The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Ok so I have this idea that might actually work. I mean seeing as how the Ship has past for Playable High Elves being a actually True Race since Alleria is a Void Elf with Tattoos. I thought why not turn Void Elves into High Elves but something like Alleria staying in their High Elf Form until when Combat comes they turned into Blue Skin Void Elves. Its just like the Worgen Two Form. Gilnean Human to Werewolf.

Plus on top of that your Void Form as a Void Elf can keep the Tattoos but in different color like in the regular High Elf Form is Light Blue Tattoos but in Void Forum is Dark Voidly Tattoo Kind. Heck you can atleast change the Blonde Hair from being light to a Darker color of Blonde that isn’t well Silver or just pure White. Lighter Skin Tunes to Blue or Pinkish Dark to Brown and very Black Options for Void Elves.

Now for those of you may come to say but they are forever void. Well why not do the same scenario like what Alleria did with the Naaru and actually do that with the Void Elves with bit of Arcane to it and then boom. We have Void Infused actually High Elves than Blue Blood Elves. Also I think the Void Elves really need to fresh out their race even more than just standing around doing nothing like corrupt the Blood Elf Buildings into Void High Elf Ones to stealing Thalassian Mounts as Void infused and well basically add more Void Elf Characters that people love to see like Aethas Sunreaver, Valeera Sanguinar, or Vereesa Windrunner in General than only one character name Umbric. In fact fresh out Umbric’s backstory. Is he a Kael’thas Follower? Does he have a Last name and just etc.

I do hope atleast in some point in the Future in Shadowlands or atleast in the Q&AS that High Elf Customization Options will be announced on the Void Elves to atleast fix and put a end to the High Elf Drama/Controversy. I mean its been going on for 3 years now and I think the Alliance really needs to have their Iconic Identity back into the Faction that has been lacking for such a long time since Vanilla.


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Ruh roh Raggy righ elves rever.

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Shadowlands questline: we go there, resurrect all the slain high elfs that didnt become undead and bring em back to azeroth. Bam!high elf allied race for alliance! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: still makes more sense than the void elf allied race questline.


I’d rather meet up with High Elves that fled their timeline, or have the High Elves’ default faction be the Silver Covenant. But I agree that one you suggested makes more sense than how the Void Elves were introduced. Hope my suggestion made more sense as well.


Its a low bar to clear.


Or a questline to those high elves at telogrus join the void elves, they could learn how to drain void creatures like alleria, and become void elves, but keep their original skin tones and hairstyles.


Like something to put this to rest! Lol

Its ridiculous a mega thread like this is shut down due to flags then if anybody would like to talk about it they would have to make a new post and it would be attacked
 High Elves are cool and I would love to see them added as a feature in the game someday. I would like to see the option available to either side but alliance more so.


Yeah, it’d make so much sense for the dead elves to join up with the guys who didn’t even show up when the Scourge invaded against the survivors they fought shoulder to shoulder with.


Why would those slain high elves, join the living high elves, who refused to come to their aid?
“yeah you abandoned me in my time of need, but Ill join you so I can kill the people I died trying to save.”.



Horde could get undead high elves and the alliance could receive the living ones. Problem solved! And many new options to choose from. Lol


How could the humans help the blood elves if Lordaeron had fallen before quel’thalas? And now those same undeads that killed almost all the high elves are in the horde, with the blood elves.


This is a red herring, answer the argument placed before you.
Why would the dead high elves, join the people, who refused to come and help?
Why would the high elves who died defending quel’thalas turn around, and murder their own people?.

You’re throwing out a red herring that has no relevancy. We are talking about high elves, who refused to come save their people.


We don’t know if the other high elves refused to help, maybe they just couldn’t.


And some people like to leave out the part where Chris Metzen refers to blood elves as high elves, and ignore when he stated “there are too few high elves to be playable.”

Oh and Ion’s infamous quote of “The horde are waiting for you.”


they refused.
Vereesa admits to this where she states she stayed to raise her children while knowing what was occurring.
She states she would have gone and helped them otherwise.
So they had the means of helping and they chose not to do so.
They did not even help with the reconstruction efforts either.

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:hearts::hearts:Glad to see to it reopened, much love to all the Playable Alliance High Elves Fans.:hearts::hearts:

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:Stopping in, Showing that love for Playable Alliance Quel’dorei.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Quit spamming dude.

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