The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I have never seen anyone make the argument that you (or any other pro-High Elf player) are asking for Blood Elf characters to be forcibly faction changed from Horde to Alliance, unified with the High Elf NPCs , and made playable for the Alliance but no longer on the Horde. That’s what this


Not once have I seen anyone accuse you - or anyone else - of trying to force Blood Elves onto the Alliance.

You’re making things up.

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The primary driver of the horde faction imbalance is a domino effect of the top players migrating to the horde over many years and blizzard never addressing it. First it was the min-maxers. Then it was top end guilds. Then it was mythic guilds. now it is heroic guilds.

They keep going horde because of the larger recruitment pool of skilled players. Sure some have remained on the alliance however there are not many of them.

Blood elves are just the most popular horde race. That doesn’t have a large bearing on the reason why the horde has such a high population compared to the alliance. At least not anymore. There was a point where blood elves were the best possible race for mythic+ due to their racial pretty much the entirety of legion. Since it has been heavily nerfed some have race changed while others simply don’t care enough to do so.


That is the implication when we keep getting told “You want high elves which are blood elves and you can’t have blood elves!!!”


No it’s not. Not even close. What’s hilarious, in a sad way, is that you challenged someone else’s ability to comprehend when it’s painfully apparent that you’ve either failed to comprehend the difference between

No, I don’t want you to have High Elves because Blood Elves already exist and are the same race.


No, you can’t take my Blood Elf and force it to be an Alliance High Elf

or you’re just making things up, throwing them at the wall and hoping they stick. One of those is a real argument, often used, and the other one isn’t.


Then explain why they often say we can’t have silvermoon nor quel’thelas, ect in the same comment.


Because you can’t? They belong to the Blood Elves, I was pretty sure that should be obvious to you.

Would you happen to be pro/neutral to the idea of Half Elves, Murg?

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but we are not asking for them. They think that by asking for high elves it means we want those things and also the culture of the blood elves because they believe high elves and blood elves are the same culture.

They think this because they believe they are the same race (which they are) however they don’t seem to get that the group of high elves we are asking for have an entirely different culture from blood elves.


:joy: My point proven.

Yes. Blood elves have High elf culture and Alliance elves have human culture.

So no, you can’t have humans with pointy ears or High elves.

I mean to be fair, they kind of are. They’re the same people from the same kingdom that speak the same language and all revere the Sunwell. There are cultural differences in that High Elves have lost some of their culture while Blood Elves have added to theirs, but culturally they’re still kind of the same

I don’t think that disqualifies High Elves from being an allied race though (Void Elves already did that). One being on the Horde while the other is with the Alliance is already a huge difference, it’s the concept that the game is sold on


Indeed. High elves are basically half elves without being half elves (for the most part, at least currently)

I say this because it would be an easy retcon to turn many of these into “half elves”. Not necessarily half elves but they have mixed ancestry due to their families having lived in human kingdoms for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Sure there would be some pure blood high elves however the majority would be retconned to have at least some human ancestry.


This is why I think we should push for a Half Elf allied race. That way they’re not physically or culturally identical to Blood Elves

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Moving forward after many years of discussion I believe there are 2 highly viable paths to playable alliance high elves.

The first would be a retcon to “half elves” giving them a reason to receive a new model that could perhaps combine human and elf animations. You could make yourself look like a pure high elf or you could make yourself clearly a half elf.

The second would be to change void elves as a race to “exiles” to serve as an all encompassing playable group for alliance thalassian elves no matter their individual stories. This would require their starting zone and racials to be changed in addition to new customization. They would not however require a new recruitment questline nor heritage armor as they would both still be representative of the group.


That’s why I love (sarcastically) most people arguing for “high elves”.

Their basic argument is that, because there is a “name” involved, it revokes all the lore for them and makes them something completely different.

If I saw a wild duck and named it Bob, would it be a wild duck or a pig? And would that name invalidate it’s existence as a wild duck?

Here is the gist: The high elves created Silvermoon, the Sunwell. It says so on the official page under “Blood Elf”. Traitors left, some deserted and joined the opposite faction. But suddenly there are no High elves in Silvermoon, loyal to the Sunwell, who happened to join horde? Because of a “name”?

Blizzard really shows who cares about lore and who uses it as leverage.

What makes a High elf, a High elf? Appearance/Blue eyes (which came from the Sunwell originally)? Culture? Origin? People need to decide.

honestly I wish the stereotype of blue eyes wasn’t what most people associated to high elves.

It doesn’t help that is really the only color blizzard gave their in game models. Lore wise they have a larger variety of eye colors than humans do IRL.


I had a whole thread I started on the subject. Depending on how it’s done I"m all for it.


You tell that to Alamara who seems to think otherwise.

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Damn, that’s a thread I wish I didn’t miss. I’d love to theorize about Half Elves all day, but I’d rather not hijack the original purpose of someone else’s thread. I’ll probably get around to making my own eventually


If we get high elves, I hope their customization ends up being stellar to make up for the flag bombing and other stuff.