The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

No. But let me repeat a lot of arguments on this subject and you will see what I am asking.

Is “Blood” political or not? Is the High elf who got upset about being called “Blood elf” justified or not? At this point, the line has been completely blurred.

So either the information contradicts the arguments people use or visa versa.

Are we High elves with a new name, to honor the fallen. Are we Horde and thus, the name is political etc. Or is “Blood” elf a staple to addiction and nothing more.

Maybe the actual definition of blood elf is those who siphon mana from living creatures and high elves are the ones that don’t.

No idea, I didn’t write the source material. All I was pointing out was that high elves did indeed suffer from the addiction.



After the rescue, Kael’thas beseeched Illidan for a cure to the blood elves’ addiction to magic. Illidan had a different proposal in mind, though: in return for the blood elves’ loyalty, he would teach them to drain magic from powerful alternative sources, including demons. It was an offer Kael’thas felt he had to accept. He was certain his people would die without either a cure or a new source of magic. Kael’thas pledged his allegiance to Illidan, who taught several blood elves the techniques he had offered. These teachings spread to the other blood elves in Outland, who were then able to stave off their painful hunger for arcane magic.

Rommath remained in Quel’Thalas to help rebuild and await the prince’s return. Thanks to Rommath, the blood elves on Azeroth learned how to drain arcane magic and feed their addiction. As they returned to health, they praised their absent prince and dedicated themselves to learning more. Rommath and the new order of elven magi made great progress in tutoring their brethren to manipulate arcane energies. Soon the spires of Silvermoon City rose skyward once again, powered by volatile magics. The blood elves have even begun retaking portions of Eversong Woods. Emboldened by the promise of Kael’thas’ return, the prince’s weary people now focus on regaining their strength and forging a new path into an uncertain future.


I did state that they did deal with pain/suffering. This is not the same as giving in and coming to addiction. I never said otherwise.

However, I did say that there is only one where it was clearly stated and that was Veressa. Keep in mind that (aside from WC), I do not read outside material. And I don’t read anything considered “Alliance” related either. I know about the sisters but that is because of their past (and partly of how they defected).

Correction: I do read/know most, if not all, High elf spin offs. Blood of the Highborne, for example.


Because Blizz won’t let me co-mingle with the Ladies of the Alliance without getting shot.

you can mingle in dalaran

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More like Lagaran




Do I look like a Pirate?

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I refuse to walk through that door, Reno.

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Yes. Why else did you give me this name?

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How did you get out?

Climb thru the window then.

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Upgrade from whatever potato you’re playing on, boy


It lags no where else.


Mine too

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I told you that was an accident, and it was just the one time!


Yet it happened 12 more times after.

Stop sneaking up on me during target practice :frowning: