The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I don’t care too much for the helf cause, but honestly there’s a valid reason for them to keep going.

I remember there being threads all the time of people asking and begging blizzard for Classic or Vanilla WoW and people would constantly shut them down saying it would never happen. I wish they didn’t nuke the forum archive otherwise I’d be able to find some.

Now look where we at rn.


The fact that High Elves call themselves High Elves.

If the name is what bothers you, let’s change it. Let’s name them Silver Elves - we couldn’t care less. We want playable Alliance High Elves because of their loyalty to the Alliance and their resistance against mana addiction without having to siphon from living creatures, not because of their looks, their city, their culture or their name “High Elf”.


We might be better served
and certainly much more relaxed about all of this
if we focused instead on what makes an Elf high.


Her face never fails to amuse me.


Oh, the people that can’t set apart a term being used in gameplay, in cultural or in biological sense, nor can understand that Fliktarg and I are using the term in different contexts.

Here’s some help:

Funny, there’s an old comedy sketch here in Brazil in which the teacher asks the student some History question, and then the student replies that the event being talked about never happened and challenges the teacher to show him ridiculous amounts “proof” such as photographies, recorded videos or a signed declaration of the cited person declaring himself as perpetrator of the act. When the teacher can’t show what is asked for, the student claims victory in the issue.

That’s exactly what you are doing there.

The day Warcraft fiction starts delving into such minutiae as music, poetry or whatever of each race, maybe we will have what you are asking. For now, I’ll point out things that we do have:

The term “blood elf” itself is a cultural identity: a show of respect and honor for the fall of the high elves, the destruction of the Sunwell, the near-annihilation of their kingdom, and their rebirth from its ashes.[6] It is also a reference to their royal lineage - their blood line.[3][5] As a culture, the sin’dorei have retained the look and feel of their fallen high elven kingdom, though have developed a greater penchant for the color of crimson: the color of their namesake. Crimson-red robes, decor, and armor have become far more commonplace within blood elven society prior to the fall of the high elven people, a reference to the blood of their many brethren who had perished in the Third War.[41] The iconic and traditional blood elven colors are red, gold, and to a lesser extent, blue – all of which can be seen on their racial crest, the Icon of Blood.

Many of the stoic high elves, reeling from the loss of their ancient homeland, Quel’Thalas, have given in to their hatred and despair and embraced the dark side of their magical natures. Calling themselves “blood elves”, these cold hearted refugees seek to expand their remaining magical powers at any cost — even if it means courting the infernal powers of the Burning Legion. Though still loyal to the Alliance, the blood elves’ passions will lead them not only to the highest pinnacles of power, but to the darkest depths of madness.[3]

Long after my death, my people would suffer an even greater mistake. The High Elves relied on the Sunwell and its glory. Never imagining a world without it, we would never make preparations to deal with such a fate.
Later, when the Sunwell fell to the forces of the undead, what was left of my descendants would be lost and helpless
 and the path they would take in response would change them forever.
The Sin’dorei, still striving for redemption, would return here as well

Blood elves no longer truly consider themselves high elves, and they tend to have different priorities and behaviors than their high elf kindred.

Prince Kael’thas returned home and rallied all the survivors he could find: approximately 90% of the surviving high elves. He declared that these survivors would now bear a new name–the blood elves –in honor of their fallen people. The blood elves no longer consider themselves high elves, and they have different priorities and behaviors than their high elf kindred.

I’m tired of citing actual lore from quests, novels, short stories, the encyclopedia and whatever, while people just brush them aside as if it was nothing and show nothing in return.

People can’t even find a single time blood elves call themselves high elves in the present tense. There’s many places where they or other characters talk about blood and high elves as separate entities. This differentiation started even before WoW was released.

Lore is on my side. It’s futile to try to use lore to deny the request. You will fare better by using gameplay reasons: “Blizzard won’t allow a race that looks too much like another” or whatever. That however, would mean that antis would have to agree with us if we then proposed means of providing further differentiation, and they can’t have that.



Blood Elves and High Elves are different groups, not different races


Let’s ask Ornyx what is a race in gameplay, shall we?

I don’t think it’s about their culture not being “primitive”, it’s more that when you play a Human or a Blood Elf, or any other race for that matter, your character comes from a specific “faction” within that race. This lends them the ability to choose what they want to “be” when they grow up, but only insofar as what that particular society offers.

Playable Humans are always from the nation of Stormwind. Playable Blood Elves are always from Silvermoon. While it’s possible for there to be “break aways” in the story and for members of those races to join “opposing factions” and learn new skills, that’s not something that’s on offer to player characters.

If those classes were ever added to those races, I would expect specific backstory to be created for how those races adopted those techniques and rituals, such as with gnome hunters “creating” and taming mechanical beasts.

There you have it, you can have different “races” that are biologically the same. Like orcs and mag’har, or humans and kul tirans.


Dropping by to support playable Alliance High Elves :blue_heart:


Read again.


If Blood Elves and High Elves were different races to each other, then why is “Blood Elves are High Elves” a thing

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Exactly, so Blood Elves, the playable race, are a faction of the Thalassian race.

We’re asking for High Elves, another faction of the Thalassian race, to be another playable race.

Simple, isn’t it?


You are the one lacking in reading skills, sorry. I’m not going to discuss this any further, when even the freaking game says they are different races.



There is nothing saying they are different races. Both are different groups, with one renaming themselves to honor there fallen and the other who didn't. Blood Elves did not declare themselves as a new race, niether did the High Elves that did not rename themselves to Blood Elves.

He never said that.

He said “blood elves are pretty much high elves, and void elves are pretty much another flavor of high elves”.

First: pretty much (or nearly or well) means “very nearly”, “almost”, “more or less”, I just googled it. Try it, if you don’t believe me. This means they are close enough, not exactly high elves.

Second, he also compared void elves to high elves.

If blood elves “pretty much” are high elves
And void elves also “pretty much” are high elves
Then blood elves “pretty much” are void elves, and both of those are playable.

If we can have both blood elves and void elves, then we can also have high elves.


I posted TWICE an in-game almanac that calls “high elves” an “Alliance race”, then lists “blood elves” among Horde races.

It’s not my fault if you choose to be blind.


That is not saying that Blood Elves and High Elves are different races from each other.

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Why are you not willing to understand that “race” in WoW does not mean “biological race”, but “a political faction of a biological race”?

Check the following page:

They say Kul Tirans are a different race from Humans, and yet they’re the same biological race.


chris metzen: high elf = blood elf

jeff kaplan: high elf = blood elf

ion hazzikostas: high elf = blood elf

the character creator itself tells you high elves are blood elves

you have individuals. thats it. oh and void elves(which most of you play) are a thing now. you cant go around pretending they arent. and they are actually IN the alliance, whereas the few SC elves left are aligned to the kirin tor/dalaran. sure they are alliance sympathetic, but thats it. at best they were the voice for the alliance in dalaran :relaxed:

best you can hope for is vereesa and a couple SC elves appear with khadgar in the background next time he shows up and put more into it as usual, but most likely we will just see vereesa by herself again continuing the narrative of the 3 sisters


Yep, which means they should be playable :kissing:


Let’s just talk about how awesome the high elves that don’t call themselves blood elves are.