The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Then there’d be a Forsaken Council at the Horde Council. Somebody call a councilor!

Exalted is a lot worse, yes, but I’d do it for high elves and maybe a few others. Vykrul maybe though I don’t think we’ll ever get vykrul.

I am not sure what expertise he has. He’s a glorified hunter trainer whose been under the wing of Sylvanas whose supposedly a tactical genius but really is not.

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Well that’s what Sylvanas wanted, and why she agreed to the meeting in the first place. She thought they’d be rejected again and it would just put them further under her thumb. That’s why she killed even the ones who were returning to her, so that no one would report to others that the living family members of some actually received some of their forsaken loved ones well and accepted them.

It was part of her crusade against hope.

Edit: And we were having a good and fairly civilized conversation. :frowning:


Ranger Lord in a Thalassian army isnt something you scoff at especially when hes human

Funnily enough, cops kind of dress like that here. Vest and all.

The disgust I feel towards the idea of Lightforged Forsaken pales in comparison to how much I loathe the fact that they decided to dust off Calia. Her appearing and the whole ordeal with the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow during Legion
 I’m still producing salt for my fries over that one.

Good job Blizzard, giving the leadership of the Forsaken religion, the one originally made for them to cope with undeath, to a living human.

This part I didn’t like. The rejection is what made them what they are, it’s what built their original isolationism and pragmatism (not the examples we’re seeing nowadays
). That secret need to be close to those that survive and yet knowing they won’t get it and then they have to press on. I like that.

Far too many councils. But at this point, Dumass would be doing a better job than Baine.

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Literally a council of Forsaken would be a bunch of “literally who” characters that people have to wiki to remember who they are.

Let’s be honest

Yeah but it was stupid. It wasn’t just Sylvanas doing that, their families attempted to wipe them out. It was the defining aspect of Forsaken culture. Just backflipping on that and deciding that the Alliance would never be mean to de poow Forsaken is a pathetic continuation of Blizzard’s absolute refusal to allow the Alliance to be pricks sometimes.

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Yeah, I miss the corrupt nobles of Stormwind.

And I’m sure everyone is sick of the revolving door of Warchiefs by this point. So, who’s ready for the revolving door of Council Members? :cold_face:

I mean, they allowed Golden to retread on some of the core tenets of the Forsaken to make Sylvanas more evil


Yes, Sylvanas and Nathanos have been hogging the spotlight for far too long.

But I’d hardly call Gunther Arcanus, Aelthalyste, Belmont, Alexi Barov and heck, toss in Valonara since, as long as I’m aware, the dark rangers are staying around, “literally who”.

To be fair, if someone is to blame, that is Faol.

One shouldn’t expect composure from someone as Sylvanas, specially in a book that is made to set her up as the mustache twirling villain.

Was this her choice? I remember hearing she was forced to dump Garrosh’s redemption story.

Only three I recognize off the top of my head.

It at least didn’t help that around that time those core tenets changed that she made statements about how now she could understand them.

Then your homework is to level a Forsaken from 1 to 120 by monday :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: And make it a priest so you have Aelthalyste following you around as a follower.


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Absolutely livid about it. It would be like the night elves deciding Azshara wasn’t so bad and go back to serving her, but then she’s not evil anymore.

Golden needs to get fired out of a cannon imo, she write Alliances like a fanfic where they’re never in the wrong and Jaina and Anduin are the greatest things to happen to Azeroth since sliced peacebloom.



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Wow, surprised it reopened! Still throwing in my support for High Elves on the alliance side.


What happened?

We’re back, ladies and gents