The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I mean
out of the ones left shown in game, Im pretty sure Alleria is better suited to be more of an influential character as a rendorei.

It is simple. What’s also simple is that “no” is equally as valid a response to that request as “yes” is.


So it’s the name that you believe makes one a High elf and nothing else?
And you basically want dead elves? Or at the very least, elves who depend on the Alliance as their magic source, thus not making them elves at all but just mages.

Well, that is another point proven.
This post right here proves what Elisande meant when talking to the “high elves”. About “playing at nobility”.

And not that any of them know what crisis is like, having an easy life. Pain is one thing but if the Silver Covenant had been through the same horror, they would have fallen to addiction for a short time too. Don’t lie to yourself. Hold that “name” high with your nose in the air.

High elves suffered from withdrawl too you know, they just chose not to siphon mana from creatures to deal with it.


the blood elves are the high elves, the sc exiles are high elves. the race already is playable. the problem is you dont want to play the horde. this is what its always been about. but a void corrupted high elf is there for you if you want to be a high elf on the alliance


Yes, the alliance elves dealt with “pain” after the Sunwell’s destruction. Trying to compare it to being there in person, watching thousands die and feeling it first hand, is something completely different.

PS: Those elves in the alliance were siphoning from their own mana crystals, from small mana wells that Dalaran created for them. Besides physical pain from being cut off from the Sunwell, they never had to worry about addiction.

Where is a source on that?


You were referring to people like Vereesa, correct? Who it was directly stated as “feeling pain” after the Sunwell’s destruction and “her children” is what helped her through it. Right? Though she is the only one stated to even feel pain, let alone anything at all.
So if you want answers on how, oddly, the alliance elves seem to be unaffected by being cut off from the Sunwell, you might want to ask Dalaran.

Literally. Go read up on elves and Dalaran.

Do you think they still have blue eyes because it’s a biological trait? lol It’s due to the magic that an elf is in contact with/source of magic.

aurora skycaller, an elf who lived at quel’lithien ‘lodge’ and who vanished when the lodge was destroyed by the inhabitants messing around with magical artifacts they shouldnt have been

from “in the shadow of the sun”

"“The Sunwell is thus returned to us,” Aurora said. She turned her face to the window.
“Yes,” Lor’themar replied.
The Plaguelands’ absolute, dead silence fell across them. Lor’themar bowed his head,
reliving his own moment of comprehension, when the last dust of battle had settled on
Quel’Danas and the Sunwell had shone majestic and proud once again. He had stared into it with
the same paralyzed expression that had now etched itself into Renthar’s and Aurora’s faces, and
had found no joy in its glow. He had never dreamed the price of its return could be too much to
Aurora’s voice startled him. "I had wondered why the pangs of the addiction felt so eased
lately. I have not needed
 to cope."
“The magic in the Sunwell is different now,” Lor’themar said. "It may take a while for some
to adjust."
“Some, yes.” Aurora reached her hand up and seemed to grasp something that Lor’themar
could not see, twisting it between her fingers as if it were a long ribbon. "I am a priestess of the
Light. I know this magic."

sorry, faction integrity matters in a FACTION BASED GAME. without it you can apply the same logic to the grimtotem tauren who follow magatha, or the dragonmaw orcs who followed zaela, or the fogsail freeboters led by captain owings, distinct groups with compelling backstories that you cannot play. why should the logic that could be applied to a few alliance high elves to make them distinct not be applied to these groups? or any damn race, what you want makes the faction concept pointless. simple isnt it?


I have read up on it, she felt pain BECAUSE of the addiction. They weren’t unaffected. The quel’lithien high elves, who were there to defend their homeland by the way and then as thanks for that were kicked out for not wanting to mana tap creatures, suffered from addiction pains.

But I’ll do the research for you.

Like blood elves, high elves can use arcane magic. Whether or not they are spellcasters, all high elves suffer acute pangs of withdrawal in the absence of the Sunwell’s energies. Some have realized the cause of their distress; others have not. A crucial difference between high elves and blood elves is that no high elves have decided to feed their hunger for arcane magic by draining that magic from alternative sources (during the time when the Sunwell was useless). Without the Sunwell, a high elf might still succumb to that addiction and become one of the blood elves.

