The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

You’ve got no way of knowing how many there are, for all we know their could be more Shen’drelar than High Elves (there are certainly more than Void Elves). As Itoldyouso would say, “unsupported opinion”.

Also, the Shen’drelar aren’t the only group of Highborne that has since been allowed to reestablish themselves as permanent fixtures in the Night Elven community – Nar’thalas Mages potentially number in the hundreds or thousands. :man_shrugging:


In other news has anyone else heard of the great merger announced about google and the company we all love so much.

That is because it is that easy Sara. As much as people think about what they have completed in this game, you don’t take it with you when you leave. It stays in WoW, and remains in WoW.
Never tie yourself down to any place that does not invest itself in you as you would in it.
When I don’t enjoy the game, I quit.

The ghost mages from Azsuna?

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Allot complaints about the content but people still play, Cata, WOD, BFA, so they the Devoted/Loyal Fans stay (imho) They Just keep letting the Gods know they are unhappy on the forums Like we all do. (imho)

People don’t change without reason, nor will the game change without reason. If you stay and pay, then they’ve no reason to change the way they do things.

They’re in Stormwind, now, and faction-tagged Alliance.


Are they? I’ve not been in SW for the longest time on my Druid so I would not know where to look.

Most People with 10 to 15 years invested time and money just don’t walk away either. In my case I find stuff I Enjoy doing in the game and do that. (imho)

Well if you want to play that card, neither do you. For all we know the 10 or so Highborne npcs we see are the only ones who exist. Given the fact we never see these theoretical Highborne legions, I think the assumption that there’s less rather than more is a safe one.

Especially since according to Chronicles volume 3 the Horde killed “most” of the Shen’drelar in the attack on Dire Maul.

I dunno about you but I’m not sure a small scale Horde raid could kill off the majority of them if there were thousands of them.

They’re in the Portal Room.

The important part isn’t really that they are in Stormwind, IMHO, because I’m pretty sure they’re canonically tethered to Azsuna – but the fact that they’re faction-tagged Alliance indicates that Highborne NE’s aligning themselves with Night Elves isn’t as far-fetched or unreasonable as Guzzle is intoning it is.


That is correct, most people don’t, but they should when they are not happy.

To be fair, highborne NE’s aren’t any different in appearance from standard NE’s outside the title they claim I am not sure he is disagreeing with them aligning, just disagreeing with the numbers

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That would be correct.

And also the fact that I’m not sure how well integrated they are since at least Tyrande has still been shown to have mage/Highborne beef as recently as Legion.

To be fair, a plethora of the original lore doesn’t exactly make sense knowing what we know now.

For instance, it’s been postulated by some of the ubernerds on Scrolls of Lore that Mordent Evershade (Shen’drelar) is probably one of the most knowledgeable mages in existence
 if he’d existed, or if power displays ahd been as awesome in 2004 as they are in 2020, he probably could’ve countered hundreds/thousands of soldiers by himself.

Also, worth noting that Eldre’thalas was like the third or fourth largest settlement of Night Elves on ancient Kalimdor. It’s entirely feasible that there were tens of thousands of people living there; “most” of them being killed would still leave a sizable group.


/takes notes

You have a great deal of knowledge on the subject. I didnt even know there was a language called Shalassian. Is this data from the lore or from books?

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What? I wanna learn this language now :rofl:

Someone teach me Shalassian.

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Tyrande and Malfurion belong to organizations, and ascribe to views, which loathe the use of the Arcane – they’re hardly indicative of the broader society, which has been shown as recently as BfA to be heavily tolerant of and, indeed, dependent upon the Highborne.

(Note: This newfound tolerance is also why they’re seen in the BfA Cinematic.)

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That’s my shtig get away from it.

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Reminder that Dire Maul was a 5 man. I mean it’s possible that 5 Horde adventurers killed the thousands of Night Elves, presumably similarly populous ogres and then the survivung thousands of Night Elves fled from the wrath of these 5 demigods.

Very plausible.

In-game and a dev post on twitter.

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I don’t recall any Horde players wanting to have a night elf look. Nightborne npcs are definitely different, alliance and horde were asking for them, but I thought more alliance here on this forum were vocal about wanting them.

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Reminder that the Well of Eternity was a 5-man. Apparently, five adventurers and Illidan are able to take on the might of the Kaldorei Empire. :man_shrugging: