The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Honestly the idea that the expat High Elves should have dropped everything to return to Quel’thalas to rebuild it is just a very weird one, as if they didn’t had lives were they were, as if those lives were less important than rebuilding their kingdom.

It’s not a clear cut answer, but the stance that they are obviously on the wrong for not returning to QT just seems very biased.


You both understand we don’t like the Highborne
right? Yes, a small group of the members of one tiny sect of arcanists that bailed after the Sundering have been accepted into Night Elf Society
against our better judgement, I might add
but the Highborne as a whole? No thanks.

If it was my decision, Night Elves would never have been able to become mages. The distrust of the arcane in ingrained into the history of the Night Elves.

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Yeah if I had to choose between going back to a previous home to defend people that I may have been related to but never wanted to interact to, or defending my new home and people I considered family and friends, I’d stay put.


I still don’t get why the Highborne convinced the Night Elves to allow the practice of Arcane magic within there people.

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Oh for sure you knew what he meant; hence the whole “feigning ignorance” bit, goose! There’s no doubt your posture is simply anti high elf on the alliance -which is fine-

That “we” sounds more like an “I”.

Considering that Tyrande let the Shrendalar reunite with the rest of NE society and teach new mages, I think at this point -despite the dissent of the likes of you, and Maiev- that the Highborne are integrated on NE society is not up for debate lol. Sure you can be a radical anti Highborne, but it’s evident that NE society allowed them back since Cata.

Exactly, it’s like saying that your life is owed to the kingdom even if you didn’t particularly liked the kingdom’s decisions. It’s like saying you can’t disagree with the state and the majority, which is, you know, kinda uber nationalist.


Especially since some of the ones that did fight for Quel’thalas were booted out anyway for not wanting to mana tap creatures.

Thanks for the help, now go starve in the plaguelands!


To be fair playable nelf mages aren’t Highborne.

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Quel’thalas has always seemed to have a strict “My way or the Highway” kinda political culture and perhaps it only just got worse after the decimation of their race. It’s not hard to believe that there was always elves that would rather live somewhere else with less restrictions and have animosity towards Quel’thalas as well; both things that ultimately could make the idea to return to rebuild it, and leave the life you have built elsewhere, not appealing.

And indeed, that not counting the ones that were literally booted out for refusing to follow the new doctrine.


Some of them, and Tyrande has been wrong before - like ultimately, along with Malfurion, deciding to exile the Highborne after Ashenvale instead of killing every last one of them.

And yes, if we’re going to stay in RPLand, as a Night Elf Druid I have a deep and lasting distrust of all things arcane and those who re-introduced it into our society.

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My point was that there should be no Night Elf mages at all. In the same way that there are no Human (or were not until KT Druids were handwaved into existence), Draenei, Gnomish, or Dwarven Druids. The history of the “lowborn” who are the game’s Night Elves is one of rejecting and exiling the Highborne over their use - and misuse - of the arcane.

That’s a big [citation needed].

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Tbf we all know why they did it. They want every race to have Mages, warriors, priests and hunters even though orcs still don’t have priests.

Thanks Obama.

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There’s a lot of things that would be different if they were up to me. Just like I would never have created void elves and would make a way for high elves instead (even if it meant changing them somehow), it’s pointless to deny night elf mages now. You and your character may dislike them, just like my character dislikes being a void elf, but unfortunately for both of us, Blizzard loves to stomp on its own lore.


I mean, is it too much of an extrapolation when Quel’thalas fulfilled its obligation to the line of Arathor with the bare minimum effort, and too the first opportunity to be done with the alliance?

Like let’s not fool ourselves, Quel’thalas as a political entity was never in the alliance out of love, it was only duty and then convenience.


Which again, what you think “should” be is moot since the lore literally says that that the Shrendalar were let back into NE society and the ban in arcane was lifted and new generations were started to be trained. Those are the facts.

You can argue it doesn’t make sense, but that will be subjective. Considering that the Night Elves allied themselves with other races that used arcane, and that the reason WHY they banned arcane became mooth after the second legion invasion, why would it make sense to continue handicapping themselves?


High elves are blood elves with blue eyes. Add a blue eye contact lens. Done!

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They’re on the Alliance since they have that.

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A couple of things

First, I don’t think we would have been handicapped anymore than Gnomes, Dwarves, Draenei, or pre-KT Humans are handicapped by not having Druids.

Second, no, the reason the Highborne were exiled was a magical assault on Ashenvale. The Druidic mistrust of the Arcane did not become moot. There are a few Shen’dralar - the survivors of Dire Maul - who found a home in Darnassus. We’re not buddies:

The Highborne Shen’dralar sorcerers from Dire Maul eventually settled in Darnassus. Many night elves were wary of their guests as they dredged up painful memories from the past. The Highborne in particular were treated with suspicion and even open hostility.[11

It’s an open question as to how many - if any - survived Teldrassil
as there were not many to begin with
so with any luck they’re all dead.

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Not just mages, but even druids and priests.
" The Shen’dralar were allowed a cautious return among their kaldorei brethren, with some young night elves being trained by them to become new night elven mages, and, conversely, some of the Highborne taking up the druidic arts or being initiated into Elune’s priesthood, major societal changes that marked the first steps towards reconciliation between the Highborne and wider night elven society." From wowpedia.

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I love high elves