The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Do believe it can be used for both,

Well the Quel’dorei was the term that was originally used to describe the Highborne in a kind of we are the superior race of elves kind of way. Over 10,000 years though it’s changed to reference High Elves , to contrast the Night Elves who are the Kaldorei

Even the game referenced the High Elf as Quel’dorei and the difference of the all the elves, Hope this help explain why I used Quel’dorei.

“Behold this motley throng in which the rebels put their faith.

Kaldorei? You disgrace [a glorious past], hiding in trees and cloaking yourselves in false piety. You have grown as savage as the [trolls] that skulk about your forests.

Quel’dorei? You are peasants playing at nobility, all too willing to mingle with lesser races that dilute your bloodline. You are unworthy of the name high elves.

Sin’dorei? Of all the elves, I thought you might understand the choice I made to save my people. Instead, you ally with misfits and monsters.

Each of you has debased your proud lineage. Each of you has forgotten the ancient power that is our birthright.
Let this failed rebellion be a lesson to any that would stand against the shal’dorei

— Elisande’s retort (actually says it in game)


Tbf old content stories feed directly into subsequent content.

The least I can do is give you a like for your trouble

Probably wouldn’t have been my call, but I guess that’d do it

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Legion content =/= BFA content

If i was a mod who was that trigger happy, then i wouldnt be a mod

The point of contention was purely BFA.

You are just backing up a straw argument with another straw argument.

Just to show how wrong you are, this is my original first message on this HM/VE discussionb:

There, you have it. I cited Legion from the start, and showed how HM got more because their recruitment storyline was way better, while not dragging far behind the void elves in 8.0-8.2.5 content.

It’s all there, in the first message. No goal moved during the entire discussion.

You, on the other hand, gave me these “arguments”:

That’s the kind of dishonesty you have. Instead of answering arguments, you throw personal attacks.

And then when I insist in the original arguments, you say I’m “changing goalposts”.


I guess I’d argue then, that HM Tauren didn’t need the spotlight that much in BfA. Void Elves however definitely still need it


Ok, since you linked both of those. Where does your usage of Legion content come onto play?

Because ill I see on my point and yours is solely BFA until you get trounced again and bring up Highmountain zone in Legion.

Yes, indeed.

Highmountain got little exposure but didn’t need a lot of it. They had it already.

VOid elves are desperately in need of it, but have been neglected since forever.


Weird post when you originally posted “the highmountain were in BFA?”

I’m just sharing my thoughts on it now. If we’re comparing the content they’ve gotten in BfA I think it’s safe to say the HM didn’t get close to any because they don’t need it


As said, moving the goalpost it’s moving the goalpost.

You keep applying different standards to two things and pretending some things count for others but not for Void elves because it’s convenient for you.

No they’re not. None of those serve as development for the dwarves. Also Magni is no longer king, the Council of the Three Hammers exist.

And then you resort to projecting and victimization

Well, HM didn’t really have a spotlight. They didn’t have a candlelight.


On one hand that’s a shame, but on the other not many people play the race that should’ve been a barber option, so


So wait if the Highmountain didnt need the spotlight, and agreeing with someone who has agreed with the idea that HM barely had a role in BFA?

Isnt Alamara just agreeing with me that the Void Elves had more relevance in BFA than Mayla?

For an expansion that was suposedly about Sylvanas, Alleria got ludicrously little amount of exposure.

For an expansion that introduced the race, void elves got a ridiculous amount of lore.

That we can even have this HM vs VE without VE examples ROFLstomping HM moments to dust shows how stupidly little they got.

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So are you going to own up and say you agree with me instead of talking around it

I mean i understand that its hard to type “i agree” to an anti poster but i think you are capable.

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I mean, the same could be said about mag’har and lfd, but it is what it is.
All Allied races are severely lacking on development, and that’s the main reason why I’m against more races being added in general, because it only adds to the pile of underdeveloped races.
For Void elves, they had a bad start, but comparing bad with bad doesn’t make one of those that have it bad (Void elves) worse

I don’t even know if the last part makes sense.

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What’s even the argument at this point? I’m lost

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What ever Alamara decides the argument is to avoid agreeing with me.