The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

You mean the Sunreavers, which is a blood elf group, which was a form of ethnic cleansing. It had nothing to do with removing the horde from Dalaran, so much as it was removing that specific group.

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Shh calling it what it was it’s a no-no.


Technically, it had Horde territory in it. It was pretty satisfying to stomp into Sunreaver Sanctuary and kill those damn mages that always teleported me out.

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So first you label Magni doing something as “dwarven lore”, but now “Horde had territory in Dalaran”.

Yep. Nope, I’m out before I burst a blood vessel.

EDIT: Also, nice to see you enjoy people killing their own. Very righteous.

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Horde has had more than enough get-out-of-punishment-free cards. I’ll enjoy one of the few opportunities to pay them back that we got, yes.

Purge of Dalaran was one of the few Alliance wins we got in the whole history of the game, and I’ll always cherish it.

A faction that practiced genocide at least six times has no right no point fingers.


You seem to be forgetting this is a two faction game, and half the population is on one of those factions. Punishing theplayers for matters beyond their control so you can feel good in your RP is stupid.

It was an ethnic cleansing of the very people that you profess to want playable.
You know
the thing you don’t like the Horde doing?

because the Alliance has never done anything bad, genocidal, or questionable at any point.
See, this is why the Alliance will never get anything decent. You want to be the good guy all the time with a clear bad guy.

Will only ever be reactionary and never achieving any form of satisfaction. Which is also why another Purge of Dalaran will never be repeated.

It’s a video game, you’re taking it way too seriously if you’re jumping into the ethnic cleansing with the thought process of “THIS IS JUSTICE FOR WHAT ORCS DID TO OUR PEOPLE BLOOD ELVES!”



No, the race I want playable was the one doing the job.

Gimme high elves, Blizzard!

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You do realize high elves and blood elves are the same race, and the same people, from the same region.

And you’re mad theHorde does bad things
but fine doing the bad thing. Should be a Hordie.

Play a blood elf -Blizzard 2019

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“You think you want it, but you don’t” -Blizzard 2013
“But, for some people, their favorite flavor is Vanilla” -Blizzard 2017


“If you want to play a fair skinned, blonde, majestic elf,the Horde is waiting for you” -Ion 2019 in regards to high elves.

Let’s ignore the quote addressing your actual demand though.

Let’s not even consider the fact you enjoyed doing the verything the Horde do. Roll a blood elf.

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Nah, the Horde likes to start wars.
I like to end them.

The first shot was not ours, so I have no regret. Payback is hell.

For the Alliance!

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Except that in this case the Sunreavers were framed, and not given an opportunity to defend themselves.
When they attempted to leave peacefully, the Alliance killed their mounts, then attacked innocent shopkeepers who were blood elves.

That’s an ethnic cleansing and attempted genocide of a people you know.
It is also the very thing you stated you don’t likeabout the Horde.
So the reality of the matter is you just want to get petty payback, regardless of who suffers. That is very anti-alliance behavior.

Roll a blood elf. We suit you better.


Well, they did say all of the races would be getting eye color customization
 It would be cool if Blood Elves got blue eyes.

No need for another race. Blood Elves are High Elves.

Void elves are blood elves, but blue. They were even Horde and use dirty tactics and dark magic.

I want a high elf, thought. You hear me, Blizzard?

As for the Purge, no regrets. Sunreavers betrayed Dalaran thrice, it’s in their nature. For the Alliance!

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Like ethnic cleansing?

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Or mass bombings?


Or attacking a neutral city?

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If they were serious about fixing faction imbalance, all they would have to do is make high elves and give them an OP racial ability like mechagnomes.

They won’t do it though, because the Horde is 75% Blood Elf and they can’t risk that much of a shift.

Hopefully when Shadowlands crashes and burns, and they figure out that no one cares how ‘cool’ Sylvanas is, and that destroying lore for the sake edge is a losing gambit, there might be a change in leadership. Then maybe everyone’s dream of high elves might come true.

Blizzard was desperate enough to break out invisible shirts as transmogs to keep people, im sure high elves are not far out of ream of possibility.


Or Ambushing High elves

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I looked at this and said, “wait, I didn’t post this!”

Cool mog!

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