The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

According to a google search the number of active wow subs in 2019 is at about 5 mill. So I’d say at least
like what, 250,000 respondents picked from a cross section of factions, races and content completion.

It shouldn’t be that big. 2,000 in a random sample is fine. It should be incentivized so that there is near full participation from the sample.

Well Blizz you hear em. We need a poll sent out by you to put this to bed. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think there are many who would care one way or another. There are people who feel strongly one way or another, but I imagine many more are people who would fall into a couple categories.

People who would play them but aren’t currently pushing for them, and people who wouldn’t play them but wouldn’t care if they were added.

So I think it doesn’t so much come down to how many antis or pros there are but more so how many would play them.

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You could use a poll to somewhat get an answer to that I bet.

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I’ve always wondered if it would be possible to utilize popular addons to poll people, at random, in lieu of Blizzard doing it. You could achieve some truly massive sample sizes by piggy-backing off of something like DBM or TSM.

Though, now that I think about it, this might be breaking some sort of TOS for addon creators.

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It probably is. I don’t imagine Blizz is okay with third parties collecting data on their users.

Chances are DBM (gross) would overly weight the anti argument since Horde participation in PvE is so much higher and the pro-anti lines are largely (with exceptions of course) drawn across faction lines and the pro side tends to feature more RPers.

I am actually interested in how players who play only one faction versus players who play both factions feel about things.


That’s probably true.

I wonder what sort of hoops need to be jumped through, with Blizzard, in order to be allowed to integrate the Battle Net Account API into a website – the way that OpenRaid used to function, or how WAGO works now.

It doesn’t seem like it’d be overly difficult for a website to provide players, who’ve connected their Battle Net Accounts to said website, with a random poll question on a weekly basis – and as long as there are at least 52 questions available at the onset, this would guarantee “random selection”.

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That doesn’t work either, because as mentioned there’s a question of visibility. Say the question is “should Blizzard make all female characters be forced to never wear shoes and have their feet doubled in size?” and the foot fetishist discord just really hammers their users to vote but no one else really cares that much, your results are gonna be skewed.

Any kind of poll like that which isn’t heavily curated is going to just not going to be accurate.

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  • If we were assuming that there were 52 previously established poll questions, all of which were to be assigned at random, the effort involved in intentionally skewing the results of any single question would be absolutely monumental.

  • If that fetishist Discord could convince 1,000 people to check which randomized question they’d received, with the notion of selecting what they view as the “correct” answer to a particular question, there would only be 19 individuals that would actually see this question, each week. The remaining players would need to routinely check which poll question they’d received for the week, and it would take ~1-year for all 1,000 people to have seen the question they were hoping to see.

  • If we increase the number of previously established poll questions to 104, this number drops to 9 people per week – and it would take those 1,000 players 2-years for all 1,000 people to have seen the question they were hoping to see.

  • If we increase the number of previously established poll questions to 208, this numbers drops to 4-5 people per week – and it would take those 1,000 players 4-years for all 1,000 people to have seen the question they were hoping to see.

I’m not sure I find this to be an issue, personally. If someone wants to check a website, weekly, for 4-years so they can answer “Yes” to the question, “Do you think players should be able to hide their boots?”, more power to them, IMHO. By that time, there could have been hundreds of thousands of votes and their singular vote won’t amount for much.


I just want the lore to be logically consistent. So far none of their choices regarding any of the elves have been logically consistent.


How do you figure? One large community internally shares and promotes the question and bam, skewed results. That’s not only not an ‘egregious’ amount of effort, that’s incredibly easy. It already happens. Once a week someone just has to go “remember to check your polls guys and we can get more feet in this game”.

A lot of those polls only net a few hundred respondents.

Internally sharing, promoting, and encouraging people to routinely check-in isn’t going to skew the results in any meaningful way – especially as I’ve just explained how long it would take for a committed group of 1,000 to actually throw their opinion into the mix (2-years with 104 questions, 4-years with 208 questions, 8-years with 416 questions, etc.).

A rotation of ~416 questions basically renders any efforts to manipulate the results of any singular question so thoroughly impractical, that we may as well just call it impossible – and even if there were some fanatical group that religiously monitored their weekly poll questions, hoping for the elusive inquiry about female feet, by the time they’d had enough of their people actually receive the question it will have been answered by tens or hundreds of thousands of other people, completely at random.

The actionable feedback would’ve been gathered about 7.5 years before any singular group was able to skew any results.

Right. What I was thinking was some sort of pseudo-official polling website, not operated by Blizzard but perhaps given some recognition by them (similarly to WoWpedia). In any case, will see the responses tomorrow, need to sleep. :smiley:


Someone hasnt watched Internet Historians video on why internet polls dont work

Especially ones that are open to the public


Man, I forgot about the Bieber Best Korea thing.

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Your post is precisely how I feel. I’ve moved on to playing horde on retail because Blizzard screwed over the alliance completely. Will we see high elves on alliance? Not likely. Will I keep asking for it? Oh for sure.

The abomination that are void elves, as much as I like the edgy-void-lord bits, are a complete lore-bomb. They pulled these guys out of some developer’s nether regions.

I played a night elf all through BfA 
 and I was totally dismayed about how all of their lore was handled. It truly sucks to get the treatment they’ve been given and NOTHING about their story has been positive or showed them as a strong race. They should have just replaced the night elf model with the skinny kul’tiran and colored them purple with big ears, that’s how bad I feel about night elves now.

If you look at various population metrics sites
 they all show the blood elves are the most played race. It’s no wonder the horde have no problem keeping their player population. Couple this with the focus the devs give the faction and you have an award-winning combo.

It’s probably a little too late to save the alliance faction. A gesture in that direction, IMO, is if high elves were made playable AND Blizzard does ‘em right. A badass lore introduction - freakin’ high elves flying in on dragons and bestowing their wisdom on the boy king along with a mighty force of high elves that were
 hanging out somewhere else. Hopefully you get the idea. High elves. Dragons. Awesome.

I get that the idea is a magical rainbow unicorn of hope that really won’t happen
 but man it would go a LONG way to improving the situation on the alliance side
 IMO anyway.


You don’t actually think the pretty elves are why the Horde has higher endgame participation, do you?

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