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No it’s okay, you left your phone on I got it.

But I don’t have a phone. They outlaw those things in Quel’Thalas. Only thing we’re allowed is a S.E.L.F.I.E Camera.

I have to respectfully, but completely, disagree. As a Night Elf aficionado I have less than no interest in playing Nightborne. I support Tyrande’s complete distrust of them, and can only look on Highborne who hid under a dome for 10,000 years while the rest of Azeroth dealt with what was going on in the world with contempt.

Frankly, given that Blood Elves dealt with the aftermath of the Scourge head on and faced the challenges of rebuilding a shattered nation directly, I’m surprised Liadrin was as welcoming as she was.

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Oh, don’t go hating on the Highborne because they can make toast taste like chicken.

Sorry, when I said you left your phone on what I meant is that you exist in a world where Google is allowed to operate satellites that exist to photograph everything, cars that just drive around scanning everything and software that can detect your face and voice.

There isn’t “evidence” for either assertion. This is by design, because Blizzard prefers to utilize vagaries when it comes to population size – it’s probable that there weren’t many, but “not many” could mean anything from 100 to a few thousand in this setting.

This little sidebar was completely initiated by your incendiary comment about there only being 5 Highborne NE’s, despite having precisely nothing to corroborate that as a matter of fact, and that owing to this it was clear Darnassian NE’s and Highborne NE’s couldn’t be as socially cohesive as Blood Elves/Nightborne are.

The NE’s have, as mentioned above, completely integrated TWO different factions of Highborne NE’s at this point. So, clearly, you’re assertions aren’t reflective of the in-universe realities. :man_shrugging:


Oh, that’s ok, I will call the emergency services to save my backside

Don’t like thinking how much of that increase might be based on them recently firing as many people as they did.

But 100%, their lack of passion for quality is so amazingly depressing.

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Oh no no no no, don’t you try and worm out now. I never claimed a hard number of Highborne. I simply said that there weren’t many. Your first post on the subject suggests hundreds if not thousands of them.

If pressed, there are 10 Highborne npcs in game, I’d wager since these Highborne fled from 5 Horde adventurers that there are likely not many more than this. Maybe 20 max. As we saw in the one large scale deployment of Night elf mages the vast majority of them aren’t Highborne.

Oh and by the way placing a low estimate at the number of elves in a fantasy video game isn’t “incendiary”.

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Fair skin, blue eyes, blonde hair = majestic? He reduces high elves and blood elves to light hair and skin tones. My blood elf with green eyes and dark hair is not majestic then?

Unlike the night elves who as we all know were all super active during that 10,000 years and didn’t do the exact same thing. :kissing_heart:

I have light hair though? Am I not beautiful and magestic?

But they really need to ease up on the faction barriers when it comes to core races, and just allow anyone to play what ever they want, regardless of which faction they’re on.

Now, if everyone excuses me, Ima go play a bit of Cities Skylines.

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I do admire the stubbornness on this subject.

That said, I hope there aren’t more elves added. or make all races elves and call it World of Elfcraft. :wink:

I didn’t once suggest numbers at all for the Shen’drelar, except for when we were both being facetious. Here, the first posts in the exchange:

Emphasis added.

  1. This is an entirely tractable rationale, but being believable hardly makes something factual. We, until such a time as more information becomes available, are just dabbling in opposing headcanons regarding the aftermath of an event that hasn’t been thoroughly explained.

  2. Their population being 9 or 76 doens’t change the fact that they’ve been welcomed into Darnassian society, by all but the most stubborn traditionalists (Druids, Priests). This was the bedrock of the initial assertion, that the NE’s are absolutely willing and able to interface with peripheral groups of their kinfolk (up to, and including, Nightborne).

The dismissal of an observation about the social development of two distinct factions, because one of those distinct factions is comprised of only “a handful” of people, is the incendiary bit – you’re implying the social dynamic doesn’t exist, or doesn’t matter, because the dynamic only affects an extreme minority.

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Few things you have to look at: You have the Lore Aspect of it, There is way more Interaction Lore wise with High Elves then there is with Half Elves, If your reason for Half elves is for Looks Then you are correct but a Lore Aspect which I look at it and may other according to my post above then Half- Elf wouldn’t be accepted as a replacement or a viable Alternative. The Best to hope for( From a Lore Perspective) the High Look could be added is a Human Character Creation.

We are picking Sides for something over something that is already there proven can been can be verified in game play/Lore, “I FEEL” sides are being picked for the wrong reasons, The Biggest Point of the NON Alliance Playable High Elves is they look the same and it Hurts Horde Identity, The Biggest point I have seen for the Pro Alliance High Elves People (My Opion) Is the Lore/History Of Alliance High Elves is there, no conclusion or settlement will be decided the real reason Why they should be playable is known. Which I believe (My Opinion) is the Lore/story/History Between Alliance & High Elves. High Elves have always been with the Alliance but unplayable, Sin’dorei have always been with the Horde but playable. There is a difference between the two no mater what people say. This is a fact that is provable in game play/lore/story.

Again their lore isn’t there to justify them as AR, The High Elves / Alliance Lore is there, Most Pro Alliance High Elves Poeple (My Opion) would still feel empty just like they did with the Ren’dorei (Horrible release From A Lore Point Of View), We have no Lore to feel Attach to the Half Elf, other then their Parents (which we were never allowed to play were enough to have children we can now play?). That is not much of a inheritance to build a AR on Just Like The Ren’dorei.

A Nich Of The Alliance Community Wants Half-Elfs, The High elves have been asked for many many years and more feverishly buy the High Elves Fans the more we talk about Half Elves the More those people wont accept them and the more were not talking about the Whats truly right The High Elf Lore/Story with the Alliance, So I do consider it a diversion what was/is being asked for and rightfully belong to the Alliance Lore which is the High Elf.

I took the time to read your entire post which I respect your opinion on the matter, but I feel you making your decision on Looks and not Lore, I make my comments and posting and feeling based on Lore so I do Disagree with you in a respectful way.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this and this is based on my feelings I speak for no one else but me.

Sin’dorei are Horde (Playable)
High Elves are Alliance. (Not Playable)

Peace All


Oh my mistake. Second post.

Which clearly isn’t facetious but okay.

Well, no not really. We know that the majority of them were slain by 5 people in personal combat. This means there is an upper cap to how many there are. In addition to this it’s not up to me to prove there aren’t more than what we see in game. There’s 10. Prove otherwise. Burden of proof’s on you.

Citation needed, I can provide examples of them being ill treated and key night elf leaders being resentful of Highborne, got any evidence of them being “welcomed” in anything but the most grudging of terms?

This treatment by the way, being the reason that the Nightborne didn’t join the night elves which is the crux of your entire claim.


They could add 2 more elf races to both sides and there would still be more “regular” races than elf races.

Elf’s are infinitely popular in all fantasy works, your fragile masculinity doesn’t make any elf request less viable.

If blizzard wanted to add a different race, they would of done so already, you already got Vulpera and we’ve gotten 2 different forms of “ugly human”, I’m good on “regular races”, I want a race I’ve wanted forever

And then Sethrak.

Yeah man, don’t like elves? Must be because you’re insecure. Wicked sick.


I feel if They would have been honest in the first place and added High elves the same time they Added Sin’dorei we wouldn’t be here today talking about it. Also we wouldn’t have ARs that make no sense from a lore perspective.