The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

But a playable race is never going to be labeled Double Agents with no intention of any significant changes to the factions.


At this point in the story, both factions are very much friends, so it wouldn’t even matter if they were double agents. :smiley:

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Most of the Alliance forces were away at Kalimdor at the time, and the ones who remained were being led by Garithos. Plus, the invasion of Quel’thalas happened after Lordaeron’s King and most of the Silver Hand paladins - including Uther - were killed. Not to mention, there was still the plague going around. How exactly were they supposed to help, after all that?


It wouldn’t be the first time the devs have done something like that. Look what happened to Sira and Delaryn.


This could work.

With each expansion the reasons why High Elves couldn’t work become fewer and fewer


And with Sira and Delaryn it was even a betrayal, they straight up joined the people who murdered them.


No, they absolutely were not. Some of them were in Kalimdor. The forces of Theramore were in Kalimdor. The rest of them were back home.

Kael managed to get back in time to help reclaim Quel’thalas and he’d been living in Dalaran for thousands of years by that point, the high elves have no excuse.


They didn’t need an excuse. Why would they rush back to a place they used to call home instead of defending the places they now call home?

And some that did defend their home were exiled anyway for not wanting to drain mana from creatures, so clearly they didn’t need that much help to rebuild if they were able to exile people.


I’m sure there’s an excuse for the High Elves. Maybe some did return home and left afterwards. Maybe they were fighting the Scourge with the Alliance at the time. Maybe they were simply citizens and not warriors capable of fighting

Whatever it may be, no Blood Elf in the game holds hatred towards High Elves for being cowards, so the accusation seems unfounded


im genuinely curious on what story potential you think the 2 high elves in SW and the 4 added in the newest expansion have left beyond flavor NPC to reflect the lore a few individuals remained loyal, when every story blizz has on them or talks about them is that they are a dying political adjective that assimilated into other cultures. its been nothing but a slow screeching death rattle for the alliance ‘high’ elf story since TBC, when the blood elves owned every last square inch of quel’thalas, its armies and the civilian pop

this makes no sense for a multitude of reasons. its like if you moved to another country but your family back home is under attack, you wouldnt go back to defend or help pick up the pieces if you could? because thats what the high elf prince did, kael grabbed every high elf in sight in dalaran and rushed back to quel’thalas. the city was completely evacuated right after this anyway prior to its destruction, so every high elf in dalaran did evacuate back to quel’thalas only a few cowards went with jaina on a boat to get away and would later die anyway :woman_shrugging:

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Remember folks, it’s not a matter of IF but rather it’s a matter of WHEN.

If we don’t get playable Alliance High Elves with this game regime, we will get it with the next. Horde can get Ogres and we will be off to the races.


i agree. i think it will happen too. but it will be when the game is nearly dead and they dissolve the faction concept in a last ditch effort to give the very last group of players a bandage fix to the population problem. but you will still be a ‘blood’ elf and have to group up with orcs and trolls as well. thats the only way i ever see it happening

High elves ftw yo


That’s not “Alliance High Elves” as in Silver Covenant, Highvale, Allerian Stronghold, etc. It’s neutral Blood Elves.


Flavor npc or not, there’s a story there. The potential comes from the blanks such as this one that could be filled in

Plus High Elves provide the potential for Half Elves


Actually it’s more like my current home and previous home are both under attack, do I stay and defend immediate family that I love, or do I return to my previous home to rescue a creepy uncle and freeloading cousins?

Not a difficult choice.


indeed. considering there was no schism among the high elves until after rommath returned from outland

I want High Elves and a Galarian Weezing pet.

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Galarian Weezing is a dork, Galarian Rapidash is the MVP.

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You’re right. Except Blood Elves are High Elves which means it is asking for the same race across both factions.

Remember, there is no remaining hubs where the High Elves could pull from.

A Rapidash doesn’t look like drug related paraphernalia.