The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Not to mention it’s something with a lot of name recognition. Casuals who happen across those polls will always know what a high elf is, those are everywhere, but not what a lot of the other options are.

That’s not the same as wanting them.

Oh I didn’t mean just about this
 Like other things. Polls are just fun.

Which is a major problem with fan polls.

Ya’ll are oddly against just

It’s not that we’re against them, we just don’t take fan polls seriously.


what constitutes a fan poll over another one in this case? perhaps I have a misunderstanding.

Sound methodologies.

a poll by a fan with an agenda. the key word is fan

basically the problem is when people try to use them as proof of something.

To be useful a poll needs to be a random sampling of a representative group. So basically you need to be getting people of all opinions at random (unless you’re doing like a poll of all of a group, like if Blizz say did a log in poll based on accounts)

When you have an open online poll first you have the problem of people rushing it, there’s a ton of nicknames for it, but basically either just one group all going in there and voting as many times as they can (especially using ways to fool the site to let you vote more than allowed) to throw off the results.

Another problem is just visibility. What can easily happen is a poll is made and one group finds out about it (or made it in the first place) and they all vote but no one else does. That’s fine for a “What should we do next?” type poll for that group. But if you want a good reading of the playerbase, the poll on say the need for “Friend of the Grummles” title from the group based around their appreciation of Grummles doesn’t tell you how popular it is with the players as a whole when it’s only the Grummle lovers voting.


Specifically this person was using it as proof that there wasn’t opposition.

Particularly those polls don’t even measure “against”.

and that’s ignoring confounds like name recognition and the polls being circulated in sympathetic communities or sent in a targeted way to people who will vote in a particular fashion.


a secret poll sent out by blizzard through email link to random players or something is the only way. thats the only poll id trust. and its a simple yes or no

not that it would ever happen, blood elves are high elves and anyone can play one at the moment

Ah I see. That makes sense to be worried about.

Surely if you made one here on the Forums though you’d get a bit of the entire forum player base at least?

Also anyone who thinks there are no people against High Elves for the Alliance just needs to go to ANY of these threads. lol

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The forum playerbase, sure. But the forum playerbase is a tiny fraction of the total playerbase and isn’t representative.

They must be at least a representative subsection of it. Some data could be used there if presented when used as what it is. Forum data.

Most people who come to the forums do so to complain
 well scream into the void then argue about it with the other screaming people. That’s not the player base.

Why does there have to be? The forum playerbase is only representative of the forum playerbase. If I went to the PvP forums then asked “should Blizzard put more of their budget into PvP content?” do you think that would be representative for anything but PvPers who go to the forums?

Blizzard have gone on record as saying they don’t consider the forums representative.

Eh, all it takes is a couple people with the motivation and it can still get manipulated. I mean, with the forums having trouble remembering that all our alts aren’t separate people. Just takes someone who decides they want to mess with the results one way or another.

Clearly they’d have to tie it to one vote per bnet account.

They would need to send it out, not leave it out. They would publish the results after.

As has been said before, the Void Elves didn’t really get much in the way of development that fleshed them out. They got to act, for sure
 but not much else. And there doesn’t seem to be much going on for them when it comes to lore development which 
really does suck.

It seems like whenever Blizzard introduces new player races, they end up falling off onto the wayside.

In some cases, they get lore mutilated until they’re hardly recognizable as what they were originally introduced as. This has happened to Orcs, for example, who went from pushing for a sort of redemptive life-style; only to end up being a war-machine all over again. Still hate how Garrosh turned out

And then there’s the Night Elves, who have consistently lost battles in their own freaking lands against forces that should not have been nearly as capable of fighting an army that MUST mostly be consisting of veteran guerilla fighters; adding to that nature magics of many kinds, allies of the forest, etc
 it’s just a really weird thing.

Or you end up like the Gnomes and Goblins, largely being the comic relief and not getting much in the way of lore development or any real narrative that either makes things better, or worse.

And in some other cases the lore-hole happens. I’ve seen some people on my own server say that the lore-hole is best; since you don’t need to worry about your favorite playable race being mishandled. Which 
seems to be pretty largely correct.

And that really sucks.

Perhaps that should be the biggest concern of all, in regards to playable races in general.

How badly can Blizzard screw it up in the long run?