The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

You don’t need to try to chastize me over this when I have the exact same thing done to me. But I personally keep the insults to fictional characters.

There’s nothing wrong with disliking or liking certain lore events. It’s a whole different story when you twist lore facts to fit your personal ideal scenario, thought.
And this is not about “my standards”, is what makes a discussion healthy.

So you don’t reply differently and simply will snap at anyone regardless if the individual replied to you civilly, but based solely on the fact that they didn’t behave in a way you approved of in general?

Ok, that’s your prerogative.

They did address it, not once or twice, but multiple times.

Why the desire of those that wish to be a “tall majestic elf” (I guess night elves don’t fit in this description, by the way
 I mean, I’m not a fan of them, but seems kind of rude towards your allies) in the Alliance should trump the desire of those that wish to keep the races between the factions clearly disctinct?


Because, as the last few expansions have dictated, the races between the factions aren’t distinct. You have more magically-inclined Night Elves on the Horde, werewolves on the Alliance, and few other examples to name a few.

Also, for those that don’t like to play a high elf, here’s a solution: Don’t play one! I’m not a fan of Mechagnomes, but I don’t mind their inclusion. I’m just not going to roll one nor put in the effort to unlock them


But they’re not not Night elves. They’ve been isolated and affected by a different source of magic for 10,000 years, they didn’t simply live south of the continent for 30 something years. And those werewolves have still more in common with the Alliance than with the Horde.

That’s not what I said. Of course whoever doesn’t want to play soemthing shouldn’t care. But that’s not the same as not wanting to see the exact same race on both sides again, specially when that race has been iconic for the Horde for over 10 years.


But why? What did I do?

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But I love my High Elves to the point where I am playing one.


Yeah, and they would have been more at home with the Alliance than with the Horde. The aesthetic doesn’t quite fit with the savage noble theme. But that’s ok, I don’t mind Nightborne being on the Horde. Also, from a glance, the Nightborne are really just Night Elves with a different stance

Also, how can you say that the Nightborne are different from Night Elves but turn around and say that High Elves and Blood Elves are the same race? They’re both biologically similar but share different attitudes



The Horde is not about aesthetics. Their themes make them fit perfectly within the Horde. And no, it’s more than “noble savages”.

That’s something alot of people has an issue with, me included. That should tell you something about what happens when exchanging visually similar races.

Because one spent 10,000 years isolated in a bubble while bathed in a completely different source of magic, while the other simply lived south of the continent for 30 something years while being affected by the exact same source of magic.

Even blood elf demon hunters are more different to sin’dorei than High elves, at least they have a demon living inside them
 and they’re edgier.


this thread we should turn it into a drinking game every time it gets locked or unlocked we all do a shot :rofl:

Did you even do the Surumar questline. It is even been said in the introduction that they were Isolated from 10,000 years ago whiched changed them because of no Moon light or sun light.

The Third War only happened like 30 (in game) years ago, give or take.

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I dunno, I thought it was funny.

So a shot every 24-48 hours?

Isn’t that just normal life?


I never drink that often. 1. I’m too poor to afford it and 2. I shouldn’t with the meds I take.

Edit: A better drinking game would be to take a shot every time someone says “Blood elves are high elves” but we’d all die.

Well, assuming there’s 20 regular posters and let’s be kind and say 8 of them are antis. Assuming a 14 hour day of which maybe six hours could be spent at home and in front of a computer. At an aggressive post rate of 3 an hour that’s
I think 144(?) in a day. Assuming that 10% of these posts contain the (correct) assertion that blood elves are high elves that’s 14 posts a day. 14 shots is 14 standard drinks. Assuming a regular metabolism the body can work through one standard drink in 50 minutes. There would be just barely enough hours to metabolise this (it would take just a bit shy of 12 hours).

So no one would die, you’d just be tipsy constantly.


Fair enough. I’m amazed you can do that math.

I wouldn’t mind being tipsy constantly


So what happens if part of the blood elf customization
is eye colour?

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It wouldn’t bother me if belves get blue eyes. i won’t stop asking for high elves regardless, not while I’m still subbed.

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So 16 days.

15 now. But basically yeah.

I’ll see you in Shadowlands

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Realistically that’s gg no re, if we’re being honest with ourselves.