The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

It’s one random unmanned siege weapon with no context to it. Maybe it was part of something that changed in development, or they had the asset and plonked it in there. It just seems ridiculous to try and read so much into it.


your own pic shows 2


There was 3 in total I believe.


Point still stands.

There’s no crews, just the machines on the battlefield with no indication of who brought them

How many were at Windrunner’s Outlook, it has 4 there I believe, that would be probably be a good comparison of how many troops are represented at the battle.


The fact that they are High Elven Ballista and Vereesa is there is a pretty strong indication of who brought them.

Also none of the Siege Equipment there had any operators. Even the Orc and Troll ones.


Ill take game scale for the size representation over any other reason given for them there, (imho) would have been easier not to add anything then to add what they did if they did’nt want representation there.


One big difference is that there were actually a ton of orcs and trolls around. The only high elves around were directly related to Sylvanas. If there had been even a token force of actual elves that might mean something, but they pulled out some units that were in the blood elf heritage quest line and stuck them in the siege.

For all we know they were hiding in a supply closet in silvermoon since the scourge invasion and brought out after this stupid war used up all the nicer stuff.


Honestly do you think Sin’dorei would still have them painted with High Elf Markings.


If it was old equipment that hadn’t been used since then it makes sense. Who knows? It’s a few lone siege engines with nothing saying who brought them.

Even with the Big Deal of changing their names to blood elf and all the honoring/morning lore stuff,


It would be a disgrace to all they went through.

Or you know. Veressa, the Silver Covenant Ranger General, who has helped siege Orgrimmar before with access to boats and Siege Equipment brought Siege Equipment to aid in the conflict she was involved in.

The simplest and most logical and plain explanation that doesn’t require great leaps in logic and what ifs and maybes.

Honestly, the fact that your entire position is threatened by the color of some In Game Objects and you’re all grasping at straws to explain them away only hurts any arguments you guys have.


Not trying to be confrontational here, just wouldn’t make sense,


Depends on why they were added and if there was anything more than “We have this model and don’t feel like recoloring it”

Look, if they wanted to it could have been a point on how a nasty war can deplete stocks and force nations to field equipment that is obsolete but still lethal. Look at WWI, technology had progressed to the point of the machine gun and self loading rifles, but some nations were still fielding some troops with black powder weapons because they couldn’t even make enough single shot smokeless arms for the number of troops involved or because of attrition.

We don’t know.

It could also have been that someone who named herself Ranger General of a little militia because ego might have her own personal collection of arms she could use if need be.

Or maybe some were stored in Alliance depots because some allied elves didn’t have the space or something.

Maybe they were struck by lightning and gained sapience and rolled themselves there because they knew they were needed.


I mean the simplest and most logical explanation is that it’s a mistake. Not that there are invisible high elves manning siege weaponry.

Almost as much as trying to give undue relevance to a race because you desperately want them to matter to the point you make up entire scenarios despite no evidence?


That same markings you see, also match the Blood Elves. It is the symbol of Quel’Thalas.

Wrong colors, dont think Sin’dorei would keep them same color, as the so called traitors had them, that anties so often remind us, but yet anties fight to say that they belong to the horde.


High Elves do belong to the Horde because a vast amount of High Elves out there are the Blood Elves.

They certainly do not belong to the Alliance.

That game gets old to, we both know High Elves in horde and not horde,


Until the devs decide to say all High Elves are now Sin’dorei, or All High elves now are part of the Horde, then the debate will always be there. Thus far it hasn’t happened.