The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Also, posting on this character for the time being for effect. Wholeheartedly disagree, their model is scrum-diddly-umptious.

Look, I dunno what to tell you. It’s an exceedingly common complaint. Google ‘Nightborne model’ and literally every result is people complaining that they don’t look like they did in Legion.

Also unlike worgen people couldn’t ‘continue’ to play nightborne, they had to start to play nightborne.

Convincing people to race change or start new characters to a race that they don’t find as aesthetically pleasing as they could be is a much harder sell than simply convincing people to continue to play their out of date worgen models.

Them males though


When I see Nightborne , I feel they look like they are Elves gone Troll looking with the gear they wear, but that just me.


The fact that something is being complained about, doesn’t really speak to how big of an issue the thing they’re complaining about actually is – the major complaint I’ve seen is that they look too much like Night Elves.

Alright? They look too much like the third most popular race in the game? How awful, right?

I mean, yeah. Because that’s not what people liked about the Nightborne aesthetic. You personally main a night elf so you might like that, but that’s not what Horde players were sold on.

I don’t feel like going all the way back to your proposals involving nightborne and night elf interest. Much of these discussions with you gets lost because you spend more time complaining about the arguments, or rehashing new arguments along different tangents.

It doesn’t, and its circular reasoning, and it doesn’t apply to your next example for several reasons

You: If you play a night elf, you would have been more interested in nightborne because they’re related to night elves.

This statement does not work because it makes several presumptions.
Firstly, that those who are not playing night elves will have less interest, but you have nothing to support such a theory. People get interested in different things even if they do not necessarily indulge in it. People who are interested in art, but do no practice it. Or people who listen to music but do not produce it. You don’t need to play a night elf to have equal interest as a night elf player in matters such as nightborne.

Secondly, elves in general garner interest because they are pretty, other worldly, and other such matters. So how can you argue whether it is simply them being elves and having pretty things or having a story?

Thirdly, your examples are garbage for anyone who has some knowledge. People have a preferred language and will gravitate towards it when it is provided simply on the basis of understanding it better. It has nothing to do with interest. It is a matter of being able to understand more effectively what is being stated.

Shouting your theory as opposed to whispering it, doesn’t change the innate weaknesses of it.
You are arguing psychological behavior in terms of what interests people, and trying to relate psychological behavior in what people prefer linguistically. These two matters involve completely different motivational factors. Just because they involve the word “interest” or “preference” doesn’t mean they are the same thing from a behavioral standpoint.

Would you believe I actually like the males way more than the females? They capture the junkie aesthetic pretty well which isn’t quite as cool as the turbosmug Legion model, but it makes me think my nightborne was one of Thalyssra’s Nightfallen who got all addict skinny.

I can’t stand how large their shoulder armor is. I mean I know this is WoW, but c’mon!

Silly human.

It is easier to do it.
If you ever do something because it is an obligation and not because you enjoy it, then you’ll find yourself much happier not doing it anymore.
Treat it like a job.

Find a new game. Be happy. That matters more to you than it does to anyone else, and you are what matters in the moment.

This is a good joke.
Totally aren’t multiple topics complaining about how they looked extremely aged and disproportionate.
oh no, everyone is complaining about them looking like night elves.


The Nightborne shoulder size is unchanged from Night Elves but they’re far more slender, it looks horrible!

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My mage is a Horde

Its because of the skeleton being used. They didn’t alter accordingly

Tbh 3 of my 5 most played characters are orcs so I’m used to comically oversized shoulders. Never even noticed really.

It works though because they are designed around it. Nightborne just
aren’t. It causes issues with the model movement to where sometimes your shoulder pads clip your head badly.

Precisely. A faction that was unique, but within peripheral view of the Darnassian NE’s isn’t something the Horde ever asked for – which is why I’ve maintained, throughout this discourse, that the Nightborne aren’t overly appreciated on the Horde.

Instead of flipping the script for Void Elves and Nightborne, in some half-baked attempt to appease the perpetual requests for High Elves on the Alliance, they should’ve had Nightborne go to the Alliance and Void Elves go to the Horde.


Fair enough. The nbelf model is munted in general.

I should probably try to go to sleep, I have something exceedingly stupid and dangerous to do tomorrow.

That’s not what are though. They are as much blood elf as night elf and that’s not reflected in the new model. That’s the problem.

I think nightborne will eventually get upgrades to their model though, at which point they will still have their lore, which is amazing, and a better aesthetic.

I love my nightborne warrior though, and am trying to decide what class to make next.


The culture in Suramar is derived from the original culture of the Night Elves, Darnassian and Shalassian are even intelligible if I’m remembering the side conversations in Suramar correctly. Not to mention, Darnassus allowed for the reintegration of another, unrelated holdout (Eldre’thalas) in Cataclysm – Nightborne are absolutely within the peripherals of Night Elven culture.

Between the Shen’drelar and Illidari, some of the most flashy characters the Night Elves have aren’t even “typical Darnassians” anymore. :man_shrugging: