The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Think of it like this: we know that Thalassian elves have the ability to have their eye color change by their usage of magic.

In WC3, we are now seeing eye color match up with the different forms of magic.

Itā€™s not a stretch to see what Blizz is trying to do. They are establishing precedence by showing that these eye colors can exist.


Not likely unless they announce something that would get me interested in it.


Please refer to me with she/her.

Thank you. :heart:
This was my intent.

Iā€™m not terribly interested in the shadowlands, or more sylvanas stories. The only thing I want to see is what the nelf customization is going to be. But grinding rep with covenants? Pass. Grinding for pathfinder? Pass. No races, ars, or new classes? Pass. This is my first time not preordering an expac aside from BC because I didnā€™t start playing until early in BC.

Pure undiluted chaos, the forums would literally be on fire.

Tbh I imagine sheā€™s getting knocked off pretty soon. Gulā€™dan wasnā€™t exactly the master of the cube factory during Legion.

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I am going to see how they go about it. If she gets redemption Iā€™m really not interested in that, and Natahnos has to die with her.

All the zones seem to have stories that dont seem to deal with Sylvanas (like leveling content) but Sylvanas probably is towards your end game content.

Itā€™s like Garrosh except wont die to Thrall.

Do people forget you had to grind rep for specific before BFA for power?

Pathfinder just should be one part and not award flying halfway through the expac, but the system is fine.

Races, yes it sucks.

ARs? Why? Didnt you just say you didnt want to grind covenants?

New classes? They can barely balance the old ones. Iā€™d rather them fix the issues with the current rather than establish a new class that reduces identity away from others.

Nathanos is fine, if he stops being shill. Iā€™d rather have him be Forsaken leader than Voss or Calia.

I donā€™t want to grind anything at this point. Iā€™d be fine with pathfinder if it didnā€™t include the rep, especially with the two pathfinders and the second one not being released for a while and the new reps with it are slow to do.

But Iā€™d grind rep for an AR if they ever actually release any I want.

I would like them to fix the current classes as well, I donā€™t have a lot of fun with many of them at this point.

Nathanos would kill himself and join her in eternal torment rather than ā€œliveā€ without her. I donā€™t think the forsaken would really want the boytoy of the woman who called them all nothing and used them as their leader. I donā€™t think it should be Voss either though and Caliaā€™s ā€œloreā€ is justā€¦bleh.

On Pathfinder I feel that should there be new zones released later in the expac then a part 1 should reward flying for the first Shadowland zones and part 2 for the next.

The thing is they want to delay flying for a while, theyā€™re not going to just drop flying straight off the bat.

Thatā€™s what I mean revered reps for the base content isnt bad. But itā€™s the part 2 that is troublesome.

If they removed part 2, and made just one pathfinder at release that gave flyingā€¦the system wouldnt be as bad as people say it is.

Which is ironic since exalted is a lot worse to grind than revered.

I disagree since we have seen Nathanos be a bit unsure of her actions in the past. All it takes is once catalyst for that to change.

Iā€™d rather have Nathanos who is a competent military leader than lore abomination and undead character who wasnt Horde until BFA

Oh hey, something we can finally agree on. But I wouldnā€™t call Caliaā€™s lore ā€œblehā€ more likeā€¦ it needs to developed, with her preferably dying for good and never, ever brought back, in fact, if she goes back to her previous forgotten status after dying, thatā€™d be even better.

Deep breath

Ideally, I would prefer a council of Forsaken figures, not that theyā€™re hugely relevant, but Iā€™d take that. Vossā€¦ well, she can do her thing for all I care.


You dare speak ill of your Queen, child of Lordaeron?

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They could all burn for all I care


Man, I miss when constables wore those uniforms.

I love Caliaā€™s model but thereā€™s no way I could get beyond the ridiculousness of the concept of lightforged undead. Itā€™s justā€¦no.

I do think a council would be a good idea, and I really liked the idea of the forsaken getting a break and being able to bond with their living relatives.


Are you kidding? That was horrible. Theyā€™re called Forsaken because their families rejected and then hunted them. Now suddenly the living are fine with them and the Forsaken are willing to defect to the Alliance?

Death to the living.