The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I have, and immediately thought that they now have absolutely 0 excuse to continue to let the game tank in any aspect, if they’re even 5 to 10% backed by that Google money, they have no excuse to not improve.

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Well at least they cant blame money constraints for their failures now. Right? :wink:

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I totally agree. Why stop at thousands? There were probably millions of them fleeing from these 5 adventurers. Billions even. As we all know Dire Maul was the largest slaughter in the history of Azeroth and the fact that it’s never mentioned that the 5 Horde adventurers slaughtered an entire nation is a totally realistic claim.

For the record, I agree with you on the aesthetic of the nightfallen. Nightborne are so pretty and/or dashing, they rival and/or exceed night elves. The nightfallen were a bit too grotesque, but aesthetically, had nightborne been a bit closer to them, they would’ve been wholey unique but infinitely harder for the artists to get gear to fit them.

I’m pretty sure Blizzard has reported increased revenue earnings, quarter over quarter, for like 5 years straight now. They’re not hurting for money, they’re hurting to passion and creativity – which isn’t surprising, when your Lead Designer presents as a Dexter Morgan cosplayer. :laughing:


Makes yah wonder releasing people was based on greed then.

Wait, we’re talking about this?

Yup that’s the one Sarallesta.

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Ugh. google is already too powerful.


Hmmm, this could be interesting to actually see. I am interested now to actually see how it all works out.

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Honestly I just liked the old models where their bone structure and general build was a lot more similar to blood elves. They radiated smugness in a way they just don’t any more.

The issue isn’t whether or not there were few Shen’drelar, there were – the issue is how few we’re talking. If there were 1,000 and the Horde killed 900 of them, that’s still ~100 of the most well-versed mages in the history of Azeroth that have since shacked up with their kinfolk in Darnassus (now Stormwind).

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Anyways, time to show this thread some love

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And your evidence of these 5 people slaughtering 180 Highborne a piece is what? Keeping in mind that not only was their prince was in that number but they weren’t able to take control of Dire Maul so presumably there were similar numbers of ogres and satyr also killed by this party of Greek demigods.

Yeah also I suggest you give the Azshara quests a go. The blood elves spend the entire zone just mocking the hell out of the newly trained night elf mages being inexperienced and using techniques that are considered obselete and quaint by modern mages so I wouldn’t get too pumped up on the power level of the Alliance’s Highborne.

Final World of Warcraft Raid Boss Confirmed: Google


As a Google employee I must ask that you not antagonise the hive mind.

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As one of the World of Warcraft players, I must informed you, I will seek to attack and bring down Google for a nice sweat piece of loot.

As long as it it is over 9000 bonus

Can I get your current coordinates for a gift basket/Google Predator Drone strike?

Nevermind I got them.

One thing does not exclude the other. It’s no secret that a lot of people do support the Half Elf idea just so High Elves themselves are not playable, but you also have to understand that some of us that would like High Elves also think Half Elves could work as a way of continuing the HE narrative in the alliance.

That’s the problem with the lack of nuance and thinking that you have to “pick a side” when ultimately most people just have their own, wide ranging opinions.

Half Elves as the inheritors of the High Elven (Predominantly Dalarani and other human cities) place in the alliance, as a natural continuation of their assimilation, would follow on already established set up and ideas that come back from WarIII development, while justifying a unique model and a separate identity from the Thalassian Elves.

You can’t just claim Half Elves are a “diversion” when to many people they would be one of the better compromises, many people would rather have Half Elves than
 nothing. This doesn’t mean we aren’t supporting High Elves anymore, but you have to be cognizant that for many of us, this isn’t an issue with a single unique solution -playable High Elves- for many, a narrative continuation is the priority.

Of course you can disagree if you think that’s a worthwhile continuation, that’s fine! But I would say that it’s inaccurate that claim Half Elves as an idea by itself is just a diversion from the anti side. It robs the whole situation of nuance, this whole conversation revolving high elves is just not a binary issue with 2 outcomes.