The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

And Draenei/Lightforged/Mag’har while also forgetting about Darkspear. Showing small populations are not an issue.

And even if that where true the Recruitment Quest could simply band them all together.


Up until Legion it’s never shown anyone in the council disagreeing. With Modera even taking part on the offensive. So even if other members of the council had misgivings, is pretty evident they didn’t stand against Jaina’s decision to pledge the KT to the Alliance.


Mag’har are described as having ‘significant’ forces on Azeroth.

Yes, I think “Void elves didn’t magically forget how to use siege weapons because I dunno, wizards or something” is more likely than “The High Elves, from nowhere, despite not being involved in this conflict appeared from literally nowhere to besiege Orgrimmar and also no high elf npcs appear”.


More likely a small contingent of High Elves, Sin’dorei would not have used High Elves Color scheme, game scale representation would be my answer to the size of force.


1- Void elves don’t even have a single house anywhere in the world, and you expect them to have an arsenal of ballistae hanging around?

2- Those ballistae use the same model/colors of ones used by the Silver Covenant in places like Northrend and Isle of Thunder.

3- There were high elves involved in this war, including Vereesa, Yvera, Seraphi and the shield mages in Arathi. You can argue all you want that they may have been in small numbers, but not that they were absent or not involved at all.


The devs did go out of the way to show they had a presence there.


There weren’t even any Void Elves there.

They don’t even use siege equipment or have the means to make it. They do all their stuff with Void Magic. It’s literally their entire thing.

Citation needed.


In defense of mag’har, they were shown to have been able to move considerable forces to Azeroth in their recruitment scenario, including ogre clans and cannon-mounted gronn. We’ve also seen actual mag’har weaponry in the battlefield, like cannons, iron stars and even a ship somehow (thought the one in Drustvar may just have been a Horde ship built with mag’har designs after we got them in our shipyard in WoD).

The mag’har are portrayed as an actual army in the 8.1 war campaign and invasions. They may not be a big army, but they are clearly very well equipped and numerous, and also shown to have a variety of units from all clans.

Void elves, in the other hand, are mostly casters and the ocasional ranger. No equipment, no town, no army. Just specialized “elite” units.


Yes. You don’t usually keep siege weapons in houses. I assume they keep their siege weapons where they keep their regular weapons and their mounts.

Who are completely absent not just from the quest in question but the entire xpac beyond two guys opening a portal.

So despite appearing in exceedingly small numbers they’ve brought a big ol’ cache of siege weaponry to a battle despite not appearing in it?

Alleria was there. So just as many Void Elves as high elves were there.

They use bows, don’t they?

Steve Danuser on Twitter.

Vereesa appear in that same questline and patch. /facepalm

Siege weaponry that was theirs in past expansions. Is it so crazy to think that the SC borrowed siege weaponry to the Alliance? High elven siege weaponry, BTW.


So Vereesa was single handedly manning all those siege weapons?

No, it’s entirely possible it’s SC stuff being lent to the Alliance. Although it doesn’t have Silver Covenant written on it so it’s just as likely they belong to the void elves.

The original claim was:

I’m simply saying that there’s other possibilities. Surplus siege weapons lent to the Alliance is a strong one.

Void elves were never shown to have such weaponry. Silver Covenant was.

Also, it’s high elven weaponry, not void elf-themed at all. Argue that when we see gold-purple ballistae with void gems all over.


Silver Covenant haven’t been shown to fight in this war in the sort of numbers that would make the use of siege engines possible. Void elves have.

And I dunno about you, but I see void elves wearing and using blue stuff all the time. It sort of comes with the whole Alliance thing.

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Shield mages using the same gear as SC mages.
High elven ballistae like the SC has shown to use in the past
Vereesa Windrunner in the final attack.

If anything your arguments leads to is that the Alliance does not even need the SC to have high elf forces fighting for it, as the high elves are there anyway.


So we’re just cutting up what other people say so we can argue something they didn’t even say? That’s an incredibly classy and honest move.

That’s where I bid you good day.

If they can’t even build houses then how can they build Siege Equipment?

And why wouldn’t they have Void Elf colors or themes if they did make them?

The only logical explanation is that Vereesa brought Siege Equipment since she is literally a commander of a High Elf army that would have those.

Even if Alleria counts as a Void Elf this renders your entire point moot lol

Bows aren’t siege equipment.

A significant fighting force is not the same as being a significant force.

They are able to contribute but they are still outmatched by other armies.


I won’t miss a guy that suggests high elf ballistae do not belong to high elves, but to void elves that not only have their own aesthetic, but also have never been shown to have such weaponry before, nor way present in said battle in any greater capacity than the high elves were.

We know Silver Covenant has ships and ballistae in past expansions. Occam’s Razor is very clear about who those weapons belong to.


Also Void Elves wouldn’t even need Siege equipment.

They would make Giant Void abominations or make portals for other races that specialize in Siege Equipment.



It is what it is, markings match high elves,