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Or alternative, Vereesa trying to force the Kirin Tor to break neutrality again and this fails, forcing the SC to relocate. I think it’s a pretty good assumption that whatever the case is, Dalaran’s neutrality hinders the SC’s options to be involved in world affairs in a more proactive manner. So unless Dalaran changes its neutrality or the SC leaves the city, they will always feel a bit hand tied.


I think the hate started when the blood elves under garrosh’s orders made the mana bomb that killed a lot of high elves in theramore.


I mean they are literally an anti horde, anti blood elf reactionary movement, and they send you to literally murder the other’s agents in the sewers to gather classified intel.

That’s a more seething rivalry than Huojin and Tushuii have ever shown, and this is even before Theramoore, the Purge and Isle of Thunder.

Considering that Vereesa keeps referring the Horde as untrustworthy savages as of late as legion, she might be more critical of them than other actual leaders lol.


And the high elves aren’t involved in this war beyond a couple of portal mages volunteering for the 7th Legion.

It’s an excellent question, what do you gain out of it?

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No, you’re just trolling hard at this point because you don’t like “facts”, instead, if it doesn’t work your way, you change it around to your liking while calling “anti arguments” worse.


I think Khadgar was unambiguous about Dalaran never lifting its hand against either side, so I don’t see its status as a neutral hub ever going away. To me that makes it impossible to consider the SC formally joining the Alliance without leaving.

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That’s all well and good, Valarian
but it doesn’t touch on Dalaran’s neutrality and how an armed militia not under the KT’s control can reasonably be headquartered there.


And their Ranger General being like, right there.

So for real, you are saying that “Vereesa brought Ballistas, she has always had blue ballistas” is less likely than “Those are VE ballistas, despite them never using them before” and you claim to not have a biased reasoning?

Sure, I am the one trolling when you are the one that has the gall to seriously make the argument that the SIlver Covenant isn’t alliance. You are unreal.


I agree; that doesn’t mean that Vereesa couldn’t try to force the issue and backfiring on the Silver Covenant, which would be my preferred outcome -them leaving and settling elsewhere -either a new area, Windrunner Overlook or reclaiming Quel’lithien, etc-


The Silver Covenant leaving Dalaran would be a perfect setup for an Allied Race. They could maybe join up with the Highvale and build a town there.


Dalaran isn’t that neutral. In MoP they send mages and Rhonin, the leader of the Kirin tor died protecting theramore, an alliance alligned city.


Dude, being alligned with a faction does not seriously mean being part of that faction.

I know the SC is unfriendly towards the Horde, but they joined the Alliance Vanguarde back in Wrath, not the Alliance itself, and that was because of the threat of the Lich King itself
 On the Isle of Thunder, they were there under the Kirin’Tor leadership which so happens to be Jaina at the time, and there under her orders. Not the Alliance.

It’s like you can’t get through your head that we aren’t talking about official capacity but political alignment and ideology. The point isn’t if the SC are officially part of the alliance, if all the other “alliance” HE’s are as well. The point is that they have been shown time and time again to share alliance politics and ideologies, working as liaisons and allies, on a level of participation NO OTHER RACE OR ALLIED RACE HAS -safe for DiD- BEFORE JOINING THEIR FACTION.


Old news. Khadgar declared, quite unambiguously, that neutrality at the end of Legion. It was also in evidence well before that when Jaina lost the vote to keep Blood Elves out of the Kirin Tor. She pouted and bailed. Sore loser.

I love Khadgar, but making Dalaran neutral in Legion after the whole set up to see it back on the Alliance during MoP is something I legitimately hated. It’s not his fault I know, just one of those “gameplay over lore” sort of things.

Hate it tho, a lot.


Dalaran was never a member of the Alliance, so at best it leaned toward the Alliance during MOP. I think having a power like the KT and the Dalaran city-state exist in the game as neutral is a good thing, as it highlights the “neither side is wholly without blame, wholly good, or wholly evil” nature of the two factions.

It’s something that’s easy for us to discuss though - on friendly terms :slight_smile:


In consequence, there are so few high elves left on Azeroth today that they cannot be considered a race in anything other than the biological sense. High elves do not gather in any significant numbers, nor do they act as a coordinated whole. They are a very small group of individuals scattered all over the world. As such, they do not have common opinions or goals. Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture–only a past filled with glory and regret.

Oh no, Jaina quite literally declares after the Purge that “The Kirin Tor Belongs to the Alliance” and as such, why the Kirin Tor Offensive is an alliance faction during ToT. Of course, this just happens at the same time that Varian was in talks with Lor’themar for the BE’s to defect to the alliance.

That’s why she got so pissed she bailed on Legion, the council undid her decree so she saw it as an afront, and a dismissal of her place as the Leader of the Kirin Tor.

I do agree with this and understand why a neutral faction as powerful as the KT is a good thing, but I just wholly dislike that they went alliance and back to neutral again because they realized they needed a neutral hub/power.

Like Legion showed us that there were 12 other neutral groups that could serve that function, so it didn’t have to be Dalaran, but brand recognition and all :confused: (also just easier to update the city heh)


Yes, she says that as one person to which the Council responded

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For real? Quoting the encyclopedia (2006) that precedes the introduction of the Silver Covenant during WotLK (2008) all the eyerolls.