The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Criticizing is not downplaying. It’s exactly because I like Alliance that it’s frustrating to see it get the short stick. And I have every right to complain about it.

It’s you that have no right to say what I can or can’t talk about.


Dude i get the idea you dont like the void elves, but downplaying Umbrics role in War Campaign and saying the HM have more a role in BFA
when they dont, clearly shows this idea to just downplaying Alliance lore and achievement.

So why are you anti-Alliance?

Im not saying you cant complain (trust me, i complain about Alliance story too) but when you actively degrade the lore and the achievement to help fuel an argument
 it comes off as weird.


I am going to need to see some citations that state specifically that high elves were hiding behind humans and doing nothing to fix their situation.


There no lore on the other end either, since the majority of situation fixing was self-oriented.

Like each area where high elves wete had different ways to combat the mana thirst.

That’s my point. They are asserting that playable high elves would make the actions of the blood elves look bad, since supposedly all the high elves had to do was hide behind humans and wait. There’s zero proof that that’s what they did.


Well going by the Warcraft Encyclopedia of the idea that the conglomerations of high elves dont cooperate with each other
each having their own ways to stop the addition

and each with their own goals.

Doesnt that strengthen her point? If all thes groups do not work together and all have seperate solutions that only work for them
wouldnt it just show that the cooperative sacrifice of the blood elves were for nothing?

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None of them stopped the addiction. They found ways to cope, yes. But nothing says they hid behind humans and did nothing, nor does it say they didn’t look for long term solutions or that they guarded their solutions from other survivors.

I am asking that she back her claim up with stated facts from a canon source because what she is saying is all the assumptions from someone who doesn’t want playable high elves and therefore may have a bias coloring her assumptions about what they did.


High elves story of how they coped would be a good story, and could be a further foil to blood elves and a point of contention that brings high elves more in line with the alliance overall too.

I can see it undermining blood elves too though.

We need a good story to make it all work and I’m fearful blizz would give them void elf level treatment.


I’m not too sure about this. They’ve clearly had different experience if the story is anything to go by, Blood elves sated their thirst with Fel influence with varying levels.

High elves delt with it differently, one isn’t necessarily better than the other in regards to survival, it doesn’t undermines the struggle the blood elves went through it just tells a different story and expands the worlds story overall.

It’s not impossible to write it in a way that doesn’t paint blood elves as “evil” if that’s what you’re concerned with.

High elves couldn’t have the Void elf treatment for the sheer fact that they’ve had a story and presence in game, they could literally just give them to us under a simplistic story of “reunification” and it would be 200% more satisfying than inventing a race that didn’t exist to the extent high elves have in the Alliance’s endgame stories.


I like blood elves too, so I don’t want them to be treated as villains or needlessly cruel in the story. But I also don’t want high elf fans to be held responsible and punished for blizzard’s writing.


Of course, since it’s a 90/10 split between Horde High Elves and Alliance High Elves a reunification story seems like it would be the story of High Elves joining the Horde (unless you’re planning on removing Blood Elves from the Horde and force-changing them all to the Alliance). Something I’m pretty sure you would find unsatisfying.

Think I’ve said it before but

I wish the void elf intro was actually Alleria gathering and unifying all high elves then during the final meeting up they get attacked by durzan or whatever void guys name was and all of them are turned into void elves. Vereesa, SC, the various lodges. All of them.

Alliance gets high elves, blizz gets to give us void infused blue copy paste, and blood elf players don’t have to have any further complaints than they do now about void elves.

Would have effectively put it all to rest.


You’re not the only person who’s written that here. :slight_smile:

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The obvious nuance is that it obviously would just be the 10 out of that 90/10 split that would consider themselves “reunified” as they consider themselves high elves and don’t consider their horde counterparts as high elves.

Not even horde high elves consider themselves high elves, more blood elves. A little note 90% of players seem to either forget or ignore, in their own games narrative :man_shrugging:.


Ah ok, I get it now

It’s the unification (not re-unification) of the disparate groups of High Elves who are not in the Horde under the Alliance banner that you’re proposing. A unified 10%. Thanks for clarifying. :slight_smile:

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Yes, and I’ve said things like that multiple times.

Heck, I’ve wrote at least three scenarios in which that or something close to that could happen.

The big deal with void elves isn’t that they were given instead of “pure” high elves, but how poorly made they were, and how Blizzard just didn’t care about fleshing them out and making them feel like a worthy natural successor to high elves.

By this point it’s clear that Blizzard has no idea of what to do with void elves. They had an entire expansion to develop them and did nothing meaningful, and next expansion has themes, locations, features and objectives so alien to anything related to void elves that it’s clear we are looking at a four-year gap minimum since their introduction before they have any chance of being developed.

In essence, Blizzard couldn’t even bother itself to try to give us something good in place of what we cared about.


I’d have left personally. I don’t like void elves, and wouldn’t care for that story either. I mean the void elves were at least already messing with the void which explains why they were targeted, but all the high elven groups, even the ones that distanced themselves from magic at all being force changed out of nowhere wouldn’t be that much better.


I think it would be better than what we have now because at least void elves would have a past, and the forced transformation would mean they wouldn’t be happy about it, and coping with change can make interesting stories.

Way more interesting than all void elves being happy about their cool new powers and getting instant proficiency with them.


That’s true, and I would at least have story ideas for them. They just aren’t my cup of tea. They are pretty overall and all that, but I don’t like the tentacles and the random color change in battle. Anytime I get an idea for a void elf, I log out soon after starting them because of that.

I would be happy for those who enjoyed them though. It just wouldn’t keep me here.


Yeah their instant ability with it as though they’ve been at it for years is

I wonder if it would have been better if for the Krokul rep we actually got the broken Draenei and then the Lightforged rep went to high elves through Alleria.

At least then the Broken Draenei have connections to fel and it would be only a minor stretch to have them also have some work with the void and possible proficiency.

Eh it probably would have been a worse story

though that way you could have made LFD a customization option for regular Draenei.