The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

These Quel’dorei?

I think they just need customisation options for that.

Same here, too serious.

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Plot twist, since they were mostly in Bastion, they still end up blue, just a warmer shade of it lol. Unclear why they would join the alliance since Quel’thalas was independent at the time, I guess it would take a lot of convincing from Alleria and Vereesa to be feasible.

Honestly the whole VE issue rendered the population argument moot. High Elves have appeared far more than VE’s and with in game representation and lore set up there is just no way there can be more VE and HE’s at this point.

To be honest the reason why VE’s look like that is specific to their botched ritual; the other way we have seen a Void Elf be made? Alleria syphoning a Naaru. So if the process can’t be replicated, it would stand to plausibility that new VE would be made more in an Alleria way, so they should look like her.

Unless of course, and likely, they figure out another way of making VE’s with the exact same side effect than the first botched ritual hehe.

Indeed; in that way Void Elves would be made more akin how Demon Hunters are made, pretty much what Alleria did tbh. It doesn’t have to end up consuming a naaru, it can be another powerful Void Entity.

I will say that this could end up in new VE’s that look like the original ones, if the only reason Alleria gets to look like a high elf is because by eating a Naaru, she now has her own sort of light/void cycle that just shows up like that bhahah.

I mean, everything to not let the alliance have playable human colored elves!


That’s gimmick infringement.


Guess you didn’t read the education lesson I gave you above Sigh

And Yes we know Sin’dorei are High elves to just renamed.

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Why do people live to feign ignorance? :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:


I can only ask for your forgiveness!

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Everybody gets one.


I know, right?

We all know Nightborne are the official Highborne race.


I do not know the meaning of how to live to feign ignorance. Teach me oh master.


You must be a savant because you do it so well without even meaning it!


Well, to be fair, he did say “Quel’dorei”. Highborne are also “Quel’dorei”.

Ugh, I wish they add Highborne customisations to Night Elves though :frowning_face:

I read this as servant.


Good one?

Sorry I keep getting sidetracked. This seems to be on point and yet, I kind of remember it otherwise, maybe something in Chronicles but I might be wrong. I’ll have to double check when I have the chance.

But see, that’s trying to minimize what they did.

Oh, this is what originally distracted me. I got too hanged up on that like
 “I can’t even”.

No, bad one. People need to be free and not enslaved.

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See, you are wonderful at feigning ignorance! Even when everyone here knows what Quel’dorei he was referring to, you still claim without a hint of shame to just have misunderstood. That’s just a level of commitment I can only applaud, you play a fool so well.

Have to agree on this tho, I would love Shrendalar Highborne -and yes I am being specific in case you wanna keep being a silly goose!- customization for NE


What they did as in not returning? There’s no proof that they didn’t return out of cowardice, nor do I think they were obligated to return to a place where people were fine with what Arthas was doing, even to other high elves, until it was being done to them.


:frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:

I know exactly what he actually did mean, but the argument still stands about “want fair skin blonde High Elf, the horde is waiting”.