if you didn’t outright burn your PC down if they ever added High elves to the Alliance.


I demand you get them too.

I was told that the cake is a lie.


An Elf that is high and is mostly aligned with the Alliance.

What I think a High Elf Looks like HMMM let see, A High elf would like any High Elf that is in the Alliance at/or the The Silver Covenant, High Elf Wayfarers, High Elf at Allerian Stronghold, Or The high Elves at Wintergard Keep, Or the High Vale High Elves, Or the High elves that lived in Theramore before it was bombed buy the the horde, Or any other High In The 7th Legion, That’s to me what Alliance High elves look LIke. Out of all those even some of those look Different one way or another from each other.