The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Aaaaaaaaand you’ve ruined G Weezing for me.


That’s right. And another thing, the Void Elves pretty much look like discolored High Elves and Blood Elves, but are STILL not High Elves! And I don’t think it would be that hard to tell the difference between High and Blood Elves. One of them being that High Elves would probably have no option for red hair, and their eyes would always be blue. There might be other differences, but the main difference would be their politics and their demeanor I think. And I don’t know if I said this here before or not, but I feel that if High Elves were to be introduced, they could add stories to both differentiate and develop both High and Blood Elves. So I think that could be a positive thing for both of them.

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There was actually. Some high elves disagreed with Anasterian blaming the humans and left quel’thalas.


Well, not going to lie, but this is essentially what some people want, really.

ok you want to claim there was a schism well before the destruction of the sunwell? citation please

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I think that when she means “some” she means “Alleria and Vereesa”.

I guess that counts as “some”.

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Says the person who never cites anything. Just give any of the wikis a read through.

Har har, as if they didn’t have others with them.


wow she really did mean alleria running around by herself trying to prove the troll threat was real was evidence of some kind of schism among the high elves before the sunwell was lost

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So you’re basing it in an assumption that “some” disagreed with Anasterian?

Also, we’ve discussed this already. Saying that they refused to come back because they didn’t like what a deceased king once said, it’s just as petty as not wanting to come back because reasons.

alleria also never ‘left’ quel’thalas. she agreed to go through the dark portal to protect quel’thalas and prevent the orcs frome ever returning. she literally just got exiled after returning to azeroth

More like she exiled herself.

Big brain move from her.

EDIT: Omg it just him me
 she actually exiled herself not once, but twice :rofl:

They were no longer part of quel’thalas because of the way he had treated the humans. And there’s nothing anywhere that says they could have easily gone back but chose not to because they were cowards. That’s your own assumption.


“Treated the humans”? Why are you trying to make it sound as if he was unfair in any way. He wanted isolation, a common thing for elves, something even Night elves strived for. He simply remained in the Alliance until he felt the debt with Arator was dealt with
 the guy actually repaid a debt he felt he held for 5000 years. If anything, he commited for far too long.

But you’re also assuming that they had it difficult.

In the meantime, Kael’thas returned from Dalaran and brought people over with him. Clearly, nothing was stopping the rest from tagging along other than, most likely going “nah, can’t bother”.

And let’s not forget the humans weren’t exactly best friend nice guy number 1 towards Quel’thalas.

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He left because he blamed the humans for the horde managing to burn some of Quel’thalas, which wasn’t really fair because he only sent a token force to begin with and if it weren’t for the number of humans fighting Quel’thalas would have been in far worse shape.

Some felt that he blame was misplaced. Maybe because it was.

If you say they most likely said “Nah, can’t bother” that’s an assumption and there’s nothing anywhere that implies that. Vereesa had her twins sometime after Orgrimmar was built, so she would have been pregnant while all this was going on. Those who followed her might have chosen to stay for similar reasons, for the families and homes they found after they left.

You dislike high elves so you assume the worst even though there’s nothing to back you up.


actually we love the high elves and their story, which has become the blood elf story now. you just have a weird attachment to a tolkien trope that was shattered by wc3: tft expansion and TBC :woman_shrugging:

your lot have never accepted that this fantasy universe isnt following standard tropes regarding racial line ups and have begged blizzard to reverse its story decisions. not happening

No, he was mad because the Alliance withdrew its troops while there was still large scale fighting going on with the Amani.


If you haven’t read anything by Tolkien then stop making comparisons or back them up.


Ya’ll so cute pretending that loyalty to Silvermoon is a prerequisite to high elves being a thing and pretending the high elves don’t exist despite being constantly placed with the alliance most often in combat roles against the horde.


There’s no need to make stuff up.