The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Imagine thinking the reason why Horde has that competitive advantage is because of playable blood elvesā€¦and not the long-term competitive drain on Alliance, racials making or breaking content (Hi Kiljaedan M), casualization of Alliance, and/or the general depressoon associated with Alliance story and its playerbase.

You can do the mathā€¦taking the top two faction races of both factions and comparing them: Horde barely beats Alliance at 120 by <1%. For how high the Blood Elf player base isā€¦thats really bad and shows that a lot of the diffetence in faction popularity comes from the races out of the top 4.

When you look at every other core race outside of the top 4ā€¦the difference is jusy over 5% in Hordes favor.

Looking at allied races, the Horde differential is just over 1% but less than 2%.

So it seems more that Hordes other core races are just more popular than Alliances, so the argument has less to do with Blood Elves being the edging out factorā€¦but more to do with Horde having a strong core.

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Well we have one thread back at least.


I say we reintegrate the High Elves with the Blood Elves and have them splinter off from the Horde to be an independent faction. Letā€™s finally have a neutral faction like weā€™ve been asking Blizzard for YEARS!

I wonā€™t lie, I would play a high elf. I like Void Elves, but I canā€™t really get into them if theyā€™re anything other than a Shadow Priest (hence this character). Donā€™t get me wrong, Void Elves are awesome sauce if you want to rock with the Void as your weapon, but they are kind of overridden by flavor in a way high elves would not be.


The whole void aspect of their existence does make RPing with one a littleā€¦ limited. Even if its just class rp. lol


Yeah I like them but thatā€™s because I like Shadow Priests and the whole Void thing. If you donā€™t like or want that, I could see how theyā€™d be tough to play. Iā€™m kind of surprised they made a blood elf analog for alliance but itā€™s kind of narrow in RP at the very least.


I can maybe see why some other casting classes may have also gravitated towards studying the void, but no idea why a hunter would. But regardless, itā€™s definitely not a flavor I want to rp and thatā€™s pretty important to me. Iā€™d rather have just had high elves.


I can agree with that. Like I said, they seem made to be shadow priests, but I tried starting one as a hunter and it just felt . . . odd. They have a lot of RP baggage if they arenā€™t directly dealing with The Void. Theyā€™re actually the only AR that feels that way, at least to me.


Glad the thread is backšŸ™ŒšŸ½


Imagine if Alleria had gathered together all the High Elves and then the void tried to take them as they tried to find a safe haven or something. Still end up with Void Elves but they were high elves and the void thing becomes incidental.

Since they have the powers now they begin mastering them. I think that would have been a better story.


Finally, back to having our nice discussionsā€¦

:coffee: Good morning everyone, here is a nice cup of coffee to get this thread back too. :coffee:


It would have been, but I still wouldnā€™t like them as they are now. I would have preferred an altered stance and model over another purple/blue skinned elf. There are three types of elves with that color scheme, two of which are alliance.

And even if the story made more sense for other classes, the theme still is pretty narrow.


This thread should die along with the high elves who dared turn their back on their people!

Makes me sad how void elves have almost the same skin colors options that nelves have, and glowing eyes without irises. They are smaller night elves. Horde got two totally different types of elves, how could anyone think this was a fair trade? Horde got our appearance and lore, and we got just the skeleton of their elves.


The Alliance got 2 different types of elves. How is this not a fair trade?

And yet it doesnā€™t die.

When it gets locked, more threads appear. The cause itself just never goes away despite the intervening years, truculent devs and mean spirited people demanding that a section of the player base should absolutely not get what they want.

Even against all those odds, the hope and desire for this persists.

High elves for the Alliance. It is an orchid with no winter. No matter how cold you try to be.


rofl, You canā€™t kill hope. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


We got a smaller night elf. We have two elves and both have blue/purple skin tones.