The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

It’s a hyperbole. They’re arm candy for male characters who are stand-ins for writers with unhealthy fetishes for anorexic women. “Human male paladin” has a more general meaning for grossness. You’re argument is pointless, changes nothing, and you know what you’re doing.

That’s not the fault of the race or the fans of the race.


Just because you have a fan fic doesn’t mean Blizzard has to adopt it or that we have to like it.


I have a desire to play a race I have seen working with the alliance since I started. Just because you don’t like it that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be playable.


I hope to make next Blizzcon, and my offer from 2019 still stands.

Though I don’t think it’ll realistically happen

Except I’m not actually asking for anything, but to keep the status quo.

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The difference is your request is to keep something that people would enjoy from being playable, and if they are playable you don’t have to play one.


No, but they do taint the world I play in. I’d be exposed to them just the same.

Not to mention there are limited new race slots, and I’d really like something like Sethrak.

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And? I don’t want vulpera or mechagnomes tainting the world either but I’m living with it, and I didn’t even go into their threads to whine.

Edit: I doubt Sethrak would be alliance if they become playable.


Are you implying that is worse than whining about your fan fics not being cannon? What can I tell you, if you want to exclude people from the conversation because they disagree with you, there is a Discord.


What I love about WoW is how it resists cliche. An alliance of humans, dwarfs, and high elves can be found in most other fantasy worlds. An alliance of orcs and high elves is an example of WoW resisting cliche and is what makes WoW great. If there was any mistake it was in allowing some high elves to join the Alliance at all. High elves for the Horde.

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Asking for a race is totally the same as trying to keep others from getting a race they want?


We all want things, that doesn’t mean that it is good for other people we share space with, or that we should get those things.

As long as it kills the whole “Give Void elves High elf skin tone” options I’m all for giving Alliance High elves.


Pretty sure Valeera had a bit of a thing for Varian I too.

If I were him I would have a thing for her too. She’s awesome.


Hahahaha hahahaha. Ok.


Number of npc does not represent actual lore population.


Since when is it “Faction” based to the toxicity by the player base?

You got bad behaviour from all kinds of people, regardless of what faction they play. When it comes to the forums and the entire discussion on High Elves, you got toxic behaviour happening by both sides, and both sides do play either faction as well. It isn’t limited to Horde only being toxic.


There isn’t a lore population and they aren’t a good candidate. This should clear it up for you.