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If the devs didn’t want a Silver Covenant Presence there, then why add their equipment, it would have been easier not to add them there.


Stop ducking please. I have never said the ballistae don’t imply some High Elf presence nor have I ever said they are not what they look like. All I asked you is was simple questions:

a) How many High Elves does the presence of three ballistae represent to you given your scaling theory?

b) Why is however many that scaling implies all that the SC sent?

c) How, given your scaling and reasonably applying that identical scaling to other races, did the Night Elves manage to scrape together a force 20+ times that size after Teldrassil and Darkshore?

I mean, really not hard questions Valarian.

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I would say like before in earlier posts, please quit accusing me as ducking your question this will the 2nd time answered you,

Windrunner’s Overlook would be a good example size or Troop Contingent if we use the 3 three Ballistaes there at the battle, but no troops are there at all.
I also said out of the 30 to troops at Windrunner’s Overlook out of those 2 per Ballistae so a total of 6, again no troops there at the battle,

Do you actually believe Stormwind in lore is the size it is represented in the game? It much bigger then what it is game, that’s one example of what I mean by game scale.

Again what would be your hypothesis on why three Silver Covenant Ballistae are at the 4th war with no troops.


[Citation Needed]

If you go to Windrunner’s Overlook its Silver Covenant manning them. Go there as alliance though they will shoot you if you go as Horde.

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Sorry I missed it in the response - my apologies, 2 Elves per ballista for a total of 6 - plus Vereesa makes 7. So 7:1 scaling. Ok, thanks.

7 total members of the Silver Covenant are present for the last battle based on your own scaling theory - the win or lose final confrontation at Orgrimmar. I’m still dramatically underwhelmed considering the Night Elves, post-Teldrassil and post-Darkshore, fielded 20-30 times that many. And this is with Tyrande pissed at Anduin.

Understand I’m not arguing with scaling - it obviously exists. I’m discussing what that scaling - using your ratios - implies.

I also understand why you would not want to discuss the Silver Covenant fielding what is at best a token force (have no idea what else you would call a force of 7 people in the midst of an army) at the last great battle of the war.

And if you do the Blood elf heritage quest (which is the most recent time the devs put them in the game prior to this) the same ones are there being manned by the high elves stuck in blocks of ice. Same markings and all. They are high elven weapons, but I don’t see proof of more specific sourcing for those.

Unfortunate that is the problem, Gnomion and his crew is destroying the story.

Allerian Outpost is still there and Wintergard keep to, btw Wintergard keep has a arcane sanctum in it also. I have no clue what the ratio would be, but i know there should of been troops added there with the 3 ballistae

Great, but why did the Silver Covenant only send 7 Elves to Orgrimmar as part of the “everyone we could find” force that Anduin cobbled together? Seems pretty token-esque to me.

I think it should have a Troop Contingent the Size of Windrunner’s Overlook, not just the 6 Ballistae Grenadines, It would have been consistent of a unit that have 3 Ballistae in it. Based what we seen at Windrunner’s Overlook. But i have no clue why there are no troops there at all. Didnt make sense.

One thing I did notice to, The Sunreaver’s Command was Different then the Silver Covenant base also, Sunreaver’s Command had four Ballistae where Windrunner’s Overlook only had three so Unit Size seems to be different between the factions.

I have a strong feeling that this has way more thought put into it regarding the unit makeup of the elven military groups than when the bases were put into the game.

Might be, I don’t know, Ill just stick to we agree to disagree and move along, Until its completely finalized and all t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted. :+1:

I’m just basically saying I think that they put as many ballistae in those two bases as the art team thought looked right as opposed to the idea that they have a doctrine.

Maybe they wanted a distinction of the two I was hinting at is all.

this is honestly probably what happened. someone who doesnt really know the lore and was tasked with placing assets for this scenario just plopped down w.e looked cool and now we have to listen to this joke argument

they could be relics the alliance had laying around that they pulled out because resources were so stretched. void elves could have brought them, if ranger types are suddenly master siege crafters then magister types can be too. lorthemar could have brought them as hes the only high elf that ever appears near them and gifted them to the alliance he could have painted them blue to remind them quel’thalas once stood with the alliance and they are doing so again even if only temporarily. or the damn designs could have been shared long ago and incorporated into the alliance siege arsenal. the 4 alliance high elves in BFA could have brought them :joy:. its all speculation, there is nothing to discuss

its not outdated at all, the game director basically repeated this last year when he told you high elf=blood elf, ‘that theres no clear example of what they are as a group that remains on azeroth, that theres a couple, but they arent out there in the same way. if you want to be a high elf the horde is waiting’ :woman_shrugging:

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Here’s hoping they address this soon. It would be nice for them to acknowledge us.


they already did

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Wonder how many Subs have been lost under Gnomion’s reign.