The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I always thought the night elf epilogue would be a story for the post-war, and not something that would be taken care within BfA itselt.

But I don’t see a satisfying way to continue it in Shadowlands. It feels like it’s turning into a story about the nature of Elune. In other words, yet another cosmic thread, instead of keeping it as racial drama and an opportunity to develop and move forward the race.


And it also has the possibility of turning Tyrande into a villain for not wanting to hold hands with the horde. I am so annoyed with Anduin and that whole plot.


To be fair shes not been immensely helpful for our people over all. She keeps burning bridges or running off after Malfurion. Now all she is is vengeance given form.

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I don’t care for her much overall, but painting her as a villain for wanting people to be held accountable for Teldrassil and telling Anduin so is ridiculous. Especially since I still suspect there will be a redemption “plot twist” for Sylvanas.


But gods in fantasy are absent. She helps enough by giving powers to her priestesses and many creatures. I don’t expect gods to come to aid mortals directly unless it’s a threat of godly proportions.

To me, Tyrande blaming Elune feels like a spoiled child calling for mommy because she couldn’t handle her job right.


I care.

I care a lot.

Makes me smile from ear to ear when I see how long the High Elf discussions and threads always goes. And to those that would say that it’s carried out by an equal amount of love and hate, if not more hate, then I’d like to suggest that you look at a lot of polls out there. More often than not, when High Elves are being voted for, they tend to have more going for them, than against.


I agree, and I also agree with Alamara on

specifically this

I want the war back. I want Tyrande to more bluntly tell Anduin to stuff it, remind Feathermoon just who the High Priestess of Elune and leader of the Night Elves is, rally her Army of the Black Moon (knowing I’m right there), and get to it. If she wants to claim a Queen’s crown I’ll gladly hand it to her.


Which counter arguments?

“They were designed that way” isn’t a valid counter argument. The counterpoint is, “Yeah, and?”

Which other than an arbitrary timeframe that does not matter doesn’t make them different from the Highborne, who are part of the Kal’dorei?

Yeah. Elves slightly changed by magic over 10,000 years. Blood Elves were visibly changed by magic as well. Void Elves did it in an afternoon.

They’re Night Elves.

There is no counter argument.

Pandaren are the exact same race, across two factions with political differences.

They show that you can look EXACTLY the same and be on both sides.

Which, High Elves and Blood Elves don’t look exactly the same.

“They were designed to be on both factions.” is an irrelevant statement. Not a counter argument.

That certainly didn’t happen. I’ve listened some of the cultural differences that exist. Keeping in mind the medium, a game about a bunch of people who fight eachother, the changes are fairly dramatic.

You can agree to disagree, but you never disproved any of it. Just moved some goal posts.


We’re not. It’s a circular argument.

“Blood Elves belong to the Horde.” > “They’re different.”
“Blood Elves and High Elves are the same!” > “Pandaren.”
“Pandaren were designed to be neutral!” > “Nightborne and Void Elves.”
“Horde should get an Alliance Race!” > “You did. Night Elves = Nightborne.” - Return to start.


Unfortunately, after how BfA was handled, I don’t think the playerbase would welcome yet another faction war plot for a long time


The Sunreavers are a military faction. With the way you’re categorizing ethnic cleansing, it would be like saying that someone was performing ethnic cleansing when their leader told them to, “Kill all the Marines on the beach.”

Obviously, in a fantasy game with fantasy races the incidents of targeting a group that is likely to be compromised of entirely one race is likely. But it’s not like the players are performing ethnic cleansing everytime they roll over the Steamwheedle Cartel, etc. etc.

With that same definition practically any dungeon a player enters is an act of ethnic cleansing.


An expansion “focused” on a war between Alliance and Horde will certainly take a while, as it well should. However, that doesn’t mean the end of the conflicts between factions within the Alliance and Horde. If Blizzard doesn’t waste Tyrande’s time and doesn’t put her in the Shadowlands for too long, then I’m sure that her and/or Malfurion will continue on the fight against the Horde.


It’s hard to say. After Wrath people have kind of hated every other expansion that wasn’t a class expansion

so we’ll see what happens with the next, non-class expansion.


Oh those 2 are not even close to being finished with the Horde. Cant wait to see what they do to it.



I’ll be right there with you, Murgy.


I know you will, but shhhhh, we don’t necessarily have to tell Reno. :wink:

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They are two entirely different systems, so why Pandarens are even in the discussion of the Allied Race system makes no sense other than for the pro-side trying to grasp at the straw of “high elves with very little changes”.

The entire design philosophy for the pandaren similarities was entire upon its conception.

The Allied Races focusing more and more on differences from their core models has become more and more apparent (heck, the next one isnt even a goblin but just its model).

Using the Pandaren only ‘works’ if you ignore that the argument doesnt take into account the system difference, the core philosophy difference, the success difference, etc. Its just an overused argument to push for the 'high elves with no changes" which isnt going to be a thing with the allied race system.

Saying the pandaren argument is a good argument, is like saying nuclear fusion and fission are the same thing because it has to do with nuclear energy and deals with atoms. If you ignore everything else besides the appearance, thats how you have an argument.

Which brings me to this part:

This comes from the idea that Nightborne and Void Elves have already happened Call. So if High Elves do happen, people want another Alliance race.

Its called a 1-for-1 trade.

Horde getting something brand new in exchange for High Elves = bad trade for Alliance because Horde gets new themes and new races.

Horde gets another reskin in exchange for High Elves = bad trade for Horde because Horde get really nothing in compensation for blood elf model being used again for Alliance.

Horde getting something from Alliance for High Elves = Balanced Trade.


I am sure he would understand. What’s better than standing side by side and slaughtering horde forces?