The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I was bored and in game anyway so here you go!

the vereesa passage is pure fanfiction. it even says ‘citation needed’ :joy:

we already know a few individuals remained loyal. we already know the high/blood elves never left dalaran when anasterian withdrew. kael remained there as a council of six member and led the community there. aethas is a perfect example of a blood elf who returned to dalaran and the kirin tor after its reconstruction and was even a member of the council of six. not sure what you are trying to prove. the problem is blood elves are high elves, just like the SC which came much later are high elves. the race is already playable

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So now you’re moving the goalpost? First you blamed Anasterian, but in what you quoted, his name doesn’t even come up once, it only mentions some members of the population.

Quel’thals wasn’t a democracy, it was a kingdom. What the people thought was irrelevant, Anasterian left because the debt was dealt with.

It’s not a secret that I dislike Vereesa, in fact, all of the Windrunners are failures of different degrees (yes, all of them) and Vereesa is the worst of them because she was created as a trophy wife that fell for the heroic self insert human character, but you’re focusing too much on the way I refer to her in my dislike for her, than on what I’m actually saying. You’re assuming every high elf decided to stay because of family. Not only there’s no way of knowing this or confirm it, it also seems far-fetched that each and every one of them had a family that tied them to Dalaran.

Except that Quel’thalas is not directly next to Lordaeron

I don’t know, it sounds like you’re justifying it, rather.

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So are you saying that Void Elves are also Pure Fanfiction too as well? :thinking:


No, it’s not at all your fault
but: The actual J.R.R. portrayal of Elvish and Human relations is one of distrust and isolation from each other with friendly interactions and marriages being rare things. Elves were only part of any alliance with humans when facing existential threats - as in the two wars against Sauron. They didn’t hang out together. Please leave Gandalf’s interactions with Elvenkind out of it because he wasn’t human. :slight_smile:

May I recommend a thorough reading of the Silmarillion as a starting point?


Just because you can’t accept that blood elves weren’t made neutral doesn’t mean void elves are fanfiction.


Ultimately, the Horde was to fall, and placed into internment camps. With his blood debt paid and Lothar dead, Anasterian became an aloof member of the Alliance. The high elves came to realize that the increasingly strained Alliance needed them far more than they needed it, and after a period of mutual coldness between the humans and their elven allies, Anasterian resolved to officially secede his nation.

In the aftermath of the war, the high elves as a whole began to doubt the value of the Alliance. Humanity seemed to need the high elves, but had little to offer in return, especially now that a large portion of Alliance resources was allotted toward maintaining the internment camps. Anasterian had led efforts to drive the Amani trolls from Quel’Thalas while the main Alliance army went to besiege Blackrock Spire. He would later accuse the Alliance of abandoning his people, although not all high elves believed him. Even so, enough did to justify leaving the Alliance.

At last Anasterian rescinded the high elves’ allegiance to the Alliance. He stated that the humans’ poor leadership had been directly responsible for the burned forests in the borderlands of Quel’Thalas. King Terenas Menethil argued that nothing of Quel’Thalas would have survived if not for the hundreds of valiant humans who gave their lives to defend it. Despite his attempts at reestablishing diplomatic relations, however, the elves opted to remain independent of the crumbling Alliance. Anasterian’s secession sparked the domino effect that led to the Alliance of Lordaeron splintering almost completely: Gilneas and Stromgarde followed Anasterian’s example and removed themselves from the increasingly deteriorating Alliance.

From the page on Anastarian. Note that it also says not all elves believed him when he blamed the humans, but enough did for him to secede from the alliance, so clearly even though he was King, having the support of his people mattered.

And I never said every high elf chose to stay for family. Just that there are other reasons they could have stayed beyond cowardice. There may have been some who were cowards but that doesn’t mean they all are.

And Vereesa is the only Windrunner I like at this point.


I need a new copy of the Silmarillion :frowning:

I moved between states a few times and a lot of my books were in storage and got ruined.

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I have. There are Worgen Forces that help in the Darkshore WF.

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It’s too bad Tolkien sucks.

Don’t @ me or PM me.

I wish I was a Blood Elf who got High on the Void.

The void is very bad for you!


These Blood Elves got High on the Void

Look at what has happened to them.

For some reason the change character screen is taking forever to load, thus ruining my Void Elf joke I had planned.

I had a joke planned but it couldn’t load.

“did your internetz crash?”

I wouldn’t be responding if it did

There’s no fun allowed!

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Oh Reno, we all know you don’t need internet to post here on the forums. All you need is a vast amount of voodoo and a deep connection to the Sunwell.

Awww :sob:

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:hearts::hearts: Love to all the Playable Alliance High Elves Fans.:hearts::hearts:

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:Stopping by, Showing that Love & Support for Playable Alliance Quel’dorei.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m a very serious person.

Wrong. All you need is