The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Just stop making ridiculous argument for no good reason and that would be enough tbh.


I wonder where, oh, where we have seen those mysterious ballistae before
 Who do they belong to? Oh, so many questions!

Such a mystery may never be solved. :frowning:

Oh, nevermind. I solved it: 

Nice work!


You do know what a ren’dorei/void elf is right?


Windrunner’s Overlook so beautiful this time of year!! :+1:


I love that place. No Horde allowed as well.


I need a favor. Can someone confirm if realmpop is offline?
I’ve been unable to access it since saturday. I’m not sure if it’s a problem with the website or DNS pathing from where I live.

If anyone is able to access it, can you get me the allied race raw populations (not percentages) for level 120 characters in US?


High elves don’t belong to the horde because they are playable in both sides. They aren’t those high elves from silver covenant that people wanted, but void elves are high elves from quel’thalas.

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Down for me too.

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News flash: The High Elves in the Silver Covenant are also High Elves from Quel’Thalas.

Helfers are the only ones here who are ‘fighting’.

Shadowboxing must be fun, I guess?

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Thanks. The site was active until satusday afternoon. It went down around the time it usually gets updates, and I’ve been unable to access it since. I hope it returns soon.

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Yeah, I just double checked, but I know I couldn’t use it last night when I wanted to look something completely not elf related up

That’s interesting. I say that because if three unmanned ballistae represents a significant High Elf Alliance presence there then pretty much every Night Elf who could hold a weapon must have traveled there since there is a company-sized force of them actually there which means what - a reinforced battalion sized or larger force that (again, positing Vereesa and 3 unmanned ballistae equals a significant force) outnumbered visible High Elves present by better than 20:1?

Seriously, if Vereesa and those ballistae constitute scaled representation of a significant force what do several ranks of Night Elves scale to
using exactly the same scaling?

I know :grinning:

Actually I didn’t say significance, I did say representation/presence, all we know the the guy working on it didn’t make the deadline of putting actually troops there, but saying they could be stored ballistae in a Sin’dorei motor pool in silver moon didn’t make much sense to me is all. I did use Windrunner’s overlook for example since it about the same amount of equipment there and same style ballistae.


Ok Valarian
posit how many High Elven troops would be required to man 3 ballistae and extrapolate. If each one is a three elf crew and one to supervise them is reasonable, then let’s say 10 total? Is that fair?

10 High Elves at a battle so important that Anduin says he scraped together everything he could for it and they either win here or lose the war. And 10 SC show up? Not “every member of the Silver Covenant who can lift staff, sword, or bow”?

If the scaling is fair, and Vereesa is the lone visible High Elf, that means a 10:1 scale. That then means the Night Elf presence there was 10x as large as was shown in-game meaning even after Teldrassil and Darkshore the Night Elves pull together hundreds of combatants to the SC’s 10. Color me underwhelmed.

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Simple look at Windrunnder’s Overlook, the numbers in troops not there either.

Valarian, that’s an absolute dodge that addresses nothing in my reply
at all.

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So whats your Hypothesis why 3 High Elves ballistae that show up at the 4th war unmanned. Please don’t say they were in a parking lot in Silvermoon just waiting for a great battle one day.

If you look at Windrunners Overlook there are 3 ballistae there with two Silver Covenant next to them,rough estimate of the entire Garrison is about 30 to 40.
So 6 of those are ballistae, I have no clue why the troops are not there but their equipment is.

Some Alliance Quel’dorei Locations In WOW

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