The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

So you understand that the High elf RACE is Horde? Glad to hear.

But you aren’t happy with what you did get, huh?

I love debates like this. And no, I understand very well. Here is where the debate gets silly.
The reason people aren’t happy with void elves, isn’t because of their looks and only partly because of their lore. It’s mainly because they are not “pure” High elves like us, with claim to full High elf lore. The city, culture etc. And the only ones that can give the Alliance a claim to Silvermoon and such (or so people think), is NPCS like Veressa.

People were MORE angry that the void elves were exiled, than they were over anything else. People completely ignored High elf lore, to get angry over the loss to claim.

“So what if the void elves completely destroy the Sunwell, making the 3rd war and everything after completely useless. Like Kael’thas going to outlands. We want real High elves on alliance! We will kill the entire population, or what’s left of it, by tainting the Sunwell again but who cares! We have Silvermoon!”

So this is how I see it: Take a walk.

Void Elves are the High Elf race as well.

You once again don’t want to understand we’re asking for a specific faction, not the race.

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Yeah well you’re not seeing it correctly. All we want is the faction of Thalassian elves who are loyal to the Alliance, nothing else. We couldn’t care less about Blood Elves, Silvermoon or the Sunwell. Many of us were satisfied with Void Elves thinking they were these specific elves that were turned into Void Elves. When we learned these elves were Blood Elves - that’s when we exploded.

You wanting to make us look like High Elf purists or “Horde High Elves” negationists - that’s your issue and sadly I can’t help you.


It was all over the forums. Dismiss it if you like. That’s all people were angry about. People were happy about their look, blood elf carbon copy appearance and animations but when they heard that the lore basically kicked them out of their home land, they went bat crazy.

Time and time again, in every debate I have with people over this subject, it’s always the same thing. The lore. They want the High elf lore for their faction. People can say “Blood elves and High elves are not the same” all the want but at the end of the day, we all know better. The only difference is, the alliance has no claim or right to it.

THAT is the difference between a race and faction. A race has established lore in regards to culture, homeland etc. A faction only has lore when it comes to establishment and goal.
No homeland, nothing to claim or take.

If blizzard actually thought that slippery slope wouldn’t be like hell on earth, during winter, do you honestly think that they would give in and give a High elf faction to the Alliance? This might be a forum, behind a keyboard, where everyone discusses their opinions and enjoyment but that doesn’t mean that people need to be naive.

Open one door and a billion people will break down the walls, creating a million more.

I’m not sure that even makes sense. You’re probably talking about Horde players being mad about the implementation of Void Elves, not players asking for playable High Elves/High Elves becoming Void Elves.

Why in the world would we be mad about them being kicked out of Silvermoon? We can’t have playable Alliance High Elves/Void Elves and yet have them walk through Silvermoon. That’s like Humans visiting Thunder Bluff - it doesn’t make sense, and I assure you that is most definitely not something we, as a community, are asking for.

No, “race” refers to the biological group of a certain species, regardless of any social characteristic. “Faction” means a group of people that share a common goal or political agenda.


:roll_eyes: Never mind.

No. I’m talking about Alliance players being angry when they found that void elf lore basically had them exiled from Silvermoon. Even after Alleria had to literally show them why in a cut scene during the unlock quest.

And Horde wasn’t angry about Alliance getting void elves. At least I wasn’t. I was angry because they were given TOO MUCH High elf identity and was to close to us in almost all aspects. Sure, void elves are the closest thing alliance will get but I was expecting more of a biological change. New run animations etc.

Ah! Yes, that’s exactly the problem - Void Elves should have been the specific elves we were asking for throughout these years, not Blood Elf exiles. Looks aren’t important, we only want(ed) our Alliance fanatical elves that refused to siphon mana from living beings, nothing more.

And that’s something we don’t like either. This is what many people never get - we do NOT want a Blood Elf carboncopy - at least, most of us, I can’t speak on behalf of the entire community. We wanted new animations, a new idle stance, even a new model (heck we’ve proposed several already), something that deviates from Blood Elven culture. But nope, Blizzard assumed we just wanted crazed good looking Blood Elves hungry for power.


I haven’t seen anyone asking for high elves who want them to have silvermoon. And the issue with void elves is they feel like 5 minutes went into their creation, no one heard of them prior to them being implemented, and the horde got nightborne who had a full zone of lore and characters with thought put in.


there has been some in the past who claimed that Silvermoon and all the Blood Elves (formally High Elves) used to also belong to the Alliance, but it was so long ago I think people have dropped that argument.

Saying they used to be alliance is different from saying current alliance high elves have a claim to silvermoon.


Oh, we want to use Lore-based population information?

“Modern high elves are a rare sight, and are commonly mistaken for blood elves.”[12][13]

“there are very few high elves left on Azeroth today. High elves did not gather in any significant numbers and are a very small group of individuals. Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture—only a past filled with glory and regret.”[2]

“As a people, the high elves are all but extinct: the remnants of the remnants of a fallen race.”[14]

Lore is a bad place to go for supporting anything like large numbers of High Elves still existing. A better case for you and others to make is that it doesn’t matter how many are left.


With void elves playable, you are correct, numbers don’t matter.


Exactly, which is why I wish people would stop trying to suggest there are a lot. And good morning to you, Avarie :slight_smile:

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Fair point.

Good morning to you as well!

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Even if I didn’t want high elves I still wouldn’t like void elves or how they came about. They weren’t heard of until they were announced so no one even had a chance to ask for them. I personally don’t find them very interesting or even dark. Mostly I question if they had any sanity at all in the first place before they started playing with powers that could corrupt them. That’s just not being smart.

They haven’t been in bfa enough to be fleshed out and seem to have been absent for major void related plotlines thus far.


To be fair tho no one had heard of Night Elves until they were introduced either, and Blood Elves were given to the Horde to get a pretty race, but I feel like Void Elves went Alliance to give the Alliance an interesting corrupt race.

I see them as very Yennefer of Vengeburg power seeking, very fun when you think of them in that context.

And I agree, neither have any of the AR’s introduced in Legion, they all deserve more time. But it seems Blizzard will attempt to give us increasingly more time via Alleria (Blizzards history of including a race by making a leader star a lot) and also just what we got in BFA I get the impression we will see them more often

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they didn’t exist before they existed.

Void Elves had a portion of the Battle for Undercity where they got to flex their might, and there is an entire questline with Umbric and Void Elves as part of the war campaign showing off their abilities.

Beyond that, they’re present in Stormwind walking around if that’s something that’s important to you. We also see snippets of their offensive force in Zulzadar.

I mean you don’t have to like them or anything, obviously, but they have had their moments and of course they had no background prior to existing as a race.


Lore population don’t matter when player populations start changing them. Especially when players make elves babies pop like quintuplets every second.