On several occasions after the Sunwell’s defilement, Kael’thas publicly asserted that his people would die unless they found a new source of magic. Technically the prince was mistaken. According to Azeroth’s top priests and medics, the only high elves to perish due to magical withdrawal have been the very old, the very young, and elves who were already in poor health. Such a low rate of attrition might be considered an argument in favor of simply forgoing magic and suffering through the consequences. Indeed, a few high elves are said to have succeeded in taking this route through sheer willpower: they survived the process, however unpleasant. Apparently certain magical artifacts also ameliorate the symptoms of withdrawal and might, if sufficiently powerful, be able to suppress them altogether. This is not to say, however, that withdrawal from magic would leave the high elves unharmed. On the contrary, permanent mental or physical damage is possible.

The high elves in Allerian Stronghold used draenei vessels containing raw, magical energy to resist the lure of demonic magic. The high elves at Quel’Lithien Lodge found an item of magical energy and succumbed to their addiction, becoming wretched

With the reigniting of the Sunwell, the pangs of their magic addiction are being eased and more high elves are no longer tempted to succumb to it.

But yeah, they totally were skipping around in the sunshine not feeling a thing from the addiction. :roll_eyes:


:rofl: Haha
A post with half truths, is still a lie.

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she is citing from the rpg section again. there is even a disclaimer above this section denoting this

This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.


That just proves that they suffered from the addiction as well though. They had to use artifacts to cope rather than draining mana from creatures, but were still dealing with the pain of addiction.

Those that ended up giving in to their addiction and resorting to mana tapping creatures basically became blood elves.

It shows that you are wrong when you state they felt no pain or addiction.


“Becomes one of the blood elves” lol what does that even mean??
Vereesa’s own cousin fell to addiction and dealt with the effects but was still a part of the Silver Covenant.

Of course he later went on to try and steal her kids and got his self killed but.

The encyclopedia confirms what Avarie posted.

Like blood elves, high elves can use arcane magic, but most do not because most high elves are not spellcasters. Whether or not they are spellcasters, all high elves are suffering acute pangs of withdrawal in the absence of the Sunwell’s energies. A few high elves here and there have realized the cause of their distress; others have not. A crucial difference between high elves and blood elves is that no high elves have decided to feed their hunger for arcane magic by draining that magic from alternative sources (now that the Sunwell is useless). Even today, though, a high elf might still succumb to that addiction and become one of the blood elves.

Such a low rate of attrition might be considered an argument in favor of simply forgoing magic and suffering through the consequences. Indeed, a few high elves are said to have succeeded in taking this route through sheer willpower: they survived the process, however unpleasant. Apparently certain magical artifacts also ameliorate the symptoms of withdrawal and might, if sufficiently powerful, be able to suppress them altogether.

What about asking apologies to her?


oh, my bad she usually cites the paper rpg. still this line is a joke we can guess who snuck it in. read the citation for it

Without the Sunwell, a high elf might still succumb to that addiction and become one of the blood elves.

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Actually the sources listed on the quote I pasted were the high elf encyclopedia, the vessels of power quest text, the wretched hive of scum and villainy quest text, and In the Shadow of the Sun where a high elf character specifically states that the pangs of addiction had lessened and she hadn’t needed help to cope. This was after the renewal of the sunwell which eases the addiction pains of blood elves and high elves.

But I guess saying blood elves are high elves and then acting like high elves are somehow immune to the pain of addiction and therefore different from blood elves is par for the course for you guys.


I quoted what I quoted.

What does “Become one of the blood elves” mean? Clear that up.

read the citation that is used for it and it explains everything

^ In the Shadow of the Sun. Aurora: “I had wondered why the pangs of the addiction felt so eased lately. I have not needed
 to cope.”

a pro snuck that line in and used this as a citation source :joy:

Why don’t you read the Blood Elves entry in the Encyclopedia? It’s pretty clear.

Blood elves no longer truly consider themselves high elves, and they tend to have different priorities and behaviors than their high elf kindred. Unlike high elves, blood elves have decided that in the absence of the Sunwell, they will feed their hunger for arcane magic by draining that magic from alternative sources.

Succumb to addiction = feeding off from “alternative sources” instead of restraining yourself.