The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I’ve not seen anything to suggest this aspect.

I am not, I think she sympathized with the fact that the Nightborne were victims of their addiction. THat they were enslaved to it such that they could not consider changing their ways.

For someone who claims to have gotten involved in this debate in the last couple of weeks he sure knows a lot of secrets.

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Don’t even care that they weren’t added alongside Blood Elves, at the time, it was a unique choice for WoWs current direction. Everyone expected High elves/Blood elves to be added to the Alliance, yet they didn’t, and I support that choice.

What was the mistake was not adding High Elves when they came up with Void Elves, and the thought process in their end is simple, Alliance wants High Elves, but they’re too similar to Blood Elves.

The solution was to spend even the tiniest bit more time coming up with a way to implement High Elves without stepping on the Blood Elf story, they just didn’t think it was necessary to spend the extra effort, so they slapped a coat of blue on some Blood Elves and called it a day, completely forgetting the main reason everyone would want to play an Alliance High elf without just going to the Horde to do so, is because of their separate story in WoW.


Its funny since, I think I was among the first to suggest half elves and I didn’t know it was just to get rid of the high elf request.

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Well I am glad you know better now.

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These last two years of discussion and bickering could have been avoided if Blizzard had just put effort and care into the Alliance allied race. If all that matters to be a different race is looks, then change the look but base it on lore.


Stubborness comes from those that say No. You’re stubborn.

More Elves.


We’re not the ones saying no. It’s Blizzard.

Our involvement in the Blizzard decision making process is surprisingly limited.

Refusing to accept their stated position most certainly is stubbornness.

Which was already easily done with Kul tirans And Zandalari, two races with parent races that by definition should be exactly the same, yet they have wildly different skeletons.

The same could be done with High Elves.


They have been on different Paths, Different Hardships, Different Trials, Different Experience, it is Plausible they could look Different, With the technology and the bragging of all the models , eye changes, they can do it now if they want,

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Didn’t you, Alamara, and several others admit that if the void elves received pale skin that it would be a good compromise? Does this not suggest then, that the matter is just about appearances and not story?
I mean, you could simply demand more story be put into void elves, or for their story to be retconned and redone, or for them to receive additional changes.
On the other hand, making sure they are pale, blue eyed, and similar to Alleria is what everyone is focused on.

I respectfully disagree with you

As long as they can look like a Alliance High Elves sure why not,

Why add a story when there is already one with the Alliance /High elves, They already mucked up the story/lore adding the Ren’dorei (imho)

That statement is based on looks Not Lore, So I respectfully don’t agree with

I would like to see:
High Elves
Low Elves
Half Elves
Storm Elves
Thunder Elves
Dead Elves
Closed Elves
Open Elves
Tree Elves
Wood Elves
Day Elves
Ocean Elves
Beach Elves
Star Elves
Worgen Elves
Short Elves
Hairy Elves
Shadow Elves
Snow Elves
Elf Elves

Ugh, lets just say every word in the English Dictionary with the word Elves at the end.

I disagree with this, the point I’m making is that from a lore and narrative standpoint Half Elves could be the continuation of High Elves as their inheritors -following the premise that HE’s are in the brink of extinction and all that- I’m talking almost exclusively from a narrative and lore perspective here, with the added benefit of a completely different model.

I agree with this, but it has little to do with my current point; that there are more solutions beyond High Elves being playable or not.

I mean this would be a matter of implementation and only applies if Half Elves are introduced out of nowhere as a group on their own. Half Elves are currently represented with either human or thalassian models, so it’s up for grabs how many Half Elves are currently present in game.

Hence, the situation is unlike the VE implementation -who came out of nowhere- and more like the Kul Tiran or Zandalari implementation -with something being added as always being there- and groups such as the Kirin Tor, the Silver Covenant or the Allerian Stronghold could be revealed to actually be comprised of a significant number of Half Elves that until know used Thalassian -or human- models.

I agree that Half Elves introduced as a group on their own would be badly implemented, but again, I do not think that’s the only possibility. Personally I only like Half Elves as an explicit continuation of their Alliance Presence -as part of the Silver Covenant and the Alliance Expedition offspring-

Then you are asking a part of the pro HE community that would be okay with Half Elves to remain silent on their opinions because it “hurts” the request for High Elves. Which is unfair, and just not true, cause let’s be real, we are not here presenting the best plan for Blizzard to follow, they are not going to pick the idea with the most support. They will do whatever they please regardless of what any of us want.

It’s quite disheartening that you misread my argument as to be based on looks when it’s actually about the lore. For one Half Elves would not look like High Elves, thus how can it be about looks? As I thought was evident, my argument has always been based on the Continuation of the High Elf narrative as members of the alliance, you might disagree that Half Elves would be viable as such, and that’s fair, but I feel that you are definitely misreading my stance here.


Ill stick with High Elves :slight_smile:


And I hope you guys do get them.

Good news.

Why are you disagreeing with my assertion when you state

Literally I just said “You want them to look pale” and you are saying “Yes but no.”

its too late to fix the story so lets go for an aesthetic to pleases us?

You just admitted before “as long as they look like high elves” and that is exactly how Alleria and Lorthemar look.

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I demand Panda Elves :smiley:


I agree to disagree but thank you for the discussion.