The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Pretty harsh for people to come into a high elf love thread and crap all over them too, but it happens.


I would love to, not sure if I’ve achieved Murg’s level of awesomeness though. Been too lazy to check

My hope lies with the fact that there isn’t a stated number anywhere lore-wise, and that Void Elves threw population arguments out the window. I imagine a Half Elf race would include as many half breed combinations as possible in the form of skin tones, which could include Night Elf colors. Could shape up to be a pretty unique concept


Oh, I am sorry if I disagree with High Elves being made playable on the Alliance too. Next time, maybe a thread shouldn’t be made on a public forum then where everyone, those who agree with and disagree with, can post in it too.

I don’t object to disagreement, just how some people go about it.


I think half elves could have half night elf as a option. Different ears and skin colors. Would be nice.


Ion told us, remember? A “crack elite squad”.


But it isn’t the objective of disagreement, it is the fact that you are now saying people are coming into this thread to crap on it, and since it is replying to me, I am assuming that it is the Anti’s you’re refering too.

Calling them a cracked Elite Squad is not saying anything about how many Void Elves were created.

And Ion was also wrong to call them that too.

That’s how many.
“a small organized group of military personnel”

But he did call them that, didn’t he?


People crap on high elves. And you’re not one of the antis I am referring to, just so you know. Some antis disagree in really awful ways though, and shouldn’t be acknowledged if they can’t go about it in a respectful way.


How many is in a squad? Does squad have any actual numbers.

As I said, it was wrong for Ion to call Void Elves a cracked elite squad. I do play a void elf as well, and they are just another beautiful majestic race that are fun to play.

I do agree, there is some Anti’s that are like that. But don’t get me wrong, there is also some pro’s that are also like that as well. Best way of putting it, both sides have there mixture of the good and the bad, if that makes any sense.

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Yellow literally does not exist.
You see, on the color spectrum, where yellow is, is actually where green should be. So the color yellow we see is what the brain made up replace what should normally be green.

This is the same thing with magenta, a forbidden color.
What colors make magenta?
Red and blue.
Where are they on the spectrum?
Completely opposite sides.

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It varies by country, but here’s the size of a US squad.

A squad, which is the smallest element in the Army structure, is typically made up of four to 10 soldiers and normally is commanded by a sergeant or staff sergeant.


This is why we cant really take ions statement whole heartedly. We see far more than a squad.

Then again, the number if players outnumber that of the existing races.

Unless the devs say otherwise, there arent too few of anything.

And yet some people quote “Blood Elves kind of are our High Elves”, leave out the “kind of” and use it as proof of a hard no to Alliance High Elves. :woman_shrugging:


A squad can have many different terms too, so army isn’t just the only term for a squad, and numbers to be proven as a liable argument as well.

The thing is though, there isn’t really any clue to how many Void Elves have been trained by Alleria, or let alone also saved. And since Void Elves are still in more of a “recent” addition, they are still growing.

They aren’t currently growing. Study of the Void is, but last we heard the accident that created the Void Elves is unrecreatable.


Sounds pretty much spot on to me. It wasn’t even a no but they use it as one, but clearly crack squad means nothing even though there’s like three velf npcs with actual names.


No one said that they aren’t. I would like to play those high elves that are part of the the alliance since warcraft, but more options for void elves would be enough for me.

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Blizzard needs to look at adding more Void Elves into the Alliance story. It is kind of stupid that Nightborne have taken part within the Horde to also be part of the Horde story furthermore in BfA, but the Void Elves have been nothing but Island Expedition expierements.


They are? We have high elves and blood elves in telogrus rift, but we don’t know if they are becoming void elves.