The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Yes, and Panda Elves and Bear Elves and Bare Elves and Wear Elves

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I’m listening

I never said pale skin for Void Elves would be a compromise because it wouldn’t be, they’re still Blood/Void Elves, Half Elves would be a better compromise than that because at least that would carry the spirit of High Elves, if High Elves are really THAT impossible.

Pretty sure people have been asking for this exact thing for 2+ years and Blizzard have literally been given the plot to do so on a silver platter with 8.3 and they threw it aside just like they threw away N’Zoth.

Which to the point of this topic, wouldn’t even matter as again Void elves are not and never have been the High Elves we’ve always wanted.


I’d have a great joke about wearing elves if I still had my old transmog with the skull hat.

I third (?) this. The issue with VE’s for me is not their looks, it’s their lore. They just aren’t related to the High Elf lore that -as a whole- we appreciate.


It shouldn’t be impossible. I believe that everyone should have the right for High Elves to be playable on the Alliance, without adding anymore flavour. Only reason why they’re not is because the devs just like to say no.

But Half Elves does seem really nice actually, and I am all in for that.


Your made me feel you basing your comment on looks

They really dont belong in the Alliance, they have no history or lore with the Alliance and feel just thrown in no attachment

you actually said

I said
As Long as they look Alliance High Elves (Lore Perspective)

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I’m gonna be respectful and repeat that you wholly misrepresented my point and didn’t actually took the time to understand what I was saying about Half Elves as a possible continuation of the High Elf narrative.

It really comes across as an unwillingness to read opinions that don’t align with your own. Not because you disagree -that’s fine- but because you gave yourself a wrong idea of what I was saying and just dismissed what I was saying.


But in that way lies a madness that has already been seen!

It was BAD

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You contradict yourself more than a politician, and that’s quite sad.

Nice attempt to play the lore card tho, it’s quite overused and not entirely true, but poor arguments are not exactly new to this request.

Well, that is what happens when you get a human to write

/looks at BfA


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Seriously, they had stuff like Stone Elves that were more dwarven than dwarves. And just about every elf homeland write up was “This is a total utopia with a magical defense that will unerringly destroy any non elves that dare to approach them for their sin of not being elves”

Stones isn’t what makes a Dwarf a Dwarf. It is all the Ale that they drink.

I like both races and play both, but also understand why Tyrande wouldn’t trust them. I would have preferred them on the alliance instead of void elves though(no offense to my void elf pals) and very much enjoyed their story in Suramar.

The lore and characters there and related to them (Runas :cry: ) are amazing.

You’re right, it shouldn’t be, in fact I used to be a proponent for them just blatantly giving us the High Elf models we’ve seen since Wrath, but as I’ve thought about it more I’ve learned that it really would be a waste to actually Just carbon copy a race’s model, so I’ve been more supportive of a Kul Tiran/Zandalari like change for a possible High Elf model, ARs have made this Golden Goose of an idea an easy-implementation.

If Void Elves with 0 story, can become the most popular Alliance AR out of skeleton alone, then High Elves with the entirety of their WoW History and Tolkien-esq “Wood elf” aesthetic, would dominate any race change/preorder/6 month, income they would come packaged with.


I thought Nightborne were going to be Alliance actually, because it would’ve actually suited them better.

But when they came Horde, it was actually quite disappointing.

Anything I have said you are more then welcomed to debate it and show where I mislead. But popping in and making wild accusation seems more of a carpetbaggers attempt to make a point.

I’ve been saying this for a long time; a different model doesn’t have to be justified for biological reasons, it’s just a median representation of a group’s aesthetic, and a lot of difference can be explained by cultural, behavioral and lifestyle divergences.


I’d say get rid of the Mechagnomes and just give the Alliance the High Elves. As a main Horde player, the Mechagnomes is a bit of a disappointment as an Allied Race as there is so many things that I dislike

(Especially the part we can’t hide the arms or legs with armor)

Either that or we give Horde San’layn and Alliance, High Elves.

They have occassionally, but with much less frequency than high elves.

They could be by having void elves recruit high elves. You would have a much easier time suggesting it as story than as a completely separate race group. I mean, the logic makes sense.
If you want the story, just demand it with multiple threads. That is much easier than asking for a racial slot for a copypasta of what the Horde possesses.