The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Mine. I have like 16 days left or something.

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I would really prefer you donā€™t go. :slight_smile:


you got good taste in shows mur. LOUIE LITTTTTT

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I have 68 hours left. Not sure if I have time to resub. :frowning:

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I am sorry :frowning: I am just not feeling the love as an alliance player and Iā€™ve never been this unenthusiastic about the game. Weā€™ll have to find a way to keep in touch!

I might not have time either. I may be changing my major in school and I donā€™t know what Iā€™ll have to do to catch up yet.


Doesnā€™t change the fact that vereesa gave the order and the fact that the high elves carried out out


Aside from this, the reveal for Shadowlands was so heavily disappointing, I unsubbed, bought the reforged beta, and never looked back.

Unless I see some impressive redesign of classes to make them fun again as well as more (wanted) AR options or even a new class, this might be the first WoW expansion I actually skip.


I would ordinarily buy diablo 4 and reforged but Iā€™m just so annoyed at Blizzard right now that Iā€™m not bothering. They said they would listen to player feedback for future ARs, but now we have no idea if/when there will be more. As you said, thereā€™s no new class. Just a new system that involves more rep grinding.


I too am not looking forward to a Xpac Specific advancement system.


Itā€™s seriously like they take stuff that people donā€™t like and double down on it. There has been a lot of people speaking out about how they donā€™t like the rep grinds for pathfinder or allied races, so now the next expac will involve grinding rep with our covenants to advance.


I hardly ever follow this kind of stuff so Iā€™m curious regarding when they said this. Mostly because so far this obviously hasnā€™t happened.

Just Ion being Ion.


Iā€™m down with that.

Edit: For Christā€™s sake, will you people STOP FLAGGING THIS THREAD! We get it! You donā€™t like the idea! That doesnā€™t give you the right to try and stop us from wishing for it!


I am looking for it.

Was just wondering if it was before or after, giving the least used AR, KT, when people hoped for their thin models tooā€¦

And Iā€™m willing to bet it was before, having so many interesting suggestions, and some actually realistic (like sethrak), they decided to give us a gnome reskinā€¦

Perhaps they never noticed the request for Helves, Ogres, Wildhammers, Vrykul (which I personally dont like), etc. I mean, they are listening to feedback , but eh, I guess they might have missed some o.O

I believe it was in the middle sometime, but I am having a hard time finding it.

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It was a Q&A during July or August 2019 I think

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Awesome, I will look for it again tomorrow. Thanks for the tip!

Well weā€™re getting Wildhammer in the form of customization options, I just kind of wish we had a Heritage set to go along with it.


Same, heritage armor for them would be nice.