The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Because we all know of the night elves glorious history of fighting the Horde and not getting utterly demolished, right? Tee hee, silly elves.

We canonically won in ashenvale in cata.

Also we won the Darkshore warfront

Seems we do all right save the occasional wild God and more than 2/3rds of our people.

 I hate the devs.


I’m totally not Fezzy at all, don’t look at the guilds, but I think it’d be perfectly fine for high elves to finally officially join the alliance.

As a blood elf I feel that it is long time that my people were properly represented on the alliance
 No more of those
 Void elves. Ugh.

How you’ve dealt with them all this time I’ll never understand.


We barely know they are there honestly. They live on a rock in the void and there are like five of them.

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Hilarious. Still spam though.

We clearly saw in BFA event that Ashenvale was still contested, and the quest flow was a conquest of the remaining Night Elven forces that Horde wasn’t able to defeat in Cata, so I would say that Night Elf victory was either retconned or meaningless.

Darkshore will be the same, so don’t fool yourself thinking otherwise, the new leveling system means no World Revamp so Darkshore will remain contested forever, and if at some point in the future Blizzard decides to do a World Revamp this Darkshore victory will mean nothing again.

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Someone woke up on the wrong side of the hammock today
 Why is it always hammocks in orcish inns?

Yeah I know. Thats the hate the devs part
 it was never shown
 and it will amount to nothing.

yes it is.
You see. Pandaren were designed neutral from the get go. They were not already being represented previously. The response of “Yeah, and?” is a matter of being obtuse.

This is you just being obstinate. All that needed to be said by the devs and lore is “they’re a different race from night elves.”
Or is this another one of your shenanigans where you compare femur length?
Dev word and lore word > yours.

Night borne and void elves are different races. You can either come to terms with it, stay in denial so we can begin this cycle anew.

There is no spoon.

Who did not have a previously playable variant existing before hand.
Furthermore, you can keep going “muh pandaren” and it doesn’t change the fact that the developers explicitly stated
“we’re not doing a neutral race like the pandaren.”

So its a stupid example because the devs are already never going to do it per their word.

In what world?
You can’t tell the difference between Lanesh and a male SC high elf.
Don’t be intellectually dishonest.

This is not a counterpoint, its a weak attempt to dismiss the point. That is an invalid tactic during a discussion.

You’re right, because you made it up. :man_shrugging:

and they were counter pointed.

That’s what you do dude.

I state “list cultural differences”

“Well blood elves have the blood knights.”

Another poster: Paladins are nothing new for high elves/blood elves.

“well they force the light!”

Not since TBC and the whole “the light feels warm and Liadrin converted to it”

“but they were supposed to have a storyline for liadrin in WoD”

Which doesn’t matter because it is stated she is a dedicated paladin of the light by the paladin hall.

“muh pandaren”

Devs said they’re never going to replicate pandaren so that kills high elves in one aspect because you want a neutral race essentially.

“They don’t start out neutral”

And pandaren have to choose a faction in the end.

“But they’re different political factions”

shifting everywhere.


They arent different per devs and lore. Thats one link broken.

Pandaren are never being repeated as a neutral race. That kills another link.

Night borne and void elves are stated by devs and lore to be difference races. A look another dead link

If we work with this logic, Alliance got a horde race, Void elves, so they don’t need high elves.
Oh and have we gone over the modela rgument? Thats another can of worms.

There is no cyclical argument, its just nonsense you made up to deal with your cognitive dissonance.


this was perhaps one of the dumbest things I have ever seen you write out.
Who did they target? Blood elves.
Any other horde members? No.
What are the sunreavers compromised? Blood elves.
Are the marines a singular ethnicity? No.

Based on your logic, any group that has a military faction is totally not a victim of ethnic cleansing.
looks at rwanda
Not an ethnic cleansing

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And you know
 marines are a military target and would be killed because they pose a threat, not a bunch of civilians who Jaina wanted to vent her frustrations on.

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Those polls don’t measure ‘against’.


I really need to turn my “Why open to anyone online polls for anything are useless” lecture into a text document I can just copy pasta in where needed.

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The polls that are often shared in topics made about High elves and shared specially among those that support them?

Yeah, that will boost those numbers or, rather, inflate them.


Are you suggesting polls posted on fan sites made by fans that are only filled out by a tiny, tiny fraction of fans, by people who may or may not still play, can be filled out multiple times by the same person and don’t ask for an opinion but rather what someone wants aren’t scientific? Hot take sis.

Would love to post polls here but blizz for some reason wont allow it

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they also alert everyone to vote in the discord


Not only that, the polls are only asking people if they want them. Having a narrow lead over the next thing isn’t evidence that their unpopularity doesn’t also exist.


Polls here wouldn’t be any better. Polls only mean something when they’re taken in sterile conditions and ask a broad cross section of people which is only possible by asking a large number of people.

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and what would that prove? besides that a small group exists who have never accepted that this fantasy universe isnt following standard tropes regarding racial line ups, have complained for years about it, and still arent happy when they get a close enough but not absolutely identical result

be happy you got it. the models never should have been shared

enjoy your void elf reward

I’m glad you got some rest. I myself have a lot of trouble going to sleep, and I find the very act ironically difficult.

I see what you mean. But to be fair, the story is far beyond ruined. You have Blood Elves who have decided to throw in their lot with Orcs and Undead, both races that tried to genocide them (yes, you’re going to counterargue that the Orcs and Undead they sided with are different from the Old Horde and Scourage respectively, but that still doesn’t make sense when you have them discriminating against Darkspear trolls because they fought forest trolls for forever)

You have villains who constantly get brought back from the dead because of a “setback” (Mal’ganis is still kicking in Wrath, which makes Arthas’ purge of Lordaeron for nothing), you have this paradox of there must always being a Lich King to prevent the Scourage from being a threat to this world, and you have time travel Orcs.

As someone who dearly loves Warcraft lore, I understand the lore is only there to suit the gameplay. What’s the addition of High Elves going to do anyway? Invoke memories of a time when the story actually made sense?

Also for the record, I’m happy every time a Horde AR gets announced, and I look forward to killing them in BGs

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