The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Funny that you ask, since it’s in a canon in-game text in the very same post you quoted from me originally. Didn’t you read it?


I would throw mana bombs in High Elf thread posts if I could

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Want the question in bigger letters for you?

Where does it say that High Elves and Blood Elves are two different races?


Isnt that the point of being called Hispanic?

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Fair enough deal to me.


What happened to the diagram of all blood elves are high elves, but not all high elves are blood elves?

Which pro High Elf poster hurt you? :frowning:


I’ve never been an outspoken advocate for this, but at the same time, I don’t see why High Elves shouldn’t be added. Seems like it would make a lot of people happy. Wouldn’t that be a good thing?


It’s only been 15 years, but by all means please elaborate on the specifics embodied in this radical shift. Did their design philosophies in architecture change? Their literature? Their taste in music or art? If so, I’m sure there will be no problem with you citing canonical references to those changes.

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I can imagine it making the devs happy, since it would cause a lot of players to buy race-changes. I’d personally be buying three myself.


The issue is you either refuse to acknowledge or are unable to comprehend that we are asking for a specific type of the thalassian race that collectively is known as and refers to themselves as high elves. They do not refer to themselves as void elves or blood elves.

When we say they aren’t “High elves” we are not saying they are not the thalassian race we are saying they are not the group referred to as high elves.


I think the issue is a far more fundamental one. I’m pretty sure everyone (ok, almost everyone in deference to someone who can’t read well that I may have missed) knows that what’s being asked for the is the offshoot of Thalassians continuing to identify as High Elves.

Understanding that request in no way means agreeing with it
and many people don’t.


This is not the argument nor has it ever been the argument. This is you coming in with a third wheel debate that has no bearing to the ongoing discussion.

We have always recognized them as the same race. Simply put that doesn’t matter though as we don’t play races we play factions of races. It is referred to as race because “groups” doesn’t really fit well for RPG terms.


If Blizz let me play High Elves, with all the classes Blood Elves can play, I’d transfer all my Horde characters to Alliance (even the non BE ones) and never return. And therein lies the problem - tons of Horde would do the same.

Mud huts and pyramids are absolutely not my thing and I love the Alliance. But I love Blood Elves more.

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this is true but this isn’t just a disagreement of the request. This is them mostly saying we want the entirety of the thalassian elves including the blood elves and their unique culture rather than the specific group we continuously outline.


Fliktarg, I’m out of likes, but here’s a ton of them, all for you! Love your wonderful posts:



What does that mean?

Yes it is a disagreement regarding the request; you want something that other people - myself included - don’t want made available to you.

It doesn’t begin to become complicated until the various individual reasons for why we don’t are surfaced - then you’ll find a variety of reasons.


False. You are an exception and not the rule.

and if anything A mass migration would probably HELP the current faction imbalance. When we ran the math 2-3 years ago at the time it was determined that out of the 120 population it would take 30% of all blood elves of the eligible classes to faction swap to make the faction imbalance worse than it was. Since then the faction imbalance has gotten worse in favor of the horde.


The primary driver of Horde faction imbalance is Blood Elves, however.

but an argument constantly being used against the request is basically us wanting all thalassian elves in existence in the alliance under the name “High elf”. This would include the horde blood elves when this isn’t true at all to our request.