The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I really dislike how they look as well. They should have had more variation in skin and hair colors from day one. Of those 6 skins, at least two should have been somewhat “normal”, maybe light flesh tone with purple shadowing, or a non-bluish white-purple tone. Of the hair colors, they could easily taken out some of the grays and given us silver or reddish tones. They’d still look “tainted”, but at least they would have variety.


More variety is good. Some ARs really suffer from a lack of it. I also would have liked more hairstyles without the tentacles as options, like do one with, and one without. If they were done better maybe I wouldn’t mind the tentacles as much, have a medusa looking character or something, but they are globbed on there and have a weird glow texture.


All allied races, even the upcoming 8.3 ones, need at least twice the amount of options they have right now.

But the four preorder ones are by far the worst offenders. Blizzard really rushed all of them. The models that got the most resources were nightborne (only preorder race with new faces, animations and proportions compared to the original model), and they still look unfinished and with even less options than most other races.


Yeah, all the ars need work. Maybe after they do core race customization they’ll get to the Ars.


All races are getting new customizations in shadowlands, i think normal skin color will be an option to void elves. I tried to play them, but their options are just blue skin, blue hair, its boring. We can’t be stucked with the same color pallete forever.


They said they won’t give ARs new customizations “for now”.

Maybe it’s because they’ll be added in patches rather than 9.0, but the statement leaves me worried that allied races will be abandoned as a past expansion feature for years.


This worries me too. Since most of the allied races are just customization options themselves I wonder why they’re not increasing their options.

Blizzard shouldn’t even wait Shadowlands for allied race improvement, really. They are a BfA feature and should be improved in BfA.

I saw a single source saying that 8.3 would have new allied race skins (because of DKs), but so far there’s nothing in the PTR. If this ends up true, I hope some new skins won’t be exclusive to DKs

But I’ll probably be disappointed again.


My hopes in blizzard have dwindled to pretty much nothing. i don’t plan to even buy shadowlands at this point.


To be frank, Avarie, I’m only subscribed right now because I pay six months in advance.

My subscription ends April 2nd. Blizzard has until that to show me anything to look forward to, or I’ll most likely drop WoW. So far I have zero reasons to stay, and there’s nothing in 8.3 or Shadowlands that can keep me hooked up for now.


I have unsubbed, but still have some time left on my account because I forgot what day it was being billed on. I was sticking around to put the new thread up, but it seems as though my trust level dropped and I can’t post links now. The other threads are still on a lock loop from spam flags and I don’t want to open a new one without them being closed due to the cap.

Blizzard hasn’t even acknowledged us anyway and I feel like if they were going to it would have been at blizzcon.


I pay as I go in 15 day increments. I have a tendency to flit off to other games often though

I’m the opposite. I usually stick to one thing and dedicate myself to it. WoW subscription is cheap, and I loved the setting enough to think it would be unlikely for me to drop it, so I got used to pay in advance and get the discount.

It’s clear to me that Blizzard stopped caring a long time ago. Last expansion that really got me happy was MoP. Legion seemed like a return to form after WoD’s disaster, and you all know how I believed that Blizzard had a great ending planned for BfA, but it ended up being another derailment.

WoD was an flawed expansion from its concept. I still can’t believe they went with time-traveling alternate timeline orcs for that. But BfA had the potential for greatness. I has so many missed opportunities and flawed features, and has mistreated us to such an extent I feel like an unwanted customer.

Now, for the first time since I started playing I haven’t preordered the next expansion, and I’ll resist buying it until Blizzard gives me a sign that it still cares for its lore and for players’ desires.


I actually played through most of WoD even. The story was ridiculous but I loved seeing the outland zones as they were. I remember hearing the name shadowmoon valley in bc, and I envisioned what that must look like and then I got there and I was horrified. Seeing it in WoD was much closer to how I initially envisioned it.


I played non-stop until BfA announcement. The void elf discussion made me stop renewing the subscription (twice) for the 1st time in the first semester of 2018.

WoD was flawed at its concept, but it had some great things. I really despised how bad the main premise was, but despite it I was able to enjoy the leveling. I loved exploring Draenor, it was beautiful and with great music. I think Spires of Arak had an incredible storyline, and Draenor came with a lot of good lore for orcs and draenei that I’m glad were retconned later into the main timeline. I also liked that Gul’dan was back, but I’d prefer if it was done without resorting to alternate timeline shenanigans.


Yeah I could have done without the time travel stuff. It was easy to see it as just an appeal to Nostalgia.


I feel like Blizzard has lost itself in cosmic stories, while Warcraft is at its best when the threats aren’t that big. MoP had a new land, faction war, a new Titanforged enemy and good Old God lore, and it felt great (even if its last two patches weren’t that good).

After that, we get into alternate timelines, Legion, this mess of BfA (which seemed to go back to basics but then got derailed completely) with Sylvanas serving a Death entity we never heard about and N’Zoth sequestering the story for himself in the last act, then next we go to the realm of Death to fight Sylvanas’ master.

It would have been much better if Sylvanas was just in league with Helya, and this expansion was all about them, introducing Shadowlands themes that would be used to develop it over time rather than suddenly, and leaving N’Zoth for next expansion.

8.0 had some good hooks that were just abandoned, and the plot got completely mishandled from 8.2 onwards.


Yeah the old gods were always supposed to be this big huge threat, but now sylvanas of all people is a bigger threat and all powerful. It’s just really not good storytelling.


You can see how everything that mattered in 8.0 does not matter anymore in 8.3. Kul Tiras has no purpose left, Zandalar plot was dropped, the teams we gathered in 8.0 had diminishing roles over the patch cycle, the main characters of BfA were replaced by Wrathion (who won’t appear at all until 8.3), the faction war was dropped midway and replaced by N’Zoth, and we don’t deal with Sylvanas (the main culprit for the entire story) at all. It’s a mess all around.


Not to mention aside from a few mentions here and there, we have no idea where the Night Elven (Darnassian) people stand
 or UC
 Or even really Arathi. Its going to all be in limbo for years probably.