The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

There appearance is really different from one another. You’re the one saying that there skin colour is what makes them the same, but it is not.

Because Blood Elves are High Elves. Blood Elves went through no physical changes or anything after the Third War.

This is why I have weed killer and fire.
I’ll burn it down just like I burned down the night elf tree.

You can pretend to play this game of hope, but it is false, unsupported, and born from the weak ideals of children who cannot accept reality.
This dream will die.

Edit: On another note. I lost my armor, and spoke this on the wrong character. Oh well

Alliance has two elves with same color palette, the horde doesn’t, you have two elves with different skin tones, i just want the same privilege for alliance. If they give human skin tones to void elves i will be happy.


You wearing the Vestments of the Eternal Traveler?

Yeah. I know that is the issue, but I shall deal with it.



You going to complain you don’t have any green skins?
If you want to be a pale elf, go Horde. The alliance does not need a carbon copy.

what is the point of it being a void elf then?

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You do know Void Elves were transformed by Void Etherals after they went too deep into studying with the void. And before anyone uses the “Alleria has normal skin tone yet, she is a void elf” argument, she absorbed the void mastery from a dark naruu. She wasn’t transform by Void Etherals.

I dunno, ask Blizzard. :woman_shrugging:

I don’t really care what their excuse is. If they wanted to base a race off of Alleria so badly, is it really that crazy that people expect it to look like her?


Draenei have a green skin tone :stuck_out_tongue:

If you can play a purple elf in horde side why i can’t play a “pale elf” in alliance side?

Ask to Alleria, she is a void elf with human skin tones.


Why would I ask Blizzard when I know their reasoning?
“Too similar to blood elves.”

I mean
that’s why its called “based off”.
Its not supposed to be an exact copy. Otherwise, again

What is the point of being called a void elf when you don’t look like one?

You want to look pale, be a blood elf.

Its not the same green as Orcs,but fair enough.

My purple elf looks different from yours beyons color.
Your void elf would not look any different from a blood elf.

Alleria is not a playable character :man_shrugging:

You know, I find this argument very funny actually, because looking at Night Elves, they do have an option for pale skin, though, not as pale as Blood/High, but it is still pale enough. And even so, the colour is within the Night Elf that you’re posting from.

So, what is the real argument here?

People just want a Horde race on Alliance.

Look under my hood! Have you seen how pale I am? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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There is that as well.
THe night elves have a fleshy skin color

Not sure how to respond to that sir.

You look blue to me still

This one please.

Yes, a very pale shade of blue. :wink:

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Nightborne purple skin color is exactly the same as night elves dh. Why we can’t share a skin color with blood elves? Void elves have different hairstyles with tentacles, they are different beyond color too.


I think it is about time you went out to somewhere tropical in Azeroth and got a ta
 Oh wait, that will make you as black as night itself.

And Nightborne has less customisation options as Void Elves.

It will make me a pretty shade of galatic aquamica. :blue_heart:

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Its the internet, you can never be sure.

But blue all the same!

That is why I stated beyond color. There are also skin colors that are not available to night elves as well.
Nightborne are closer to trolls in appearance truth be told.

That’s not a real color

Now that would be awesome :heart:

:wink: :blue_heart:

Though I did misspell it.